Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Feb 18, 2015
previous version: here

N.B. - This thread is for support for those who are recovering specifically from Invega as well as the in-depth discussion that entails . If you would like to talk more generally about coming off anti-psychotics, even if it is Invega you are on, I would encourage you to post in this thread: Coming off Anti-psychotics Megathread. That way we can begin to build up a knowledge base of advice to all who are coming off & recovering from being on APs. Thanks.

I want to go back to school so I have something to do and so I can better myself. However, recently I have discontinued taking Invega Sustena after 8 years of taking this and many other forms of anti-psychotics for major depression. I believe one of the more embarrassing symptoms I'm experiencing are tremors which makes me even more anxious in school which is one of the reasons why I wanted to quit. I want to be accepted socially, and be able to concentrate on my work however it's difficult when people stare at you and wonder whats wrong with you. I don't know what to do. I know exercise helps a lot but I don't know if there's something else and how long I will have this symptom. I really want it to go away because it's really embarrassing for me. I really want to go to school and be successful. Maybe there are vitamins..? Anything to help will be really appreciated. I've been off of Invega Sustenna for about 2 months and 3 weeks. Please, please, please help me!! Thank you!!

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They are also not very noticeable but can produce much anxiety when I notice them.
this is something u should address with your pdoc.
I heard Propanolol can help with that, probably better meds for it too.
What you can do NOW is take a split (lower) dose of Invega and ween yourself off the med slower. You never mentioned you were tapering, but i really hope you are. I've gone cold turkey off APs many times and it is awful, tapering's the best way to get off of them.
Thank you so much for the reply. I am actually looking for something like all natural remedies but I do appreciate your input. I am trying to not take any sort of medication. I pretty much weaned myself off of Invega Sustenna I was on 117 mg and then got off. That's the minimum therapeutic dosage for depression. After that it's all or nothing so that is when I stopped taking it. It'll be 3 months soon.
try Kratom

its legal most places.
it's natural but it can cause its own withdrawal symptoms. Also be careful which vendor u use, my friend got a bad batch of Kratom that made him really sick. THen he got better and tried more of the stuff, and got even sicker that time. he had to go to the hospital and everything
try Kratom

its legal most places.
it's natural but it can cause its own withdrawal symptoms. Also be careful which vendor u use, my friend got a bad batch of Kratom that made him really sick. THen he got better and tried more of the stuff, and got even sicker that time. he had to go to the hospital and everything

Thanks, although I am trying to go for something less addicting and probably more than barley legal but I appreciate it.
Thats whats bothering me. I dont take any other medication sometimes if i cant stand my symptoms anymore i take zopiclone but that makes me extremely tired. i know its coming from the invega cause i havent felt any improvement since the day they gave it to me. its so frustrating and my life has been ruined cause of that.
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Tina don't take zopiclone anymore, you did good quitting it, it's very harmful.
Go to your family doctor, talk to him and ask for blood tests, see if invega messed up your thyroid, adrenal glands or other things.
After 4 - 5 months, it seems I am now back to normal. I had terrible insomnia since my injection. Everyday I could not sleep, always waking up before I could get enough rest (just 6 hours), and even then could not fall back asleep. For 4-5 months, I did not get even a single good nights rest! I hated it, I felt like crap everyday.

But now, I can sleep! Being fully rested feels incredible.

I only took one injection of invega. I dunno the dose, standard I assume. Don't lose hope mates! Like you guys, I was unsure it would ever end, but as long as there is a little bit of hope, you will keep going. Seeya later mates!
Was insomnia the only side effect you had for the 4-5 months after your injection that you recovered from?
You can find every info about dosage, diagnosis etc on the hospital discharge letter, and you should have it.
Try keeping all the paper stuff you have about hospitalizations, medications etc in a safe place, those can be evidences in case one day you want to sue those mofos

It doesn't take much to them to falsify the documents or worse make them happens everytime.

Psychiatry is the biggest scam of the millennium hope you don't need invega trinza in your butt to acknowledge it.
I hate to break it to you, but most psychiatric hospitals are so broke and underfunded that suing them won't do shit.
Johnson & Johnson's net worth is $65.030 billion.

You've been given their shit. It caused you harm.
Week 28 off the poison
Thats at least four half lifes gone, there should only be a sixteenth left in my system even going on the fourty nine day half life theory.
Its getting a bit easier to think clearly and the head doesn't feel as groggy, still waking up depressed and have just sat about since christmas and done no exercise, haven't had the motivation or desire to want to do anything much apart from drink beer and smoke weed at night. Going to make some lifestyle changes over the coming weeks and start exercising and doing jobs around my house and try to get my life back to what it was before the doctors decided to start injecting me with this poison.
Its hard not to be bitter at psychiatry and big pharma with there ability to just force poison on you as they try to make you another customer for life, the corruption will be exposed eventually, don't know if sueing or making complaints is the answer, its just going to prolong getting over this experience imo and I just want to try and get it out of my mind.
Not going to update again until another half life passes at week 35 because I'm not really noticing much change and have sort of semi recovered, I'll still be following the thread and hopefully reading more success stories, but I need to be getting myself more active in the coming weeks and try and get into my old hobbies and routine.
Anyhow if you don't hear from me again, I'll have relapsed, although I'm planning on being as stress free as possible as I push on to half life five.

