Accepting the darkness


Mar 26, 2015
I've always had a dark side as far back as I can remember. As the child of two addicts I knew I have a family history that makes me more capable of slipping off the end and I used to walk a fine line with things. I married an addict and although he was clean when we were married I will never forget that pre-walk talk with my dad who said "once an addict always an addict"... boy was he right.

I'm from an upper class family from small town California. My parents we're married 28 years before they split when I was 18, I was sheltered to an mother would've liked us much more sheltered but she married my father and he is who he is. I grew up knowing drug addicts knowing they aren't bad people. My mother judges everyone as if she's perfect. My father judges no one saying you never the whole story enough to judge anyone. I grew up in a male dominated industry and fought to make my own name for myself rather than being the daughter and granddaughter of well respected men. Today....I'm the wife of someone well respected in the same industry. I married my father in a lot of ways and I don't regret or deny it.

When I was pregnant with my first child I was sure my husband was cheating on me, I had a total breakdown to one of his friends when we were driving to a campsite and his friend told me that it's not a woman it's a way I still felt cheated on. I took the advice of his friend and didn't push the issue and it cleared up before our daughter was born. After her birth I was rx'd pain meds and I knew he took them on a recreational basis so I didn't mind....I had no idea his previous behavior was pain med related as he had been a meth user prior.

His addiction turned into mine as well as I chose to jump off that cliff with the pain meds with him. I'm a big girl and make my own choices, I don't hold him responsible for it except for the fact it would've never happened had I known that he had only been off pain meds a few months when we started again. This was a revelation he chose to drop on me the first time I used meth. I locked myself in our bathroom and called my dad and told him I was high and needed to call 911 that I was dying. My dad rushed across town and sat with me and convinced me it was a panic attack and I was fine! the LAST thing I needed was the police or EMT's at my house as once I admitted to the fact I was high on meth and had been running it for a girlfriend of mine I was SCREWED. I survived the experience and have only touched meth a handful of times since.

The pill addiction spiraled out of control over the years and I ignored it because I didn't want to stop...I liked who I was with them, and people liked me better. I always argued with my husband that he was addict because of his mental addiction and I was just dependent on them not to feel shitty.

I own my shit I like to think until a few days ago....I'm an addict. I went through 5 days of hell W/Ding and have since started using again in very small doses. I don't feel physical W/D without them except I feel the pain that they were rx'd to hide. I laid in the bath and knew I had 2 pills in the cabinet and it was all I could do not to jump out and take them. I realized I am mentally addicted also. I guess accepting it is the first step.

My problem is I don't desire to NEVER touch them again but dear husband has no self control and since we use together and I'm a good submissive wife I give in every time, I don't know where this is going to go or end up.
It's no fun, whether it's pills or H or any variation of substances that you can become physically dependent on. I find it to be the ultimate paradox that something that can make you feel so good can bring you down so hard. In the words of full metal alchemists, the law of equivalent exchange. We cannot gain something without sacrificing something of equal value.

If sobriety is of importance to you then maybe this is a leap you and your husband need to take tog e their? If I've learned anything it's that once you start really abusing the stuff, the concept of moderation becomes completely null. I'm happy to hear you coming to terms with your addiction, but sorry to hear you are still using in minor doses. It's difficult to walk that line.
I used one 10/325 hydro today and thats all, I gave in to the neck pain that was making me want to kill everyone...honestly I was super bitch for awhile.

Coming to terms with sobriety is hard, I've always had issue with all these people that get clean and act like they're the shit. Don't forget who you were and where you come from is my thing. I'm open about things and addiction is something i've lived through like many others.

The hardest part is remembering life before the high....I'm a very strong person mentally and am staying far far away from gin and vodka which will unleash the demons I know I'm locking up mentally and emotionally through this. I will deal with them when I'm better able to handle it I guess.

I could have moderation easily because the 5 days I went through are something I never want to do again. I don't have W/D left in me again. It's a leap were going to have to take to just avoid them forever and thats a concept I'm just going to have to accept. He won't be able to pull using over my eyes again...I'm not the naive 19 year old he married anymore, i'm officially jaded now.
You have a good heart and. Good head on your shoulders :) I believe that you will get to where you need to be when the time is right. I hope you find a way to keep your pain under control without getting excessive. I'm having the worst back pain and it's right at the base of my spine, I'm pretty sure that'd where a lot of the Rls is coming from. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for both of us, and if you ever run into a hard time I'm a PM away :)
Thank you! I try and keep it in perspective....I personally think the mental aspect is half the battle if not more....I tried just telling myself through W/D that I had the flu and treated it as such, fluids, light foods, baths, cold meds helped a lot, movies etc....just kept telling myself i'm sick. mind over matter.
I figure we can keep the conversation in your thread if you'd like so we aren't bouncing back and forth. Your advice is so much appreciated. Even though I'm pretty sleep deprived it's crazy how much more energy you have when you're not high. I kind of forgot about the natural high of life.

You said something about treating yourself to something since you gave up something important to you. I think if you stay on the path you're on you will find an abundance of surplus cash (I know too well how it works with money being spent as soon as you get it) tAke a trip to somewhere nice! Hit the beach, catch a sunrise, see the natural beauty of the world and maybe you'll find in it a reminder of how beautiful life was before the drugs and addiction. I admire your courage in taking the big leap, and thank you again and again. For talking me through this. I've taken all My tramadol and now just taking tylenol for the aches, my appetite is there but can't bring myself to eat. I think a fast is in order to cleanse myself
Hey xxjadedxx.

When we asses ourselves and look at substance use, abuse, and addiction its a really good idea to make the distinction in our heads around physical dependence and addiction.

With physical dependence we are required to use the drug to feel decent.

Addiction is a subconscious drive to use the drug/drugs.

So when we successfully detox a drug of physical dependence we simply are no longer dependent. This ends up being something totally different from addiction.

Breaking the physical dependence can be tough and makes us feel awful. But in the end it ends up being the easy part. The addiction really is the hard part.

Since you have returned to use after kicking the opiates you certainly seem to be an addict. Only an addict would "voluntarily" begin to use opiates after the were dependent and successfully detoxed. "normal" people just simply would not do this.

Here is some good information on addiction. It involves a cycle. You have already cycled into active use. Your use will almost assuredly spiral back out of control.

The whole key to not finding yourself endlessly riding the merry go round off addiction is to learn to break the cycle. Until we are able to so then then around and around and around and around we all go.

Addiction Guide


The more times we ride and the longer we ride the more unpleasent, scary and dangerouse the ride gets.


Until we find ourselves in real trouble

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