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Post-MDMA issues, possible HPPD


Jul 31, 2015
So this might be a little long but I did want to receive some feedback from this site since I've read threads from here before (I am new) so here it goes!

So over a month ago I rolled and took a whole orange Tesla pill which I'm pretty sure was 200mlg. I had a lot of fun but I do remember experiencing some anxiety due to being in a place filled with people. A week later I got really sick. I experienced terrible indigestion, nausea, constipation/diarrhea, headaches, visual snow, mental confusion. I started eating healthier and slowly the indigestion is getting better (I went to a specialist and apparently I have anemia, vitamin D & B-12 deficiency) so I'm getting that treated. I still however experience brain fog, visual snow and I'll also sometimes trip out like walls will breathe and everything looks so dead in color. Also I think it's kind of hard to focus on shit. I can't tell sometimes if stuff is getting better or not but any wisdom/advice would be sincerely appreciated!

P.S. A few weeks ago I did smoke weed but that was a mistake and I'm fully abstaining from all drugs (I'm even wary of drinking caffeine)
Hi, Welcome to Bluelight!

I'll go ahead and move your post to another section. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions! :)
hi, stopping all drugs (including caffeine) is one of the most important things to do in that situation. all psychedelic drugs (including mdma, though it's pretty rare compared to traditional psychedelics) can induce some visual disturbances after the experience. it typically clears up in a matter of a few days, weeks or months (this can depend on how you handle it, the more you get upset, the longer it usually takes). the things to do we typically recommend are stopping usage of all drugs, avoiding stress, maintaining a good sleep schedule, living healthy and chilling out. knowing that it will go away, accepting that it's happening and ignoring the symptoms will speed up the process. after a while you'll get bored or the symptoms, then you'll stop noticing and then it will go away.
normally, there's also anxiety involved, and the less anxiety you have about the issue, the faster it will pass. if you're really in need of them, benzodiazepines can be very helpful with that. (in fact benzodiazepines are the only medicine known to be effective for hppd (or at least they were the last time i checked)).

be assured that it will pass, and that the vitamin b12 deficiency is a far more serious condition, which can cause some psychological issues in itself (such as memory deficits or confusion) and that the resulting anaemia can lead to fatigue and feeling pretty down and awful, so be sure get that fixed. it should get the number one priority; and that might also help with your other symptoms.
so, have a nice steak to boost your vitamin b12 and iron intake :)

best wishes and a speedy recovery.
Thank you so much for the advice Black! I definitely will try and steer my mind away from things and keep in mind that it will pass. I am taking Iron and will be taking B-12 and vitamin D supplements given to me by a specialist.