Its been emotional
I think a generalized AP thread might work well... only time can tell.

I feel like there's something [else] to be said about the Invega Sustenna thread reaching 1008 or 9 posts, though. More posts probably means less people who are actually recovered. I don't know... just an assumption.

Just passed half life number 7 from my last injection (counting 50 days each). I'm feeling a bit better. Not much motivation, but I can feel my imagination getting better, laughing more, that kind of thing. I was hoping by the time my birthday rolled around that I'd be completely recovered, but this is what happens when you hope.
Back by popular demand. Thanks for the rational input from the others in the new megathread. Don't say I never gave you anything.

I feel like there's something [else] to be said about the Invega Sustenna thread reaching 1008 or 9 posts, though. More posts probably means less people who are actually recovered. I don't know... just an assumption.

I do find it quite disheartening that a thread of this nature is by far & away the thread with the most replies in MH.

I think it is somewhat strange though. Elsewhere I've seen some quite positive comments on Invega. I know of someone personally who functions very well on the depot. I think perhaps what makes Invega really stand out is perhaps the fact it has such a long half-life. If it's being given at high doses to people who don't tolerate it overly well, or dare I say it maybe even don't need it, of course it will take them a long time to recover. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's downsides mind. Plenty of other APs can do much the same though... Amisulpride turned me into a living zombie but I recovered reasonably quickly being as I was on oral meds.

Is this the go to depot Stateside these days? I used to see a lot of people talking about risperidone a few years ago. I appreciate they are somewhat similar medications.
Seems the posts moved from the closed thread meant this one was too... didn't think to check! Open for business now folks, sorry about the confusion.
Really, like psychiatry is such bullshit. Liim in a similar situation to you guys, I was taking risperidone oral for a month and then got the effects that alot of you describe. Lack of emotion, pleasure, weed beer and cigs all don't work on me anymore, I'm stupid, bad short term memory, oh, and sometimes my muscles move involuntarily, usually while I'm sleeping and then I wake up bcus of it... Fuck my life
Anyways I have been off it for 2 months and I seriously don't have any improvements at all,the biggest bullshit about this, and for all of us, is that it seems most of us were on these drugs because we experienced a drug induced psychosis, yet, all we had to do was lay off the drugs for a few weeks and the psychosis would have disappeared, that was my original plan anyways. But I receive pressure from social workers, cops, parents, and psychiatrist to take the drug, they made it sound harmless, and they said I have to take it which I didn't want to, and now it just fucked MD up even more. You know, I used to think hearing voices was the worse thing in the world anyone can experience. But now I concluded that being on these drugs is. The psychiatrist don't even try to help you, I was telling him about his I was laying off the weed and I was hearing voices far less, and he just kinda ignored it and wanted to prescribe me something... Its such a conflict of interest how they prescribe you these things, apparently the drug companies pay the psychiatrist to prescribe these meds, so these psychs try and prescribe them to ev1 even if the patient dosnt need it bcus it means more money for them. So we go and take it, take as prescribed because your supposed to trust your doctor right? Your under the assumption that the doctor is acting in your best interest but it dosnt seem that way... The doctor is acting in there own best interest. Also, another problem is that the medicine they prescribe very forcefully to you, isn't even medicine that dosnt work, that would be a 1000x better. Instead they prescribe us drugs that are as dangerous as cocaine, meth, and heroine.
Then when these super ass dangerous drugs, which you didn't even wanna take fuck you up, and now you actually need some medication to help you cause those meds fucked you up, the doctors don't have anything to say and they have nothing to prescribe. It's absolute lunacy how this system works, psychiatry is seriously the biggest evil on the planet after ISIS
For oral risperidone it will take 6 months to 1 year from when you stopped the pills to feel better.

One day people will see all this shit just the same as how we see Nazism today.

With the difference that once it was Jews being tortured, now it's anyone.. And I stress the word anyone, I never had a psychosis in my life, antipsychotics are the most prescribed drugs, they make you retarded. Stay away from psychiatry.
At least we've still got a thread to post in, hopefully we get some recovery stories over the coming months so we know roughly what timescale we are looking at for recovery. I'm at six and a half months off the poison and while I'm nowhere as bad as I was three months ago and am able to function normally, I still don't feel recovered, whether thats because of negative thinking or because I can't get over the fact that doctors can just force this shit on you and make you so ill for so long, its some kind of sick joke. If it was just an illness, then that might be easier to understand, but to be made to suffer all this time because of so called medicine is hard to get your head round.
According to the couple of success stories from the other thread and the information recieved it should be about eight months when you are close to recovered or maybe you need another half life to pass and it will be ten months, thats if you don't have a relapse because that is another possibility from being injected with this poison and maybe a reason why there are so few success stories.
This lingering depression has at least got better, but its still there and makes it hard to motivate yourself, I can feel it lifting slightly as I start to get more dopamine, but perhaps I'm going to have to wait for another one or two more half lives to pass before it goes completely or try and get more active and battle through the poison.
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