Info Can you say anything you want in your blogs?


Sep 15, 2010
Can you be infracted by the blog mod if you use a forbidden word or say something bad about someone?
yes. the same rules apply to BL content as the blogs. (the blogs are actually, technically speaking, part of the forum)
The BLUA applies. We want to allow for freedom of expression as much as possible, and will only censor blogs when it's absolutely necessary. However, we will not allow anyone to misuse blogs in order to attack other members or for the sole purpose of spouting hate speech.

So in short, yes, if you do this then you can and likely will be infracted.
The BLUA applies. We want to allow for freedom of expression as much as possible, and will only censor blogs when it's absolutely necessary. However, we will not allow anyone to misuse blogs in order to attack other members or for the sole purpose of spouting hate speech.

So in short, yes, if you do this then you can and likely will be infracted.

You so wish I would though, baby. I was just wondering is all you can close this.