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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine / MXE Thread - Part 17 - South-Kansas is going bye-bye

^^^ Solutions come when we are unafraid to talk openly and start a dialogue on how WE can change things. With the Internet, the right Connections, Bringing Attention in the Right Way to the Topic. We can run from this. We have to face it head on.

And straight up - If MXE doesn't show up in the next 5 years, I'll be an Organic Chemistry graduate..........This Compound WILL NOT be lost to the History Books. It may be the most beautiful and perfect compound any human has ever synthesized for any purpose. It's Art - Mediation - I don't even like calling it a drug, it's more like a Vitamin or a Supplement. It WILL NOT be lost.

One serious concept that I've been having has been - as an MXE community of passionate believers from all walks of life and varying levels of education and so called "success" in normal society - The fact that so MANY completely different kinds of people have found something so Deep and Meaningful on Multiple Multiple levels of consciousness across the entire spectrum of Human Consciousness.

These new compounds that have come after - to me mainly first 3-MeO-PCP, which I personally cannot use as it makes me far too delusional and manic even in the smallest doses, but there is something very beautiful in it to, and I understand (or at least feel like) because I've tried every single one of the new Arylcyclohexylamines - and was lucky or dumb enough to have long stints with both DXM and actual PCP.

3-MeO-PCE is absolutely fucking AMAZING!! I think it is hands down the MOST recreational and chill - make you feel like a kid running through the woods without a care in the world - kind of compound, that even just one solid trip on it can completely regenerate your appreciation of your current Human Form, no matter how bizarre.

I got to do quite a few grams of what I purchased as legitimate Methoxmetamine that was also from a VERY reputable vendor who stayed with some of the best MXE that I'd ever touched since the UK ban happened. MXM in itself is a pretty beautiful compound - while I didn't appreciate it as much as I should of or could have when I was diving into it, I couldn't find good MXE during that period so it always game off as a bit of a lackluster experience...Not because it wasn't really interesting, but simply because once you've had some Real Deal Mother FUCKING Holyfield 3-MeO-2-Oxo-PCE, all other Arylcyclo's are just kind of lackluster. But MXM - I would willingly take a trip down memory lane if a Vendor felt so inclined as to start offering it again.

2-Oxo-PCE - I was not very impressed with the first time I tried it. I was a little scared to go too deep too fast, because MXE schooled me on MANY a silly decision and I was not interested in learning from mistakes again - I wanted the path of wisdom by learning from the past and adapting technique for a safer and better future. The first few times I tried it - I wouldn't take more than 5-10mgs in a 12 hour period, because I was scared of the possibility over Over Stimulated/Manic episodes on this compound that it may take a few to learn how to control or manage effectively. Plus I had read quite a few posts talking about how the nature of the compound was that the more you dose the more over stimulated you get. Maybe some batches work like that, or effect people differently - but I have 2 different batches that are ABSOLUTELY 2-Oxo-PCE, both are small rice sized clear crystals - all solid form, but pretty uniform in size. No dust, or goop in a bag like I've heard other people mention. When this compound is Synthesized right and with care - It's pretty fucking amazing. I've been using it as a Mood Stabilizer and for PTSD from doing a Year in Prison 2 years ago now.

I've stayed clean off ALL opiates after a 10 year Heroin AND 5 years of 90 8mg Subutex/Buprenorphines EVERY MONTH - plus my Bupe Doctor was actually a very open minded and respectful Human, we mainly talked Chemistry in my appointments every month. He trusted my knowledge and proud association with Bluelight as well as Erowid over the years. Because of that - I also got 90 10mg Diazepam and 90 1mg Alprazolam - Every Month. He by recommendation of Reckitt-Benkiser (the company who owns Lysol who is the ORIGINAL SYNTHESIZER OF BUPERENORPHINE and they're the mother fuckers who kept trying to expand their fucking PATENTS instead of SAVING LIVES!!) - but in their Handbook they give Sub Doctors it specifically says they are NOT SUPPOSED to prescribe ANY Benzos with Suboxone, let alone straight Subutex - but that Doctor trusted and respected me to properly handle and protect these compounds and use them wisely. I gave them to friends who were suffering and lacked access. I showed love to those suffering around me - because for the first time a Human who owed me NO respect, who talks to Junkies and lying ass dope fiends every day all day, he looked in my eyes and my heart and saw that I was out to gain Knowledge to help any and all that I could with my Access. That changed my life. Fastforward 2.5 years later of Opiate/Opioid Sobriety (I've never even taken KRATOM, I legit have ZERO RESPECT for Opiates after finding Arylcyclohexylamines)

Back to 2-Oxo-PCE in this story...These days - I could go get those scripts anytime I want, even this long after.

