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Question about MDMA euphoria


Jun 1, 2014
Hello, i am new here on bluelight, but i do hope to find some enlightment (no pun intended) about a fascinating drug, MDMA, on this great site.

I have some experience with psychoactive substances ( esp pot ), but i have yet to try ecstacy. My question regards the effects: DO YOU ACTUALLY FEEL HAPPY, like pure happines ,,kissed the girl/boy i had a crush on", or DO YOU FEEL ECSTATIC, like i'm blowing with feel-good energy wooba-dooba shizzle?

Thanks in advance to anyone who gives a minute from his spare time to answer.
Hey Krikman, welcome to bluelight :) It's a combination of both actually. You have a physical rush of tingles and euphoria coming over you and at the same time you are flooded with feelings of empathy, happiness, love,... You could say it's pure bliss, both psychologically and physically. It's kind of like that feeling of really really being in love, those same butterflies, tingles, euphoria, feelings of love, empathy,... but amplified by a thousand and directed at the entire world instead of one person. And that explanation doesn't even do it justice. It's something you'll have to experience to understand what it's like
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Bluebell is spot on really.

For me imagine a day at a amusement park and how happy you get it's kind of like that but you can be even happier and it's crammed in a 3-4 hour duration, it's like a overdose of happiness. It's kinda cheating your pushed into being the happiest you can be for no reason. Although it's different for everyone of course.

MDMA is basically working 1 of your neurotransmitter that provides happiness, that's why when you come down you can feel drained and sometimes you can get depressed. Although usually if you have such a great time it's worth feeling drained afterwards ime.

Since it works your serotonin so much is 1 of the reasons why it should be used only 3-4 times a year. Using it to much can really mess with your serotonin levels and can create a big nightmare that just isn't worth it in my experience.

If you haven't tried it I do recommend trying it at least once or twice but you absolutely need a test kit to make sure you are consuming real MDMA(can order test kits online from many places for good prices). You can easily eat something far more dangerous if you don't test it. Or you can end up with something really weak. Iv seen ppl do both and give up on it and it's sad because MDMA is actually pretty nice and I think anyone interested should get the real thing do they can see for themselves instead of just giving up on it.

Welcome to bluelight btw, you can pm me if you have anymore question I maybe able to help you with.
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It's both you described and actually bit more that doesn't fit the "just happines" and "body joy" categories. It's also a lot of realizations about things, people, yourself, understanding the gameness of all being - this comes to some of intellectual joy, as if you solved some invisible but intriguing puzzle and satisfaction about it. It's like the light version of profound revelations on true psychedelics like LSD. Not for all and not always, but in some cases you can get that a bit.
I relate LSD more with pure happiness and MDMA more like the feel-good energy wooba-dooba shizzle.
I quite get what you're saying. Some people describe mdma as a state of inner peace and happines (which i agree that sounds like a lighter psychedelic experience) while others are all about the body high and how much physical euphoria they get.

Even though the real effects are somewhat in the middle, plus smth special (like you said), i was curious which part is more proeminent in your opinion.

So yeah, ty for your experiences :)
MDMA gives a deeper, more euphoric high than mere happiness, with chattiness and empathy to boot. And it makes music and dancing out of this world.
It's both you described and actually bit more that doesn't fit the "just happines" and "body joy" categories. It's also a lot of realizations about things, people, yourself, understanding the gameness of all being - this comes to some of intellectual joy, as if you solved some invisible but intriguing puzzle and satisfaction about it. It's like the light version of profound revelations on true psychedelics like LSD. Not for all and not always, but in some cases you can get that a bit.
Yeah agreed. I tried explaining how it felt but now reading my reply again it doesn't do it justice at all. I think any attempt of explaining the feeling would fall short, it's something that has to be experienced to be understood, it is that profound