Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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You have emotions awesome ?

At Day 19, I am still unable to cry. Well, when I get very upset, there are tears, but not more than for a few seconds. It's the same thing with anger. I have not had an angry fit of rage with anybody, that's going to happen when I start withdrawing. Even common pleasures like music last for only but a few seconds. The emotions are there, but they're bottled, suppressed.

I do not understand why I was put on something like this. I had reasons to weep for my land, and what was done to my people. There would be no revolution if everybody was on invega.

@AlphaMethylPhenyl: Thank you for answering this question. I was looking for the answer weeks ago, and now I have found that dopamine agonists just will not work. According to one other guy, the only thing the dopamine agonists help with are sexual side effects.

Appointment with the shrink coming up Monday. Hopefully, he won't force another needle in me like last time.
Like of all of you, I hate Invega. There is no justice against these pharmaceutical international firms. Not only they should stop selling these poisoneous crappy drugs but they should also try to give something back to us. We have lost energy, time and even money. People died from this product.
May the Lord help us through this trial.

Best regards

"Appointment with the shrink coming up Monday. Hopefully, he won't force another needle in me like last time."

Why? - If you don't want him to give you another injection, you don't get one.
Or was it approved by a court order like mine and the psychiatrist is allowed to give you another injection without your consent?
@awesome31311 and neuroleptique33 : I have been through what you're going through, don't give up guys, the truth is that it is the beginning of it. But once you get to month 8, 12 or even 15. You'll get back to your life, you won't be the same but at least you'll be thankful you didn't give up!
I believe that my brain is disconnected for life if it is the case I kill myself and m'y psy

I feel you man. Every day is a struggle, starting with the struggle to get out of bed, then taking ages to shower, and having wasted half the day by the time you're out of the shower.

However, I've been through this shit before and I know that the brain does recover from dissociation and forced drugging. It took me a full year to recover from pills last time. I hope to recover sooner from the injection this time.

Hopefully there will not be withdrawal effects. Someone can do the math and find out whether the injection tapers itself. I've heard the "10% every two weeks" rule. Well, let's see, based on an elimination half life of 30 days, someone who received a 156mg shot will have 110 mg in his system after two weeks. That's 29.29% for the first two weeks. After about four weeks, there should be 78 mg left. That's 50% after four weeks. That's not slow enough for the "10% rule", so no, I don't think the injection tapers itself off, and I would have to visit the shrink and see if he would prescribe me pills instead, to help taper off.

"Appointment with the shrink coming up Monday. Hopefully, he won't force another needle in me like last time."

Why? - If you don't want him to give you another injection, you don't get one.
Or was it approved by a court order like mine and the psychiatrist is allowed to give you another injection without your consent?

Nope. There isn't a court order to force me like it is for many unfortunate souls. However, here in America the shrinks threaten to take you to court if you refuse an injection. This time I'll say yes, because I deserve justice. They lied to me the very first time. I asked the nurse, "Do I have to get the injection?" and she's like "Yes you do". Well, this time I'll say no and walk out. In court I can argue that I'll be "taking the pills" instead. The most insane moment was when they basically said akathisia, dystonia, were all "normal" and I would just have to suck it up basically. It has affected my functionality by so much.

Just out of curiosity, do you mind sharing what justified the courts to force you on this poison? Sometimes if you call it poison in front of the shrink even by accident he'll write you down for having delusions that greedy people are out to poison you for profit. When in reality, they actually are.

Like of all of you, I hate Invega. There is no justice against these pharmaceutical international firms. Not only they should stop selling these poisoneous crappy drugs but they should also try to give something back to us. We have lost energy, time and even money. People died from this product.
May the Lord help us through this trial.

Best regards

Indeed, Amerisuck is such a shill for Big Pharma that they don't ever do case studies on people who die from the crappy drug. However, Japan did run trials and found dozens of people had died because of this nasty shit. Every "side effect" on the AP documentation is self reported by the guys who cherrypick what they want to study. That's why anhedonia is not the list.
@awesome31311 : wow! Did you just say America sucks? I'd shake your hand for saying that. All jokes aside, it changes from the "we are the best in everything" mentality some have overthere. Your honnest opinion is appreciated.
Btw, the US is a country I like overall, no offense.
In France, you can just miss your appointments you have with your psychiatrists, no one cares. (Except my mother who thinks invega has a therapeutical effect on depression, opinion that is not worth following).
Yeah, I would have loved to see this crap disappear from at least one country like Japan.

Day 201

Depression and anxiety are getting close to 0.
I am taking a break from running right now as I ran 8 times in December.
It shouldn't be long before I get to my pre invega strength. Maybe 1 month or 2.
@Hempty: how are you man?
@zack : I'm so exited for you really!! If u come back strong now you're fully recovered?
If Yeshuar eats vegan, you eat healthier than most of us. No improvements yet, not even small ones?
I do not have extreme improvements. I think the main difference comparing to others is that I don't have extreme fatigue. But that doesn't mean that I have the motivation to move or do something. Anhedonia is still there. The only improvement i had so far is that I'm feeling physically a tiny bit better. But I stopped walking a few days ago and it's worse again. I will start that again but it's really cold outside. I started ordering my fruits and veggies again. They are high quality. I will make smoothies again and stay on a raw fruit and veggies diet. And I ordered the most powerful plant based nutritional supplement in the world. With everything you need in it. I will let you guys know if I notice a difference. It will arrive in 2 weeks. It gives me hope that it will speed things up. And I will also order the best CBD I found so far that is all natural and has nothing chemicals in it and is pure. I also started drinking my filtered water again and I water fast at least once a week.
@SkavrsXeplion: haha I'm interested to see how it is going to go as well. I have promised my parents I will fully heal in a month or two so I'll try not to disappoint them.
I can say that by the time my strength comes back I will be fully healed yeah.
It would take 4-5 months for it to completely leave your system, almost half a year. Better find something to do in the meantime!

...but, you should start to feel better after 3 months or so
Hempty: I'm scared to have a permanent problem with my eyes, with the sun light is so strange I can't explain it, and I see some lines in the visual is strange, in February I've a control, emotion is a little bit better, but I have no energy and motivation
Hempty: I'm scared to have a permanent problem with my eyes, with the sun light is so strange I can't explain it, and I see some lines in the visual is strange, in February I've a control, emotion is a little bit better, but I have no energy and motivation

I'm familiar with this issue. You suffer from confusion when observing light or other external stimuli. What I found that helps with that is 25-50 mg of Benadryl, I believe it has to do with blood pressure/dystonia. I went to the ER and they told me it was a physical side effect, didn't see a shrink that night.
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