I can't even GET A SCRIPT for ANY BENZO anymore, even after being LEGALLY prescribed them for more than a 10 year span - and they REFUSED to give them to at the time I expected I had a guaranteed prescription - I had just got out of fucking Prison. 2 DIFFERENT Psychiatrist - Looking at 10 years of paperwork refused to even prescribe me 30 10mg Diazepam a month claiming that my Behavior of asking for a specific dose of 2 different Benzodiazepines was contradictory. 2 DIFFERENT PSYCHIATRIST TRIED TO TELL ME THAT APRAZOLAM AND DIAZEPAM DO THE EXACT SAME THING AND NO PERSON NEEDS A SCRIPT FOR BOTH. It take 50+MGs of Diazepam to stop an Actual Panic Attack when I have one - most days, I don't even take them, benzo addiction is equal or worse to Heroin in my opinion, and I've been addicted to both. They are for emergencies, or for people who genuinely cannot live a "normal" life on a daily basis without them.

When I first started checking out 2-Oxo-PCE back in November/December 2017 - It took a minute for me to find a dose I enjoyed. It was always interesting, but just so all over the place - sometimes I be overly manic and spinny, other times end up nodding out on the couch for 45 minutes because I went into the second phase of the compound, which for me is Sedation - gradually leading to what I consider taking a disco nap. The deeper end of beyond the Sedation, what I'd imagine most call a "Hole" is not even accessible to me as of yet, or I haven't figured out what administration is required. I can do a mg scale weighed dose of 50mgs and not hole - and honestly I don't even find that dose fun. I use this compound how I used MXE - the most I take in one day is 30mgs, I do intranasal bumps of 5-10mgs once or twice a day IF needed, and I eat one 10mg oral dose in the middle of the afternoon. I'm more creative and energetic than Dextroamphetamine, OR Methamphetamine - and more focused and functional. I have fractured vertebrae in my spine that I should be on Opiates for the rest of my life for - With High Grade Trees and 2-Oxo-PCE, I have almost NO back pain, I live my life EVERYDAY. It's not MXE - but I'm crafting a program that works for me and taking advantage of the tools I have. I've been taking this daily dose off and on for 6 months now, and I'm not embarrassed to say that. I eat 2 good meals a day, drink plenty of Water and Juice, take supplements and vitamins to counteract issues that Arylcyclo's can be known to perpetuate. I can piss fine daily - no strange pains or odd shit. I have insurance and get a check up every 3 months and my health is excellent. I've found Arylcyclo's also help my Asthma - which I've carried a rescue inhaler DAILY since I was 7. I used it daily at least once until I found Arylcyclo's-the mild stimulation controls my symptons as well if not better than the steroid that is Albuterol Inhalers. After being an Opiate addict for so long - I've had "loose bowel" for almost 2 years, I barely took a solid shit that whole time. I started taking 2-Oxo-PCE in low doses like a medication daily, dissociatives have always given me mild constipation - this one is no exception for my personal body chemistry...I've been taking solid shits again since I started taking a designer drug from China...that no other medications AMERICAN DRs tried to prescribe me. I'm convinced this country has NO DESIRE to help ANYONE actually recover from ANYTHING anymore, there isn't a billion dollar market in actually curing shit or even helping people anymore it seems. Arylcyclo's have done more for me on a Social Level - learning to not be scared or intimidated to convey my ideas because I am just as valuable as everyone else because we are all Equal, until we MAKE ourselves either Lesser or Greater than the average at that moment. Addictions - I was first a Cannabis Addict (for real...) Then a Xanax addict.....then Morphine and Dilaudid....then Heroin...then Subutex.......Then I found MXE in my 3rd year of Bupe Treatment and was down to .5mgs of Bupe twice daily from the my previous 3 8mgs. I don't even take Benzo's anymore - I carry LEGAL Etizolam in my pocket at all times and that safety blanket of knowing I have help in my pocket is enough that I maybe take 5-10mgs per month, if that.
