Completed Bluelight-Inflexxion survey on the progression of hydrocodone combination product use

Just to correct myself, I am not 15 years old now. I will never be short enough, thin enough, though for my height, I am at my preferred weight and was then, as well. My grandmother, a RN, found out and got me off of that nonsense in a year, but it took an entire summer to get over that junk. Thank you.
Hi all,
I am new.....only because of a 15 year old wanting to talk about the DIET PILLS my mother put me on. Bi phetamine T20s. forgive the spelling. Ahh, we are talking about oxycontin, Percoet, endocet, etc. The same Mother, is now on so many opiates, her Drs. won't listen, at 80 years old. 6 10 mg of Endocet daily. She had one simple back surgery and can talk her Drs. into anything. I have had 5 spinal surgeries, 4, three spinal fusions, and a repeat at one site, and since I never, ever want to lose control, and since I am OCD, anxiety and sleep disorder going on.....I do not want life to be a blur, nor something I don't remember. I don't and can't speak for anyone's pain threshold. I would rather be distracted and just thank GOD, I am better off than most.
I am new as of tonight. I do not want to preach to any choir. If you overdo any medication, and come down hard, or if you take too much, or any other illegal drugs, make out a will. You have to have a Doctor's help in coming down from a medication that doesn't agree with you, like nausea. If you are taking too much, the down days before your script is due to be filled....good luck. I don't know what the answers are for any of ya'll. Life is worth living. I myself get by distracting the hell out of myself, exercising, a hobby, and simply people.....I so love music!!! You are cutting your life span down if you get on some of these things, don't let a Dr. just get rid of you with a script, research it, talk to your pharmacist, and if you have what they call an addictive personality......again, have someone you love monitor your meds. It is a bitch to live with someone, who won't give me permission to help them. Yes, it is still my mother, who I am grateful, I did get away from for a long time.....It is her age, and her two latest hospital stays, that got me back involved. Dementia is a bitch on these meds, too. I want everyone to know, I am no judge, oxycontin can cause white outs, which are seconds, minutes of complete no memory. Long term won't remember your own name or birthday. Please be careful.
Super simple, not long at all. Didn't know about the surveys on here... May go looking for more ;)
I've have tried using just about every type of opiate out there at one time or another,and have been an addict for over 40 years.
Im an opiate addict, and one of my favorite's is Hydrocodone. ive probably popped easily 120 or more of these over the years. Recreation, AND medical use. I've been prescribed pill, and syrup form of hydrocodone, usually including acetaminophen. Vicodin, and lortab is what I've mainly been prescribed. I prefer vicodin for pain, and recreational use over lortab. It seems to do the trick wether it be resolving pain, or opiate fiends. Another thing i really dont like about Lortab is the tolerance. Even though they contain the same active ingredients, lortab seems to have a faster tolerance gain compaired to vicodin. Atleast from my personal perspective and use, EVERYONE is affected differently with drugs. However my favorite method of recreational use with hydrocodone is easily the syrup! It taste very good, simply can sip out of the bottle with no problem, very sweet and charming. Or you can go in style and get a double cup with some jolly ranchers, ice, and sprite and sip slow just like you would with Promethazine-codeine. With my personal experience, tolerance gain is somewhat low with syrup form, and kicks in faster for recreational use, and might I add it also last longer! ( Depending on how many vics / lortabs / etc you take at a time ) 6 oz's of syrup is equivalent to popping 6 7.5 / 325 mgs Vics to me. I have popped no more than 10 at a time without cold water extraction. ( No one has time for that and your wasting valuable hydro ) If your like me you don't mind testing your liver and taking 1000 MGs of acetaminophen at a time. ( on a side note its no worse than your average heavy weight drinker that downs bottles of vodka every weekend to there kidneys ) We all do a little something to harm our insides from time to time to feel a little better on the outside.
Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far. I have just posted to our front page to garner more support, as we are still not even half way towards the target sample of 500.

We realise not everyone has experiences with hydrocodone IR to share, but if you even tried it just the one time, we urge you to complete the survey and help us get to the target of 500 participants.

