Day 5 no suboxone


Jul 27, 2015
First, let me tell you some info about my addiction. Got clean twice off of opiates the past 3 years. Relapsed twice and I can say for sure that each time, the addiction comes back stronger. The most recent jaunt was for a year (abusing opana mostly, worst shit ever). During this year, I used sub sparingly between using to keep me feeling ok. The past few months I really cut down my opana use (a couple times a week tops) and decided to do a quick 8 day taper (2,2,1,1,half mg, half mg, tiny square, tiny square, etc.). The last three days of taking tiny squares, I felt the WD coming on (terrible sleep, depression, anxiety). Luckily I have a script for Trazadone to aid in the sleep department but the anxiety and depression, I'll just have to suck it up. Not trying to take benzos really.

So basically, today's day 5 and I'm working a double. My job is somewhat chill so it's not too tough. Slept on and off last night with the help of meds (6-8 hours waking up 3 times and tossing and turning). My anxiety and depression are the only thing that I really notice consistently at this point. This is my first time posting and would appreciate any support and encouragement. Thanks!
Let me add, the year taking sub, I typically only needed 1 mg a day to stay feeling normal.

And in addition to the depression and anxiety, I have the whole clammy hands thing as well as GI issues (bathroom a lot, so annoying).

I remember my last jaunt, after 7 months of opiate use, I did a seven day taper and felt pretty normal right away besides minor insomnia and depression. This rattle is a little harder tho, for sure. Could it be that I'm not feeling terrible wds because of the small amounts of sub I used to stave away opiate WD?
Yeah i did like a 5 day detox with subs. Under medical supervision aka rehab. I went from 16mg to nothing. The tiny square bit I tried on my own and didnt work so well. I was an iv user of almost two grams a day for years and when i didnt get anymore i was sorta ok. Trazadone really helped me sleep too. Most nights. Some nights id be awake after a few hours of sleep. Get more subs and work you way down insted of cutting em up imo
Thanks for the reply, man. Appreciate you. I definitely don't wanna take anymore sub. I'm not feeling too bad rn honestly besides the crazy mood swings and anxiety. Definitely feel like I can tough this out.

Anyone have an easy-ish time tapering to nothing after similar habits as mine?
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Shot new heroin that left lumps under skin

I know this thread doesn't really go here but I'm gonna post it anyway cause I can't figure out how to post a new thread. I saw a new batch of heroin last month and a new spot and now it has left a line of hurtful lumps almost like scar tissue. Does anyone know what this is from or how to get rid of it it's not an abscess but I don't know what it is ??please reply