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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Diphenhydramine HCL - nightmare trip


May 21, 2015
Basically, I haven't taken any pills before in my life, as in overdosing recreationally. However, the other day after months of struggling to sleep on and off my girlfriend, Caitlin, bought me sleeping tablets. Blonde hair, brown eyes, thin, pretty. They were
Diphenhydramine HCL; the active ingredient in Benadryl (although I knew none of this at the time)

I slept soundly for two nights after purchasing them so the sleeping tablets remained untouched.

On the third day I was reading erowid as I often do. I'd like to state I haven't taken any other drugs in my life. Only alcohol and I smoke weed everyday. A lot of weed. Half an ounce a week easy, more I think. But anyway, I like reading about heroin, meth, all sorts of hallucinogens. I've never looked at over the counter tablets before.

Don't even know how I ended up on it but I read a LOT of trip reports and dosages. I realised I had this in the cupboard and I thought fuck it why not. 99% of the stories I read so I don't really know what I was thinking. Although they all ended with enticing, it's a nightmare you'll want to star in at least once in your life. Although once is good for all reasons, mentally and physically. It's a deliriant, from what I've read, I think it basically induces madness, a type of pychosis. The kind of nightmarish visions people see when they have a high fever. Audible hallucinations like being schizophrenic.

Like I said, I dunno why I did it.

But hey ho here we go. I read it's good to have weed. I had about 3 spliffs worth left right now. I don't really remember any timings, apologies for that.

The Trip
I took five 25mg pills of
Diphenhydramine HCL. Then two more. Then some more which I don't remember taking (I saw the next day I had taken ten 25mg pills).

I rolled some spliffs and laying on the sofa, had a smoke. Thought I'd try to start it off good. I felt like I was drunk but with no bad side effects. I stood up to change channel on the TV and I nearly fell over. Suddenly I was SO HEAVY. Felt like I weighed 300 fricken pounds. Walking to the TV then the kitchen. I felt like I was pushing myself through treacle. Like trying to run in a swimming pool. Just really fucking heavy.

I sat back down and played with my dog. He's a little yorkie, he's very cuddly. I spoke to him and my voice sounded really weird. Almost like I was under water. When I was in primary school I burst my eardrum and it sounded kinda like that. I noticed my words were slurred. Or did I always talk like this? I spoke some more.

Hello hello hello..... hello yes hello.

No definitely not normal. I'm slurring. I'm slurring like Kerry Katona when she was on This Morning and she was slurring all of her words, "I ain'tsh ons drugs no moresh mate..."

I kept talking to myself just to hear how slurred I sounded. No matter how hard I was trying talk normally I couldn't and found this funny. And I took this as sign I'd taken enough pills to get some effects so probably no need for more. I didn't want to see people I hate run in my room screaming at me or demons ripping off my flesh.

I had to turn the TV off because it was too noisy and I kept hearing people talking who weren't coming from it. Silence. Suddenly all the talking is still happening. Really random things. Girls chattering away inaudibly, random laughs, men and women yelling out. They startled me but I knew it was the drug, I'd read enough trip reports to expect all sorts.

I was staring at my carpet for ages when someone yelled really loud behind me and I saw shadows in the corners of my eye. (All hallucinations). This time it was so loud it freaked me out a little bit so I decided to get some fresh air, I was feeling a bit paranoid and was a little lighter now, so I took all 3 of my dogs for a walk. Two cairns and a yorkie. Mummy cairn and her daughter. She's blind but gets on just fine. We live in the country so outside our house is just fields. All 3 obedient.

Outside was okay. I kept hearing whispers and snippets of conversations. The dogs were a comfort. They enjoyed their walk. A man told me angrily "you shouldn't be reading this". I ask what? No reply. I felt a shove to my back and I fell over. I looked behind me but nothing. Then firmly again, louder, "YOU SHOULDN'T BE READING THAT". I said nothing and then thanked him for not pushing me over this time. No reply.

We went back home and I was still feeling the effects. My bedroom was dark and the was a big black dot moving around on the floor. I worried it was the spiders I had a read about, common on this drug. I touched it with a coat hanger, it moved. It was real. It was a bit of fluff. Relief. I stand up and to my horror realise my relief was short lived.

In the corner of the room next to the wardrobe I saw a grey cobweb growing in size. Started pretty small and grew and grew into an A4 paper sized spider web. (I was so out of it this time I didn't remember that it'll make you see webs). I tried to touch it and was freaked out that it seemed to avoid my hand. I turned the light on but it was still there. It was creeping me out so I gave up and went to join the dogs, lying on the sofa.

I was so heavy and tired. I regretted it now a little bit because my legs, arms, and stomach became ridiculously restless and uncontrollable twitching. And I don't mean little twitches, each one would come in turn and it was a full on spasm.

I twisted and turned for what felt like hours and hourssss, but was probably only an hour. I fell asleep for five hours, no dreams that I remember. (Happy about that lol)

It was a really nice sleep. Woke up refreshed, sleep pattern wasn't affected. I think I took a good dose, no really horrible effects. A few shadows and audible hallucinations.

I forgot to mention this happened from about 2pm to 7pm.

I have no interest in further using this drug as this was enough for me. Like I said, I don't think I could handle seeing dead bodies, people hanging themselves, massive spiders, and just all sorts of Silent Hill shit basically.

It's like spending the night in a haunted house. You'll probably fucking shit yourself, but it's sorta fun. I'd say go for it, but remember this is no drug to chill out with. You do spend the whole time staring off into space with possible dribbling, being paranoid and anxious the whole time, bone tingly lest restlessness for hours, and generally just being frightened. It's a test of the mind.
Not that I'd recommend a deliriant but if you must then Id reccomend not doing dph. The body load is awful and the transition into delirium is no where near as smooth as datura or brugmansia. Then again dosing is far more risky with a plant and it seems like you dry out more from them.. Deliriants are no fun. Thanks for the read =)