Consider it as a way of donating to Bluelight through your time rather than your wallet! :)
I've been an addict for 13 years, to benzodiazepines and opioids (Though I've been able to stop opioids multiple times over the years) in my honest opinion this survey focused /way/ too much on the addiction/gateway drug aspect of Hydrocodone IR, by just asking the question "What have you tried /after/ you first took Hydrocoone IR" Hydrocodone IR wasn't even my first opioid it was Codeine. And that didn't cause me to start using any other type of drugs.
hydrocodone sux too much itch not enough nod Oxycodone rivals this and all other opiates besides fetanyl which has a special place in my mind right on the line of heaven and hell
Hydrocodone was the first opioid that I ever tried. When I was 15 I had already started smoking cannabis and my father was prescribed 10mg Norcos for back pain. I was at school one day and a kid at my lunch table was talking about how much fun painkillers are. I thought to myself, "Shit, there's tons of that at my house." That day I went home and took 5 pills out of my fathers bottle of 180. I saved them for Thanksgiving, which was days away. I took all of them, yes 50mg for my first time. It wasn't too much by any means, probably a little under a perfect dosing for my tolerance at that time. I wouldn't realize til later that this is a very high first dose and i would soon realize that I had a much higher NATURAL tolerance than most people. That Thanksgiving was great. I was pleasantly euphoric and peppy all day. I distinctly remember throwing a football with my cousins in the front yard and feeling like everything was perfect and there was almost a dream-like quality to the whole experience. I didn't really touch opioids/opiates again for a few years besides an occasional experience here or there. Then at about 18 I started up again with opiates and by 19 I was heavily physically addicted. This would lead to a 5 year daily opiate/oid habit. By the time I got off opiates in 2008 I was consuming at least 20 mg (yes MG) of fentanyl a day. And it all started with hydrocodone IR 10mg Norcos.
yeah hydrocodone was one of the first opiates i started having a love affair with i mean it began with oxy but when i couldnt get hold of any i would gladly doctor shop for some lortab or vicodin and took them like it was gold maybe the first 1-5 times i took it i felt this electrical body high with warm fuzzy like nods (pleasant dreams) and maybe by the 7th time i took it i was just gratifying my opiate craving but i still would get that warm glow and it got to the point when i would mix T3'S and vicodin together then i got worried about my liver until i learned how to CWE that enabled me to up my dosage to my satisfaction even after i started shooting dope i still would take lortab or vicodin just to kill that withdrawl long enough for me to make a move to get some dope i kinda forgot how the high is now i been on methadone since i was 17 and only time i feel a opiate rush is when i can inject it so thats basically only H or dilaudid and sometimes ill shoot a few of my MSCONTIN but i recently researched hydrocodone and foundout this shit actually leads to hearing loss and continuous high doses and it got my brain pondering now cause my hearing aint shit like it used to be but i guess i got nobody to blame but my own drug addicted self
While seventeen and working on a film set down in Texas (I'm from B.C.), someone gave me (can't remember what for) a handful of IR hydrocodone...for whatever reason (to this day, I'm baffled) it was the only opiate/oid to give me almost no perceivable effects when taken orally. Go figure. Codeine, oxy, hydromorphone, and opium (tea and refined) all gave me excellent and enjoyable highs.

Writing this now, in retrospect, there's a chance that what I was given wasn't hydro, perhaps...welp.

