First Post -- Oxy problems, who doesn't have em?


Apr 24, 2015
I'm 23 and started oxy when I was 19 after a car accident where I really wans't hurt enough to be taking them. Nonetheless the doctor prescribed me 7.5s, xanax, and ambien for the next 8 months. I'm talking 300-400 pills. That's when my addiction began. At 22, I took a 9 month break where I felt great and did great for myself, but find myself right back where I started when I started to test the waters again

Here's what I've been doing for the last 6 months

60-120 mg oxy, typically 90, 60 around 11 AM and 30 around 6 or 7. $90 a day habit.
1.5 month into bupropion

I now have zero cash and guess its time I try to be sober again. This is my recovery thread. So I figured I post for those of you that also have a problem. During march and february swim took 6-7 days off and thought I was in the clear doing one, but nope. I'm gonna mapout how bad my withdrawals are compared to the first two times. Here's my counter:

Last Oxy 1PM 4/23/2015 60mg sniffed

Feeling right now: Just depressed and tired. Not too bad though
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swim felt great and did great for myself

didn't you mean to say "swim felt great and did great for SWIMself"?

You can drop the swim. It's unnecessary and makes your posts difficult to read (plus I think it violates the bluelight guidelines).

This is a good place to post the play-by-play of your detox. You can receive a lot of support here if you keep your thread up to date. Don't be afraid to post about your cravings, slip-ups, or relapses - it's all a part of recovery, and being honest and holding yourself accountable in your thread will help you achieve your goal.

That said, there are quite a few tips regarding comfort meds and coping techniques for acute withdrawal. I'll post some links if you want. What medications do you have to help you feel better (what's in your 'arsenal')?

Your Personal Opiate Withdrawal Arsenal
Its okay, i'm pretty familiar with everything from using benzos, the t recipe, everything. I can get by the first few days, it just seems like my brain doesn't work anymore almost... Last time i quit for 9 months and i recrationally used cocaine, molly, and weed. Maybe once or twice a month with the hard stuff, weed just about everyday.

I'm told by some that doing some stuff will always lead me to abuse oxy, i still relentlessly disagree.. oh i just will never know but i do know my brain doesnt seem to make the happy stuff anymore...
Its now 28 hours in, just chills and occasionally swettig feeling. Took an extra wellbutrin and no otc drugs. Feeling okay i guess, just stircrazy and fatigued as all hell.
Hang in there. 28 hours is a good start. Try to save the benzos for sleep (of course, I would sleep through the whole process if I could so I probably wind up taking benzos too frequently for the first couple days).

I think a lot of people need to take something in order not to relapse, so I've never really agreed with the 'complete abstinence' philosophy. I am familiar enough with my triggers to know to avoid certain things, but on occasion I feel like I'll go crazy if I don't get out of my head. I am currently using suboxone for maintenance and I've spent more time off of hard drugs in the past 2 months than I had in the preceding 3 years. I'm sure the strict abstinence policy works for some people, but it's failed me many times.

Anyhow, find what works for you and keep your thread up to date. I think you'll find the forum useful while you're struggling through your oxy detox.
Well, I slipped up on day 2, and im back on day 2.

Virtually no wd symptoms at all, which is surprising. Maybe there's something to this. I also had 5 days clean @ easter, which was only about a few weeks ago.

I was doing 60-90mg at least, everyday, for the last many months. I honestly think bupropion is a life saver.
Hey Endangered,

I too was about 60-90mg a day $100 a day easy, So I am now withdrawing again from being completely freaking broke. I am on about 48hrs with no oxy. I did on friday and saturday take a less dose, friday was just 1 1/2 blues, and saturday was half in the morning half at night and now I am completely free.

I also went about 6 months clean back in 2013 and every now and then would be clean for a week here, a week there. I was clean for about 9 days earlier in April and then paid...and just went on another spree.

I have no self control or will power...thats my problem so my biggest help is support from friends and family. I am glad you dont have too many symptoms, as I am only feeling depression, boredome, sleeplisness and sweating. I think its not as bad becuase I was clean for 9 days before I relapsed into 60mg a day for almost 2 weeks.

I want to stop...FREAK THAT, I NEED TO STOP. I want to do it and just know when I get paid to give my money to my sister to hold onto so I dont spend it.
I also owe 2months back rent becuase $900 paychecks would go to, pasta, candy, weed and oxy.
Yeah, wellbutrin is a lifesaver for a lot of people. I've been thinking about asking my doctor if I should try it.

If you slip after 2 days, it's not like starting over from square 1. It's a setback as far as detoxing goes, but an isolated use is going to be far easier to recover from than an extended period of daily use.

You're doing well, but don't let it get to your head. Try to keep your motivations for quitting at the front of your mind so you don't convince yourself it's okay to start 'chipping'.

What are you doing with your time? If you're feeling okay physically, it would probably be good to make a schedule outlining an exercise regimen and some tasks/activities to fill your day. This can help to keep you occupied so you aren't sitting around bored, thinking about oxy.

It sounds like you're coping pretty well physically, so stay focused and try not to forget why you're doing this. Keep your thread up to date to track your progress and inventory your struggle, but also, keep us posted.
Here's an update. I did 3 days then my buddy gave me one free now I'm on day two again I guess. Since I've stopped daily use, I upped my caloric intake to 7000 a day and I'm back in gym 1-2 hours a day and keeping busy. I have no phys withdrawals and cravings are like literally wayyyyy less worse. Thank god for this wellbutrin, I'm not depressed or anything.... Still broke but my god does my body feel good. Gained 9 lbs so far!! Getting fat my friends. Thank you for your responses and BEST of luck and if all else fails... GO GET WELLBUTRIN lol its a life saver for me literally.