MXE Changed my life and made me the Man I'm proud to be today. 2-Oxo-PCE isn't my #1 choice for entertainment and mediation, but it deserves a fucking gold star for the possibilities that I see in it. This compound - and this is just my speculation - but I REALLY think this one is a VERY MILD Mu Agonist. I DO NOT like that part of it, it makes me feel a bit more numb than I prefer physically and mentally if I do just a 10mgs too much, and I don't dig that. But that's just a Hypothesis, so read into it what you will. MXE made me feel like the best version of myself that I could possibly be at any given moment no matter how shitty life was being. Oxo-PCE isn't all that AND a bag of chips - but it's something REALLY REALLY special. I don't even want to post on this message board the incredible use I've found for - but I can explain a little...
I gave free 10mg bumps to a brother and sister, one over 30, the other over 40 - they both were talked to by 2-Oxo-PCE off an on throughout the entire span of a 10mg dose...they both had completely different trips, not even together for most of the time, but the message... They BOTH said the compound would casually question them as to why they thought methamphetamine was such an interesting and safe drug to use excessively for 10+ years. They both said at no point was it pushy, or telling them "QUIT DRUGS YOU JUNKIE!!" - they said it talked to them like a compassionate and caring family member or friend and just made intelligent points about how they weren't respecting their full potential as beautiful Human Beings, and while the true basis of our life is we have the option to say fuck you and be ignorant over and over again and make the wrong decisions, it's everyone's choice to sink or swim. The sister said the last thing she remembers from the trip was the phrase "You know what that Dragon (Meth) has been doing to you for years, I'm showing you there are other options in life - but I respect your individuality and think this conversation has been enough for now". These people don't do Dissociatives. They hadn't done Ketamine in years or even seen it. They both had the same experience about the same topic - while not even with each other, they did their own separate things that night. I was expecting it to help Opiate addicts - Not Speed Freaks, but I'm watching it help people of both sexes of both worlds REEVALUATING their drug life and addictions the DAY and sometimes WEEKS after they try 2-Oxo-PCE ONE TIME. 15mgs is the most I've allowed to be touched-and I will NEVER sell a compound that is economical as fuck and is as special as LSD was in the 70s to a new generation. EACH NEW ARYLCYCLO that get's developed, at least it seems so far, while different than the previous we all enjoyed - they are ALL something SPECIAL. I'm convinced each compound may be possible of rehabilitating a person from different varieties of Traumatic Experiences, PTSD, Depression - and possibly even Dissociative Identity Disorder / Schizophrenia.

I got off my MXE point I wanted to make. Does anybody remember the Church Of Neuroscience (Kind and Bright Organics)?? The gentleman who started the Church was a PHD named Jeremy Kerr, who took the time to go thru all of the Legal Means Required in the USA to make Designer Compounds that he felt to be Spiritually Significant to the Human Race as a whole - Including MXE (both European Sourced and Chinese) as well as Etizolam and either the 5-APB/6-APB's, or maybe it was the 5-MAPB or whatever the next analogue in that family became. I found out today that he died 2.5 years after founding the Church - due to health complications - but it looks like his idea basically went with him. The Church is no more. He found a way to LEGALLY set up a way to sell these important compounds to those in need - but charging a $10 fee to become a Parishioner/Member of the organization - after you were able to Legally purchase and research any of the compounds I just listed, with a monthly limit on how much you could purchase - based on your personal mental discipline and addictive natures. I didn't realize how AMAZING what this cat had created was until just a few months back when I was looking thru some of my old Notebooks and found my Parishioner Verification Letter.

