I'm on TRT- wanting to throw in some anadrol....


Jul 30, 2012
I am on 250mg of test-c a week for my TRT.

I have a shitload of Anadrol laying around.....

If I did a cycle of Anadrol only - will it be so "bad" compared to guys who do Anadrol only and don't have TRT to fall back on - meaning their test is going to crash and burn after the cycle?

I have the luxory of never needing PCT and will never crash again- so is this really as stupid to do versus the people that rely on getting their natural test back?
No if you did gera before go for it I'm currently on 250mg test e, 50mg dbol and 20mg super drol.
That's a nice TRT you got yourself there, surely your T is above range on that?!

I'd recommend staying on the TRT while you take the anadrol.
I think that's what he means CFC. The way I mean I'm doing an oral Only bur I have 250mg test as well lol
I am on 250mg of test-c a week for my TRT.

I have a shitload of Anadrol laying around.....

If I did a cycle of Anadrol only - will it be so "bad" compared to guys who do Anadrol only and don't have TRT to fall back on - meaning their test is going to crash and burn after the cycle?

I have the luxory of never needing PCT and will never crash again- so is this really as stupid to do versus the people that rely on getting their natural test back?
Just curious...

What are the goals of what you're doing right now? ex mass gain/cutting
It's good for protein synthesis (almost all AAS are) but also has some big drawbacks...
Why anadrol, have you taken it before?
Did you just fall into a bunch of it or something?
Only asking because of its androgenic profile, high hepatotoxicity and very low AR binding affinity...

I think it you would be better off having the 250 mg of test cyp per week to run alongside this than if you didn't have it... but I'd keep a close eye on your blood lipids, liver enzymes etc. and definitely have a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor handy... some of the sides with this are very nasty.
I can't take anadrol at all it does not agree with me at all I get severe loss of appetite, constantly shitting, light headedness...
One thing I loved about it was that it made me feel like the king, like I was constantly on a low dose of cocaine, I wanted to fight people and get angry but in a good controlled sort of way... Hard to explain made me feel like the devil, sort of like a cunt but I liked it
Sounds like a good plan for me. Just keep liver in check and time your "blast" around your doctor's blood work as you don't want him kicking you off trt. Just keep your health in check, and it'll be the same as mild blast and cruise, that's an awesome trt dose btw lol.
I never made it past 11 days in a row on Anadrol @50-100mgs per day. High BP, loss of appetite, aggression, and nausea are some of the sides I always experience with A bombs. It is a highly effective oral though, and it gives a great look if you are lean...I know a lot of competitors who use it on competition day backstage to pump up.