My Experience with Tren Enanthate


Aug 11, 2013
First off, some background info on me.
I’m in my 40s. The first time I did a cycle was in my 40s. I’ve lifted weights on and off for over 20 years. Most of my weight training was to gain strength so I was pretty strong for a natural guy.

Right now I’m 5’9 (175cm), 210lb (95kg), at around 15 to 17 percent body fat.
Squat 510 (231kg)
Deadlift 535 (243kg)
Bench 355 (161kg)
I have not entered a powerlifting comp so these are not official numbers (yet). I plan on competing at 198 (90kg).

My very first cycle was Test Cypionate at 500mg per week. I think I had a small amount of Anavar and Dianabol on hand and used them as well but it wasn’t much. While on cycle I felt great but afterwards, my strength dropped and I felt lazy. It really sucked and I was only on a 10 week cycle. I was clean for almost a year before I started again but this time, I researched and decided to blast and cruise. Remember, I’m in my 40s here.

My blast and cruise was going to be very simple. Blast, 500mg Test Enanthate or Cypionate and cruise at 250mg. I’d blast around 2 months and cruise for 3. All the while, I was getting strong but then my joints and tendons started to hurt/get injured. Bro science here but I think Test weakens your tendons.

At this time, I decided to add Deca Durabolin to my blasts. I can tell you without a doubt that Deca works for the problems I had/have. It might NOT work for you though! I also want to tell everyone that I kept my doctor informed and I had periodic blood work done.

Now I was getting pretty strong. A few guys in the gym convinced me to enter powerlifting. Initially I thought they were crazy but I’ve since changed my mind. Queue in Trenbolone Enanthate for blasts!

In addition I take the following as prescribed or recommended by research:
Statin type drug for cholesterol
Losartan for blood pressure
Ambien for sleep
Also take several natural vitamins, etc for sleep, liver care, etc. Message me back for the full list if interested.

Statins help counter Test increasing bad cholesterol.
Losartan helps counter Tren shooting up your blood pressure. I had issues even breathing right on Tren prior to taking Losartan

Bro science here: I think Tren E is safer than Tran Ace. Obviously if you can’t handle Tren sides on low does, then neither will work but if you take Tren Ace, Tren E is safer. I doubt you’ll cough has hard if you nick a vein on E vs. A. The slower acting E makes night sweats and insomnia milder too. Of course most people will probably disagree with me but this has been my experience with E.

Let me know if you have any questions on the above and I’ll try my best to answer. Keep in mind that the above is just my experience. I only have limited experience but I like to keep it simple. I’m not a bodybuilder. I prefer strength training and have the pains and injuries to prove it.
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That's what's up man. I appreciate you including most relevant info and speaking from firsthand knowledge straight up. That said, what do you think would really characterize nandrolone decanoate?

I've only tried testosterone, methandrostenolone, and trenbolone. I feel like I know exactly how each one feels. Testosterone was a long time ago but I remember getting really out of shape it can bloat you and grow you and increase appetite and overall feels good. Dianabol I didn't notice much of shit difference but I was on a diet. I think it helped maintain strength and size, at least a little, plus it gives some upbeat feeling I don't know how well or if this mild euphoric feeling is documented. Trenbolone: incredible aggression and strength and quality of muscle - qualitative change, and the constant side effects of not sleeping well, thinking bad of other people, etc.

What is your experience on deca and how does it differ from tesst?
I'm always on Test as I read that it needed to be your base, but even with Test and Deca together, I never felt bloated. My diet isn't scientific like some people or like a bodybuilder either. For me, I use the mirror to control my diet. If I'm getting soft, I cut back on my last meal of the night so something like that. If you are getting bloated on Test and diet isn't working, my thinking is you won't like Deca – except if you have problems like I do. Read below.

My dosage ranged from 250mg per week and I’ve gone as high as 500mg per week. I vary the doses and I’m not concerned with the blood levels as much with Deca as I am with Test or other AAS. I’m concerned with Deca dick. I never had it but I don’t want to find out that if I can get it either.