I'm telling this story, because the Blueprint for what he did to set this up is available online - every legal aspect of how to do it. His web domain is STILL for sale as of today until July 8th,2018. The reason it failed - their paperwork to renew their registry was not sent in a timely enough manner so they revoked it. WE, as a community of MXE Respecters / Lovers / Psychonauts / Future Buddha's and Geniuses of a new Society to come...........If we banded TOGETHER and found a way to figure out a quiet and well organized technique to either Purchase or Obtain this already set up LEGALLY ready to go safe haven for the future of Arylcyclohexylamine Research of all types in the land of the not so free if you enjoy Mental Freedom and Liberty. I think we have enough people as passionate and down as I am to try and make a concept like this happen. Let's make a Church Of ArylCycloHexylAmines - A Church based around ACTUAL Freedom of Expression of All Forms, based on Intellectual and SPIRITUAL progression. AND...MOST OF ALL..............If we do it sooner than later, we can use RIGHTS WE STILL HAVE to create something that they LEGALLY won't be able to dismantle without looking like Monsters going against everything they conceptually believe we should be free to practice.

Maybe I'm just overly optimistic, or Delusional - but these Compounds are something so beautiful, so special, therapeutic, medicinal, meditative, spiritual, enlightened. This statement is gonna get some hate.........................but LSD....to ME...............is kind of a boring joke of a trip these days after traveling the headspaces of these new ACHA's (short term for ArylCycloHexylAmine I use frequently). I have a decent head stash of FIRE L - and I've just been giving it away to cool heads. It literally was boring to me the last time I dosed. A HUGE part of me doesn't even want to POST these thoughts now - but I'm just one Human on a Messageboard that even my intelligent Drug Friends have never heard of. I feel like the people in our Community need to know what I've been seeing happen again and again first hand - combined with how MXE changed my life damn near instantaneously. We NEED to save them for US ALL - LEGALLY AND INTELLIGENTLY AND ORGANIZED - BEFORE they figure out what we know already. What do you think? I'm for real. I have the time and means to make this happen - I just don't want to do it alone and end up missing or a refugee in North Korea or some shit.

I'm convinced there's a reason MXE isn't making a comeback - and I REFUSE to let that happen to another fucking Diamond in the Rough that practically fell out of the fucking sky and saved MY LIFE. PM me - Preferably with a PubKey and PGP. Vortech - I know we haven't talked in a few, but I'm looking at cats like you that know my story a bit more than others and know what I'm about. We need to save these Tools before they Lock up The Shed for good...............until we have to kick the fucking door in and take our rights back.

MODS - Edit this post if you feel some ideas or statements are too radical and could be detrimental while intended to be helpful to all associated. I care about protecting this Knowledge more than just about anything else in my life right now. And that's the Truth. I can't watch innocent people die everyday anymore when TOGETHER - with some open dialogue and compassion - WE as fucking KetaHeads may have found a well to help an entire class of disrespected and abused Humans.
Wow. I didnt know the church of the neuroscience but I love the concept. Top quality inspired post. Please stop more over here
Sorry if i dont share your optimism, PCP have always and still be available in some places in the world, but it have never, not a single day and a single seller been available on a darkmarket.
And I can bet that any one who likes dissos would be curious enough to test it.
So MXE who is far less known and have the same legal statut, well ...
Dr Mamba - While I understand what you're saying, in my country MXE DOES NOT have the same legal status as PCP. MXE is banned in some states in the US, but not many - and the basis on which it's banned in some states isn't even correct. They try and say that it's an analogue of PCE, so it's covered under the Analogue Act - but
3-MeO-2-Oxo-PCE is not, to my knowledge a direct analogue of PCE - The actual structure that makes the base of the compound is the 2-Oxo, the skeleton of Ketamine - The PCE is just the guts of it, the interior. MXE is a Ketamine analogue, not an Eticylclidine analogue - and Ketamine is Schedule 3, which is not covered under the Analogue Act............So even the states that made MXE illegal, on a Chemistry level, didn't legally ban it. And I got caught with 5+ grams on 2 different occasions over a 5 year span, in a state that made MXE Schedule 1 under that pretense...but they not once ever actually charged me. I don't think it would hold up in court because the Chemistry doesn't back the concept of the law.
The fact that MXE never took off in the US like it did in the rest of the world - while Heroin, Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Meth run the country - While the UK had to ban MXE and it's analogues within a number of years, followed by the EU, and so on....................Kinda makes sense to me. Your average American is trained to numb their pain - not look for enlightenment to better their situation. Me country not 2 brite me thinks mosst dayys.
Arylcyclohexamines can be very escapist drugs. Ketamine isn't called psychedelic heroin and nitrous hippy crack for no reason. You could hole your life away as easily as you can nod, drink, or smoke it away. Methoxetamine was one of the most positive forces in my life though personally. I have a feeling I'd have lost my mind long ago if it weren't for dissociatives and psychedelics starting me on a long healing journey! Methoxetamine was pretty popular in the US IMO. I met more than one person that didn't really know shit about "RCs" that knew about methoxetamine surprisingly! It just didn't make headlines here like it did elsewhere. A lot of psychedelics and dissociatives didn't here somehow either. I feel like the heavy presence of ketamine in the UK predating methoxetamine was a nail already in the coffin over there... Coincidentally psychedelic and dissociative veterans will tell you, a lot of us end up getting into opiates. It's just sort of how it ends up going sometimes!
WSnt K&B organics guy suicided?If he died of natural causes, where is all the mXe and 5 mapb he had?

