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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: Engage the digital super banana

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Cream Gravy?

Bluelight Crew
Jan 28, 2014
Last page of previous Social thread is here.

Yeah, I honestly can't wait till I have the economic viability to move into my own place or move in with my girlfriend. She keeps a tight ship. I'm kinda a neat freak, so this shit pisses me off. On top of that, he eats peanuts all day too, so on our living room carpet, there's just hundreds upon hundreds of peanut shells all over the place, and I end up having to clean them up if I ever want to use the floor for anything (I like to lay there in between the speakers when I'm on MXE lol) because he's lazy as fuck. I can't understand why people are so inconsiderate. I'm gonna have to chew him out, nothing ever gets done here till I practically force it upon him.

I really complain here a lot I realize hah... Must be the coffee. I've begun to think that coffee is a major source of assholes in the world. I love it so much, but it makes me so impatient, and I see the same irritability in other coffee drinkers. Hmmm....
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A sacred offering:

Mate, you're quite allowed to get the shits with that. I can't handle that kind of lazy messy person, essentially if I have to live with them.

You both would fucking hate living with me, I am a very messy person. I am trying to improve this though and have, but still, I find myself leaving shit everywhere and constantly losing my possessions. Its increasingly aggravating me TBH. But I just can't focus on this sort of stuff.... It takes real effort
Just got an invite to a little bush doof a few hours drive away :) Gonna head up soon I think... Worship the sun, all that...<3
A sacred offering:

You both would fucking hate living with me, I am a very messy person. I am trying to improve this though and have, but still, I find myself leaving shit everywhere and constantly losing my possessions. Its increasingly aggravating me TBH. But I just can't focus on this sort of stuff.... It takes real effort

This is dope thanks
You both would fucking hate living with me, I am a very messy person. I am trying to improve this though and have, but still, I find myself leaving shit everywhere and constantly losing my possessions. Its increasingly aggravating me TBH. But I just can't focus on this sort of stuff.... It takes real effort

Haha :p personally I mainly get annoyed with 'dirty' things being left around - tissues/paper towel, plates/bowls/cups/glasses/cutlery, empty packets/rubbish. Things that can and very well should be dealt with on the spot and never had any need to be left lying around. IMO, it's beyond laziness to open a packet of something and fail to put the remnants in the bin but rather leave them lying around somewhere within a few metres of said bin. Or dirty dishes anywhere other than the kitchen (where they should even be in the dishwasher/cleaned straight away anyway).

There's a difference between leaving your stuff around a bit (which I'll admit I do sometimes), and leaving clutter, rubbish, and dirty shit lying around. The latter will often cause further issues as it can attract unwanted visitors like flies and cockroaches, and can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

Just got an invite to a little bush doof a few hours drive away :) Gonna head up soon I think... Worship the sun, all that...<3

Lucky mofo
Yeah, I have realised that I used to expend more effort trying to avoid throwing away rubbish/mess/etc. then I would had I just used a bin... Its bizarre, but psychologically, containing my self/possesions is really trying; it requires immense effort. But I agree with you on actual dirtiness; I've no interest in having rotting organic matter surrounding me, but I am happy to have a somewhat cluttered house- verylived in:D

Troz said:
Lucky mofo

Yeah, should be fun, just a smallish 70-80person gathering, organised by some of my brothers friends; their big into kind of "underground" parties, often spontaneous and word-of-mouth, though some are involved in bigger bush parties like RSF. I d/led a ton of old goa compilations recently so I think me and my brother are going to play a goa-trance set. :)
I'm getting excited for you. You will have to let us know how it goes. Tastefully of course!

Thank you. :) She'll be here any minute and I just finished up work. Looking forward to a great evening/night/morning. :)

I feel like I sound a bit immature or irrational complaining about something so seemingly trivial, but the thing is I've tried to put up with it these past months, and the oil has just gotten more and more burnt or whatnot and so the smell has gotten worse and worse. To top things off, it's cold as fuck outside, so I can't very well open the windows and air out the house. I'm stuck with the damn burnt-fried smells all winter unless I get into an argument with my roommate, but he's too thick to just clean the damn thing I'm fairly certain. I made a point of mentioning it and he acted like I was making much-ado about nothing. I can understand I seem a bit irate, but these smells ruin my breakfasts and ruin my mornings.

Issues have a tendency to grow and become serious problems when you live with someone... hence why it's a big step to move in with your SO, or to live with a friend. My best friend and I almost stopped being friends (been best friends since 2nd grade too) when we lived together for a year in junior year of college... that shit piles up in your mind until it starts to REALLY bother you. Also it's perfectly reasonable for you to be upset at that kind of mess, like you said, cluttered is one thing (I tend to be cluttered), but dirty is another thing entirely.

