Quitting Gabapentin

I haven't been addicted but I get 90 every 3 months and go on a 5 day binge of manic energy and motivation. I can tell ya that the days after the binge are always rough and I'm always irritable. Heard its hell to get off of, best luck!
you have to give more info than that

dosage? time?

There is a good deal of ignorance going around regarding Gabapentin and Lyrica that it isn't harmful to take many times the dosage in order to feel spaced-out. The fact that the drug is marketed like it is, added to the fact that there is kind of an ignorant cult-following regarding it's detox drug doesn't help.
i can use 10g a day for a week and only need to taper by taking 4g then the next day 2g then 1 then 1/2 and jump off with no ill effect
Hi I quit the Gapapentin cold in the end and been off it several months, as a pain med it wasn't really helping and I was having weird side effects from it. There was a lot of withdrawal symptoms for several weeks, thankfully over that now. Very, very nasty and insidious drug.