Fuck I miss MXE. I HAD 5 GRAMS left. I got Swatted about a year GAgo and that really fucked me up. I basically blew through those 5 grams just to get through the day. Don't think I holed or combod with psychs once :-(
My trials with MXE were beautiful, but I found the urge to redose higher than with any dissociative except DCK. I was breathing blue fire when I smoked cannabis with moderate doses, and the M-hole was incredibly euphoric and my body felt like a crystalline heaven.
I hate to break it to you Mr. Meowfish but Vortech passed away a few months ago of cancer.

I feel like theres too many of us out there who want MXE back, we can definitely make something happen if we put our heads together
I had the best sex of my life on MXE (and acid)...

I became convinced that I was in heaven because my mind couldn't figure out why I was in a state of such ridiculous pleasure and I ended up reasoning that I was stuck in some sort of timeless pleasure loop purgatory that is conceptually pretty similar to heaven
I did not know that Vortech had passed...I think he may have been the first person, while I never met him in person, that I would consider a friend and bright person on many beautiful levels, not only that - he is now the first Human Being that I've ever felt any form of connection to, that I am currently aware is Dead. I'm mid 30's and have never lost someone I cared about in any way. But Death doesn't scare me. I know what happens then - if you cared about people you'll and did others right, your mind will be at Peace. If you took advantage of other Humans, and didn't make right your ways - you'll get to see them one way or another. Other realms are Real. The spirit world can be contacted through these compounds. It's no fucking joke people. I've done it. I've been it. I've seen it. I have SO MANY STORIES I WANT TO TELL.

Does anyone care enough to listen? If you do, I legit have an entire suitcase filled with notebooks of full blown Arylcyclohexylamine ART - Poetry, Songs, Drawings - Philosophy...Every single bit of the Human Experience, when I was on my MXE bender - Which legitimately lasted between 3-5 years, daily.....I made some of the best Art of My Life. And I've tried to show it to my close friends who are ALSO artists, and they are not even interested in anything having to do with me. It makes no sense.

This is half a song I wrote in 2013. While doing massive MXE doses IV.

I've got a little Hippie Jam for you...So come Along, Maybe by the end of it you'll see what started as a Garden, it turned into a Farm. Now on that farm Birds like to talk to Piggies...Then those little Piggies like to chat with Bald Eagles - All believing their Chirps and Snorts and Sounds were So Proper, So Regal. They it's what's Achievable, But in this Modern World seems unbelievable...The beauty of Peace and Harmony, Humans treat this conceptually like larceny. Now I need to spit Truth for the Youth and grant access to DrEaMs..........I say most birds, yeah, they become crispy wings, and Pork just like Bacon tend to do Nasty Things, But to Me Bald Eagle's taste the best because they're Illegal for the Taking...have you started to get a grasp for just what I'm portraying?
These 3 Animals represent the Evils in Humanity. They represent Lust for Wealth, Greed, Desperation and Disloyalty. I Want to about these birds but first with startin' with them Stool Pigeons, or their proper appropriation a bunch of bitch ass fucking Snitches. Or should I say a Snitch, because at the end of the day, regardless of sex or race - Every Bird is a Bitch. They make a living acting like something that they're too scared to be, the birdies they Live that Wild Life...

