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Misc best/fav. brand of Phenibut!?

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Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
been a long time Phenibut user and originally started w/ pills form taking 3G's 2x's daily.

over the years I eventually switched to powder because I was always told was "stronger" and since then havent moved back to pills, but I am always getting a different kind, until I found Primaforce and have stuck w/ that throughout the last year or so.

well, as most, Phenibut is not hitting me as hard as it once was; even if I am taking it 2-3x's a week tops.

just wondering what some of you other users are getting for a brand/type!? have you tried Primaforce and not liked it or walked away from it for any reason?

any help is appreciated.
This type of question is not allowed as per the OD guidelines. No "best" brand / source discussion.
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