• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Russian 'novelties' - Fabomotizole, Mebicar (anxiolytic), Mesocarb (dopaminergic)

I though I would revive this one since I started researching all these "novelties" in varying dosages and combinations. There will be more to add, also ask any questions if you like, I can translate papers from Russian.

I would like to add that Fabomotizole (Afobazole) definitely has something to do with serotonin reuptake inhibition or MAO-A inhibition and I have found it rather stupidly.

I decided to go on a hike with my friend who took 3mg of DOC but I wanted something different that day and settled on 60mg of MDA followed by 160 mcg of LSD. I have not even given a thought that I was taking Fabomotizole 2 times daily 10mg each (it was 7th day of taking it) and that morning I have already taken one.

As we started the hike I took MDA and in about 20 minutes I took a half a blotter of LSD - I started feeling that I took about 120mg of MDA, not 60. Then I remembered about Fabomotizole and it's potential MAO-A inhibitory action! I was prepared for a full blown serotonin syndrome effects - there was a LOT of sweating, a lot of temperature fluctuations, extreme confusion, tracers and colors abound, I could not walk and told my friend to call an ambulance if it gets worse. Luckily it settled after about 40 minutes and I became very euphoric and full of empathy and even took the remaining LSD. :p

Lesson learned and be warned - Fabomotizole definitely has something to do with serotonin, it felt like it doubled my normal response to somewhat benign (to me) amount of MDA.

Other than that, I have found Fabomotizole to be a wonderful helper - it drastically reduced my aggressive outbursts, it increased the cannabis high and amounts per day I feel like I need to use it. It very quickly changed my sleep patterns and I wake up few hours earlier and go to sleep easier and earlier as well - greatly reduced urge to have a post work beer. It gives me a slight euphoric feeling when I take it as well.
My girlfriend, on the other hand, had a completely different response from it - agitation, restlessness, inability to fall asleep. Reddit and longecity reports show the same tendency with it - either people love it or hate it. Weird...