It stopped there. Does anyone care? Would you like more? I've got this shit for days and days.
Or Maybe....

It's like 1984 now that we're in 2014 - Big Brother's Here for good, watching over your Computer Screen. They Used to have to work to acquire information, now they just sit back and observe our lost Facebook Nation - No Fear of retaliation because they know where you're at - People snitch on themselves - No more need for Dirty Rats - Better watch what you say, have your Own fucking back - because if you don't end up a statistic of this track....


They used to have to watch us from their Black SUVS.
Now They just kick back and watch Us via the net like a fucking TV.
Don't believe me, go ahead and Willingly Expose Yourself
When will mother fuckers realize Internets can be a danger to ya Health
Our Facebook Nations LOST, Whole Life story on the Net....
And they KNOW right where you'll be, all because of a Mouse Click.

People think they're safe, no respect for Technology - The Government is watching and they want YOU, FUCK an Apology - So go ahead and post pics with guns, puffin blunts, sniffin molly - Might as well title the post, Hey LOOK Uncle Sam COME AND GET ME! - A Real Mother Fucker doesn't need to post what He Be - Cuz at the End of the day...He Knows he's a fucking G - While all these fake thug mother fuckers always needing Validation - You keep Facebooks shit ALIVE always starting confrontation - All you're asking for is a Prison Term and some kindly Anal Penetration - It's just like Orwell said said...Goodbye Freedoms One by One - Big Brothers on Facebook DAILY...Don't believe Me - YOU'RE FUCKING DUMB - It's People like You that feed the monster that's become - The REALITY of our Daily Life.....


I wrote that song faced out on IV MXE and multiple other compounds in 2014, with a pad and pen. Dated and worn. Tell me that's not a fucking trip.
I liked that. :) RIP vortech indeed. Some of my favorite stream of consciousness writing came from that guy.
Just bumping this because I will never give up on MXE. One day I will learn how to synthesize it, if I have to.

Speaking of, I have collated everything I could find on the synthesis, but one thing I do not know yet is whether it might be easier to just take some Ketamine and go from there to turn that into MXE?
Doubtful. But we can't discuss synthesis on Bluelight.
Apologies. Are there places where these things can be discussed?

Anyway, I will forever hold out for it to come back. There is nothing like it.
I'm sure there are, I wouldn't know anymore but I bet there are forums out there where people discuss synthesis. But yeah I agree, MXE is totally unique and absolutely magical, one of the best drugs of all time. It boggles my mind that no one is making it... I mean it's not even illegal in the USA!
I recently got some MXE and did it about 5 times over the past couple weeks. None of the experiences were that enjoyable, but that probably goes for most drugs when you just sit around the house doing nothing. In the past i used to take such high doses that it would always be interesting just laying in bed, but I cant bring myself to do doses like that anymore. Back then I could enjoy even lower doses though, and I'm not sure why i don't really enjoy it on its own anymore. Im sure tolerance and the novelty wearing off has something to do with it. Maybe Im just getting older too, because it feels like a waste of time.

Today though, my experience with it was just what i needed. Im getting out of a 3 yr relationship and moving away for school next month so I've been in a kind of weird limbo lately. Its scary losing your best friend and someone you trust so much, but at the same time it's an opportunity for something new. I wrote myself this long letter last night about how i have 6 weeks to get in shape before school starts, how every day counts and i cant waste another day doing mxe, etc. well today i woke up and did some anyway. decided to go for a hike and after about 30 min got to a nice spot and sat down, just hitting my dab cartridge and listening to music. then a song came on, the night we met by lord huron. i had the thought to change it because i thought it would be depressing and counterproductive to think about the theme. but you know how sometimes when you're really high and the musics on shuffle and it seems like the most serendipitous songs play, it was kind of like that. i let it play and then i started feeling different. idk how to describe it other than i felt like 5 years younger and like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and all the junk was cleared out of my mind. on the way down i felt like a totally different person.

i know that sounds like a simple antidepressant effect but it was one of those profound mxe breakthroughs despite how subtle it was i feel like its gonna be an important experience for me going forward. anyways mxe you still are something special.