You both would fucking hate living with me, I am a very messy person. I am trying to improve this though and have, but still, I find myself leaving shit everywhere and constantly losing my possessions. Its increasingly aggravating me TBH. But I just can't focus on this sort of stuff.... It takes real effort

I used to be really dirty, like I'd leave the dishes for a week in the sink til they got nasty, etc. I've managed to get myself to stop being dirty and take the (small amount of) time daily that it takes to get clean again. I do tend to clutter still though. I always sort of envy people who can keep their house spotless and organized. It feels against my nature to think much about that though... it requires mental effort and I don't generally care to expend that effort because my mind is fixed on so many other things.
^That is exactly how I feel. But a lot of what I read suggests there is some importance in keeping ones environment 'workable'. I feel like I am too focused on the future and past and so I neglect the present.

Or some shit :)
Yeah my therapist told me that the state of neatness in your living space is indicative of your internal state. I've always been really cluttered... as a kid I was straight up messy. Not sure I 100% believe that if you're cluttered it means something is wrong internally, but I do think it's nicer to exist in a place that's organized and neat. I think some people just care about that more than others, I've never been particular about my surroundings. I usually make an effort to straighten up more when I am going to have company (like tonight). Like I said though at least I have the dirty thing handled now because it really isn't a good idea to keep your house dirty, as it's just unsanitary (for example having multi-day dirty dishes soaking in nasty water in the sink).
I'm honestly messy in the sense that I have two piles of cloths in my room, one clean and one dirty, no room to put things and all... but out in the communal space I feel the need for a clean environment. I think I'm honestly just so stressed that I decided to vent my frustration on the small shit my roommate does. He's truly messy though... we once had to lend a friend a key to pet sit for me, and my roommate has made like... 30 copies of our key? We had to search through the piles of junk in his room to find just one spare key out of dozens... On top of it we were on mushies though, I remember it feeling like an adventure, discovering random shit in his outlandishly messy room hahahah
I see the clean/messy duality around the house as cycles within cycles. Sometimes all the cycles align and everything gets cleaned together. I'm tolerant of space when it gets towards the dingy side of the cycle, when clothes overflow the basket and populate the floor etc. on the cusp of Laundry Time.
The kitchen always needs to be a tight operation. Dishes when they are overdue, scream at me to be done.
Speaking of these cycles, I can only go about two weeks dry of dissociative and psychedelics before depression begins to dig its roots. I need to get out of my head sometimes ya know? Thankfully I've been saved tonight with a blessing from a friend- Thank you MXE for those precious moments out of my head.
I actually wouldn't mind a day of cleaning and tidying the house while inebriated lol....might be a thing when (if...) I finally get my MXE :)
I actually wouldn't mind a day of cleaning and tidying the house while inebriated lol....might be a thing when (if...) I finally get my MXE :)
I always break out the vacuum cleaner when I'm waiting for the MXE to come on hahah, cleaning is a good way to occupy the come-up time on most any drug, and helps you feel "cleaner" IMO during the trip. If shit's messy, I feel like I don't "deserve" to trip because I didn't take care of cleaning first.

I usually have clutter slowly pile up until at some point it irritates me and I then go on a cleaning spree and tidy up everything. Stimulants used to make me want to clean things, but they don't anymore xD. My laziness has overwon the powers of amphetamine. Psychedelics can sometimes give me an overwhelming urge to tidy things up. Too much clutter when tripping in doors stresses me out. If I'm too fucked to clean things I usually flee to the outside world :p.
Yeah my desk gets super cluttered rather quickly. I keep the kitchen good though always, I mean if I'm feeling lazy I might go a day without cleaning it but then it bothers me too much.

Ahh... satisfaction. :) I missed having her around. She's sleeping upstairs right now (jetlagged) and I'm not tired yet so here I am. :)
^I'm glad your lass is back, she sounds like a real winner...:)

Eric, I note your use of the word 'super' as being quite prominent in your lexicon :) I note it, that is all, there is no analysis...

St3ve said:
My laziness has overwon the powers of amphetamine.

:D Big LOL there, thanks... I haven't got to that stage yet, but when I take dexamphetamine, I feel the urge to clean; but I feel the urge to do a billion other things more strongly, write a song, paint a picture, try and fix an old synth, masturbate/fuck, create a sculpture using paper clips....So I never clean on amphetamines, but I do everything else :)

Speaking of which, I don't really want to trip today, though stuck with others doing so; so I've whipped out the old MXE and dexamp and created a miasma of good vibes in that way...:) <3 Soon to be out of hearing though.

I think I'm just going to play the latest Juno Reactor from start to finish today, it encompasses a lot of feeling, a good journey...
In fact, I do hereby request the use of the word SUPER as well as DIGITAL BANANA in this thread title: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE :D
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