As for why I like Deca, it lets me workout with heavy weights. Keep in mind my goals with powerlifting, but I also believe long term use of Test wears out your tendons and makes you more prone to injury too. Deca really helps my joints. I’ve tried GHRP<insert a number here> and nothing worked.

Tren definitely adds strength. It might be my personality but I never had that aggression so many people talk about. Maybe due to my dose and they (Tren E vs. Ace)? Now if you want strength and aggression, Halotestin! I’m saving it for competition prep time but I tested it and took 30mg for a workout. That shit works same day!
This is an awesome post. Great material, all bases covered.
Thanks Serotonin. I've always wanted to contribute something to this site. I remember when I was researching for my first cycle. I would read other forums and most newbie questions were always slammed by other posters. I saw this site and saw that the mods replied with helpful information. Guido and GF helped me with mine! I used a different name back then and needed to change it due to my personal paranoia though.

Anyway, this post is about Tren E and I forgot to explain the sides that I actually do get because it isn't all daisies.
Like I mentioned before, I don't experience the anxiety that others complain about. I think the reason for this is that I use Tren E and most people use Tren A, and at a higher doses than I take. I take anywhere from 250 to 375 mg per week. That's all so far. I will probably go higher as I get closer to a comp to really get the strength benefits but I'm getting it at my current doses. This might be because of my training style working synergistically with the drugs (I train hypertrophy style or high reps 2 weeks and then 1 week of heavy very low reps/singles for pure strength). Mixing intensity is a good thing!

I do sweat a lot while sleeping and it can suck. Hot and sweaty - kick off sheets - start to freeze - get under sheets again - repeat. No biggie but you should know. It's a man's version of menopause.

Insomnia. I've always had sleeping problems. Tren might be contributing to this. To fix, I take an ambien about once or twice a month - that's it. For most nights, I take a a mix of melatonin, chamomile, and/or benadryl. I tried ZMA but I end up wide awake 3 hours later and can't go back to sleep. I do believe in the benefits of magnesium though since it's part of my pre-workout with potassium and taurine to limit back pump pains. Sex works too. If you don't have someone willing, jerk it, son.

I got crazy high blood pressure and it was very bad. I already have naturally high blood pressure so Tren scared me a bit. I'm on blood pressure meds now and I don't feel any of the sides. We'll see if that is still the case once I up the dose though.

I keep cabergoline on hand for prolactin sides. I'm doubling up on prolactin since I also take Deca.I'm not worried about prolactin induced gyno (I didn't want to take a chance initially) but I am worried about hair loss. I take stuff to combat that but I also take a mg of caber once every two weeks. I plan to change that to every week when I up the dose.

There are a lot of comments on the Internet about how bad it is to mix Deca and Tren on cycle and they may be correct. I honestly don't know. You'll have to do your own research and decide what risks you're willing to take about that. For me, Deca saves my joints and Tren makes me strong. I don't see the negatives I read about on myself.
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Not sure if this post is still active but it sounds like good advice. I've done 1 (and a half) cycles now with tren A - along with Test P and anavar. I liked this combination because it seemed to cause minimal bloating. I recovered quickly and not only kept all my size gains, but my strength kept going up even after the cycle.

But I had to stop the last cycle halfway through because my BP was too high. I didn't have the means to measure it but could feel the effects - my pulse was hammering 24/7 which made it hard to sleep, I was getting nosebleeds, and felt like shit (except when training- then I felt great!). I really like tren because the gains are so quick, so the cycle time can be kept to a minimum. I also took cabergoline, and didn't really have any mood problems, and melatonin for sleep. But if I do another cycle, I need to do something about the BP. Even for a short 4 week cycle, it's not good to have such a permanently elevated BP.

I'll try tren E and back it up with Losartin in my next cycle. Apparently losartan doesn't cause impotence like many HBP medications, so I've read anyway. And will add a bit of longer half-life test because test P is too short-acting unless you pin pretty much every day. Anything else you can recommend from your experience?