Unsure if it's actually prescribed in Canada, I've never seen it here (plenty of awful, potentially lethal, Fentanyl-laced OC80s floating around, though! *sobs into tea towel*- people keep dying.)
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I snort oxy's. Got too expensive. Now I snort H and roxy. But far less Roxy now. I am experienced at this. I have tried smoking H several times now. To be honest, I do not like the feeling as much as snorting because it get's you TOO out of it! I snort to get energy, not feel stoned. Smoking H feels very similar (to me at least) as smoking pot. I can work just fine snorting H but not while smoking. Last time I smoked I literally went to bed for an hour after smoking it about 30 minutes before. If you can't sleep smoking H is a perfect cure but not if you want to be functioning. BTW: Best way to snort H is to buy one of those "LADY EGG" callous scrapers. They grind it up into a very fine powder in moments. Perfect tool to grind and snort.
I honestly believe hydrocodone is the greatest of all opiates (didn't say most powerful) in terms of the euphoria. I also firmly believe that it has the most medical benefit as well...for me personally it blocks pain better, prevents coughing better, and just generally makes one feel 100 times better when you have illnesses like colds or flu. I fully understand that the risks (addiction, abuse, etc) far outweigh the benefits and therefore doctors can't prescribe hydrocodone for minor, temporary illnesses (colds, flu, non-migraine headaches, muscle soreness, etc) but it really is a crying shame. It is this miracle drug that fixes almost anything (temporarily) and its a shame they can't allow some kind of extremely small number (6-8 7.5 mg pills, for example) per year per person. Even if they made you dose in a pharmacy to prevent diversion to unintended people. But of course I know its a fantasy...just shameful that humanity has this miracle drug that can make you feel so much better if you are ill or injured with something short-term and faily minor. It really is a "cure" to the common cold, for example. When I've got the worst cold and feel so awful I can't hardly get off the couch, I can take 1-2 7.5's and I'm almost feeling well. Its amazing. But I also have to admit that I'm living proof that most people can't just take a few hydros one or two times a year to treat some injury or illness. That is how I started, but I ended up a full blown addict like so many others. Oh well. Its a shame that such a miracle drug also has such seriously bad side effects.
I was hit by a van when I was 18 years old
I was prescribed hydrocodone for a broken
leg and hip. In the beginning of the treatment
I was only using it for pain. Now at age 39 I am
still taking them. What started as pain treatment
became a good way to get a good speed buzz is
now used souly as a way to function. I wish I had
never put any opeid in my mouth ever. These pills
have more control over my life than I do. I hate it
but I can't break free. The withdrawal is way to
intense and painful. Does anyone know of a easier
way to get clean without all of the sickness and pain??
That shit and codeine are the only opiates that make me nauseous, dry heaving, puking every time. That said, it's not a bad drug because I have a reaction to it. For me oxy is the way, but ya got the hydro I'll take a handful and gag laughing!
I have been a long time addict, and I started my use as a teen with hydrocodone and other things. I cant even count the amount of times I have taken it. Now my tolerance is so high that I would need 50-60mgs of it to feel any kind of buzz. I dont use it very often as it is expensive in my area. I cant even just take the pills anymore, I need to do a CWE to remove most of the APAP to not damage my liver further. As a kid I was stupid and had no idea that shit would poison your liver at high doses. Please, if you are reading this and about to use any kind of opiate that has APAP (acetaminophen), which I do not advise or condone, please do a cold water extraction if you are going to be near the daily limit of 4,000mgs (thats a number I have read online from sources, please dont take as gospel, i could be off a bit). I suggest doing the extraction (its very easy) for doses that are even close to the number I mentioned, please be cautious and safe. The damage it can do is very real.

^ Does this extraction really works?

Anyways. I tried to participate but for some reason my profile was not appropriate for this survey.
It has been for others though.
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I find it interesting that I wasn't asked about my reasons for my first time taking Norco, as it was medical (L4/L5 + L5/S1 herniatons back in college). My non-medical use came as a direct result of that. They know what info they need though, obviously. But spending the 4 years working on my Neuropysch B.S. w/ a concentration in Experiment Design always leads me to wonder, ponder, and look for flaws
About 12 yrs ago I started on hydrocodone for my back and boy howdy was it amazing. I mean after taking it I would go out in public and look at all the sober people and say to myself look at all these schmucks, they have no idea how awesome I feel and how crappy they really feel. Well that's what I use to say, now when I go out in public I look at all the sober people and say God it would be awesome to feel sober and no longer be a slave to this bottle of pills. God, now I feel like a schmuck are the words I use in describing myself. I am prescribed 180 mg of oxycodone a day. Still I find myself sitting around and asking myself would it be worth it to deal with the pain and rid myself of this crappy burden. If you are contemplating taking any opiate stay away, far away. I won't lie to you the buzz that comes with it is the most rewarding feeling you have ever had but that feeling will come with a price. It took me 8 yrs to learn how to manage my medication right and to be a productive member in society. During those 8 yrs I stopped taking care of myself, didn't brush my teeth and watched them rot out, never really showered, never worked a full time job, lost my girl and friends. So the price is costly. I think it might be the closest thing to selling your soul to the devil without actually doing so. Or maybe it's a metaphor to what it's like to sell your soul to the devil. If you ever want to know what that would be like well just develop an opiate addiction and you can see what it may be like. But I think you are better off just taking my word on this one. I know there are people who take opiates and can lead a perfect life but there are some out there like me who have addictive personalities. If you want to know more about my situation or need some advice let me know I'd be happy to help.