SSRIs after heavy E binge? please help


May 26, 2013
Hi all
A little over a year ago I started having bad anxiety and panic attacks. My theory is that it's from using lots of E that year among other drugs. Last January my doctor gave me Lexapro to help with the anxiety but on day 3 I was trembling, puking, getting dizzy and having the worst panic attacks. I thought I had serotonin syndrome so I stopped taking it.

So my question is was it possible that Lexapro gave me that reaction because I had used lots of MDMA in the months prior? I was also taking 5htp regularly and stopped one week before starting Lexapro. Perhaps that could've contributed

I ask this many months later because my anxiety and panic attacks are coming back. I felt I was almost fully recovered until yesterday when I had my first panic attack in almost 8 months. I feel hopeless and sometimes suicidal because I can't live a normal life due to this anxiety. But I'm trying to be strong and I'm considering taking a SSRI again. Even though I wish I could fight this battle without medication.
I don't think anyone will be able to tell you for sure why you reacted so badly to the Lexapro, but I can tell you that all of the symptoms you listed are common side effects for that medication. The MDMA and 5-HTP might have contributed, but you should also consider that your dose might have just been too high, or that you and Lexapro just don't get along.
my best guess is tolerance to mdma seratonin flood has desensitized your receptors, daily 5htp regiment has been keeping your serotonin levels normal but receptors are fatigued. Lexapro now ssuddenly blocks reuptake so the available neurotransmitter gets a slightly longer window to work its magic. ever take a "better than sober" dose of your preferred poison? yup- might as well have taktaken nothing at all.
An ssri is probably not the answer. Over the years I have developed bad anxiety and panick attacks. Probably from a lot of over usage. Only thing that works right now is lithium and clonazepam. I don't want to stay on this forever, but only thing that works now. Just my expierence,ssri's made it worse
I used a great deal of MDMA (MDXX etc) over nearly 1 years, certainly more than enough to bring about a decent spectrum of any actual associated consequences. I've read numerous reports over the years on the alleged 'damage' MDMA can cause to the brain, mostly calling out the Serotonin system.

Like most limited drug studies, especially those regarding illegal / illicit substances there tend to be a deal of bias and in truth such studies are fraught with difficulties. Here's a Link to some, better informed than I information on the studies and their validity.

All that said it's pretty much a given that for some people any active drug may have unwanted or unexpected side effects some of which may be permanent, given this is proven to be the case with many ADs (antidepressants) it seems likely MDMA would produce a similar spectrum of diverse responses from different people.
In terms of which ADs might help you, I'd leave the guess work of what role MDMA has played in your current condition to one side, you'll never really know and you can't untake the drugs.

FWIW some 10 years after ceasing regular use of MDMA I had somewhat of a breakdown, acute clinical depression and GAD were diagnosed. I tried 4 or 5 SSRIs and all made me really quite ill, mostly extreme nausea, increased thoughts of suicide and de realisation, I know of many others that have taken the same ADs and experienced none of these effects. I tolerate TCAs and SNRIs quite well whereas other do not.

If you are going to go down the road of ADs it's vital you work with a trusted doctor and be prepared to try a number of drugs before either deciding they just aren't for you or finding one that helps with your illness and IMHO that's all they will do 'help' anxiety and depression are coming from within and there will be things you need to work through regardless. <3
It was probably just the way your body was reacting to the lexapro- or could have been pure coincidence. There is no way it was true serotonin syndrome-which tends to occur only with dangerous combinations-usually when MAOIs are involved.SSRIs alone are extremely unlikely to cause serotonin syndrome.

SSRIs can cause nausea and increased anxiety in some people. I doubt you taking MDMA months before had any effect. 5-HTP a week prior is also unlikely to still have a lingering effect - because serotonin is metabolized relatively fast by MAO in the body.
I imagine you really just want to feel "normal"again. First you want those suicidal thoughts gone. Just be careful of family docs, they like to throw ADs at everything. They might work but be careful.
Thanks for all the replies, guys. I love TDS because of how helpful and sympathetic everyone is. I failed to mention that I was taking a benzo daily for almost 7 months. I had my first panic attack a few weeks after a really scary shroom trip I had when I was 17 years old. My mother gave me 1mg of Clonazepam (she takes it not for anxiety but for multiple sclerosis) and it stopped the panic attack dead in its tracks. Every day after that I was waking up afraid of having another panic attack so I kept taking clonazepam. It started with .25mg, then .5mg. After a few months I was sometimes taking 2mg a day.

7 months after I started taking clonazepam I stopped cold turkey per recommendation of my therapist. It was really tough, and this was only about a year ago (I'm just turning 19 soon) so I think it may be possible that I am still experiencing lingering anxiety that was caused by benzo usage. I found this extremely interesting study that I'd like to share with you all. I read the whole thing. It shows that 50% of anxiety sufferers have been taking benzos for a long period of time and that they go back to feeling normal as early as 3 months after discontinuation of said drugs. (Direct download link to a PDF version of the study)

Like I said in my original post, I've been slowly getting better and I think its only a matter of time before I am back to my normal self. Perhaps the MDMA had some impact on my recovery but I have been drug free since I stopped taking benzos and I plan to keep it that way (perhaps until marijuana is legalized in my state ;)) But all jokes aside, thanks for the input and I don't think I'm going to look into SSRIs anymore. I'm just going to let my brain do its own thing.