Mental Health If someone here studied pharmazie or chemistry then lets discuss:-) or has High IQ

I agree and disagree with that. I see your reluctance for stimulants and CNS depressants as well as opiates. On the other hand SSRI's and SNRI's are relatively new compared to those. Just recently is science able to examine people who have been on such drugs for a lifetime. I understand how the new generation of antidepressants works, but science has never proven that serotonin being absorbed by cells in too large amounts is the cause of depression. They have many indicators, but, like all science it is a theory, and theories are constantly shifting. I have O.C.D., I feel I have to be perfect, I count and divide, multiply everything, many rituals, I had a nervous breakdown my first time in college when I was pre-med because I missed a final. I also have ADD and panic disorder. They are all debilitating. I went through all types of the antidepressants, SSRI, tri, SNRI...they did not work. I could tell they were effecting me, but not in a way that improved my life. I take benzo's for the panic disorder, and take the long term. I take Adderall for the ADD. As far as my OCD, not that I would recommend you do this, I do this on my own, I take opiates. Everyone's brain chemistry is different, this combination has literally saved my life. Basically all of these drugs pose risks, so yes, what does more harm? Your ability to enjoy life, or potential effects? It's awful but sadly many people have to play test monkey until they find something that works. I have taken the benzo class of drugs for 10 years, and I so far have no loss of short term memory. Yet many people do, and quickly. And stimulants are not meant to grow brain cells, they change the chemicals in your brain enhancing chemicals they believe help you concentrate. I know many people who use marijuana, it's legal around here, and it really helps them. So I suppose all I can say is find a balance, and if you meet a shrink who doesn't listen to your valid concerns, maybe it is time for a new one.
You are funny, I agree with you that you cannot simply self analyze deficiencies in your cognitive abilities, but that is why someone who truly wanted to study that would take measures to be evaluated.
ou aren't going to get a genius answer about 3-MMC being a mental health panacea.
No thats not what i am looking for.I look for persons taking it very often and without much harm.I do not feel happy or proud of taking it.But it helps!

Thanks Anja
Hello Mea Coulpa. you wrot:you aren't going to get a genius answer about 3-MMC being a mental health panacea.
No thats not what i am looking for.I look for persons taking it very often and without much harm.I do not feel happy or proud of taking it.But it helps!

Thanks Anja
Hello Jasmyn!

Thanks for your post.Its very friendly.I can reflect my.I am also a typ of OCD and perfectionist in some ones:)
Well I friend of my smoked THC for 20 years every.Very intelligent person.Then he got paranoid and psychotic.The parents put him in a psychiatric
clinic and the set him on clozapin,and Olanzapine.Now he has no work and is almost dead he look liked.He could not walk,he is 33.
This is why i think(3 MMC is not bathsalt) ist a cathinone. Has sure risks.But I depends.Perhaps I will end like him or not.
Hello Pentouch.

Your questions was:

SSRIs made feel like a person ,also smarter and more interesting..I dont know why?? Now Im again same pathetic douche and Im very eager to try SSRI again,is it smart to take pills like that,on and off for couple of months? Or is it more effective to take it whole year straight? Or should I stay away from it as this experience could possibly come naturally with time? How you think guys?

I think the brain always tries to reach an equilibrium.
So taking them 1 month on then one month of is for sure no ideal.Thats my Opionin after 6 years pharmazie study.

Hi Dresden!
SSRIs are garbage. The theory that more serotonin equals less depression is no longer in vogue or really even believed in anymore by many people, including me.
SSRIs give people flat affect and sexual side effects, and that's about it. If 3-MMC works better for you than any other drug without any bad side effects after taking it for days on end for years like you have, then you should stick with taking it. You know more about your mind/body than we do. Yes, it's rather unconventional, and you will be in a pickle when (not if but when) they ban 3-MMC in your country, but what else can you do?

If they ban it,first comes 2MMC which also helps me,but I must take a gramm a day and get poor.
I am alowed with my proffession to buy every chemical for synthesis.So I will make sell my car and make my one little laboratory:)
I do not think it will be banned until 2015.Befor that i Buy a 5 year supply.Till then I find anything else I think.If I get older I cant take it any more because of
my heart at some point will not tolerat it any more.
Hi Dresden!
THANK YOU!Thats an answer I like.

You said:Yes, but he has tried a lot of things(all pharma meds and few rcs) and only the 3-MMC seems to help his severe symptoms. Better not to take it, sure, but it can be hard to argue with relief. In my opinion, he should be more worried about what to do once they ban it in his country than theoretically predicted but not yet observed heart valve problems. All drugs have side effects.
I think the problem is they banned all meds with dopamine release or reuptake or combine them with Serotonin or Noradrenaline.
Only for the sake that you can not abuse them.They pharma industry will not truly cure people.The use psychomeds which dull emotions.Not restore.
If you have a problem,like job los,divorce and so on a few month on them you will not feel as much painfull emotions
Then its ok.But if its endogene then its not ok.
They had survector which was a pure dopminergic med.Only a few missused it and they banned it.I hate those burokrats.Very poore people that are no help.
There can't be a med which restores endogene depression without any form of possibilty that you can missuse it.There there will never be help and you have to take
THC,COCAIN,or BATHSALTS.If they banned the rcs which where used over 10 or 20 years.Then new ones are thrown on the marked with more risk.They do not understand
If you take psychytric meds.Thousends every make suicide because they stop taking them.I know to docs which work in a psychatric clinic.There is no help trust me.

Hi Sekio please close this thread too:)

I found replacement for the cathinones:)Not MDPV:)

Good luck and thanks! Great Moderators. Especially Jesus.

So what's your solution. I think the least you could do after so many threads and even many more pages to those threads is tell us the substance before this gets closed. I believe this is a completely reasonable request
Well at first I that 3 phenmetriacine was the solution.5 days latter it stopped working even with a high i am at the beginning.

Sorry I know I post often in many threads.Perphaps because I tried every antidepressiva on earth which existed in every combination and my mental health is getting worse at the moment.
The way neuroleptics and moodstabilsers made me feel is like a zombi(May be i am bipolar and not Add+Depression).Then better suicide.

3-MMC low dose for 3 years was the first chem on which I had no depression any more.(4 times a day)But its loosing its effects now to almost zero.

I think it was the serotonin release which lifted my depression as dopamine reuptake inhibitors do not help at all.
No ritalin,modafinil,strattera,MDPV,2FA,Pentedrone.

So if you know i take 500 mg or more 3 MMC daily.May be thats dangerous.It will shorten my life i know for sure.
Then I think i will not do a higher damage if i find a replacement because it stops working and I need a higher and higher dose.

So perhaps a lower dose of 5-MAPB could help me.

So if a lower dose of 5-MAPB would help me(or whats your opinion on etyhlone,butylone,methylone) then i would take the risk.Perhaps 10 or 20 mg a day help me. I read 5-MAPB is mostly a serotonin releaser.

6-APBD is more dopaminergic i read? Every one says no no no.But if you have resistent depression and something despite high dangers would help I will take the risk.

I have private contact to 5 moderators. They suggested alpha PVP (i think its like MDPV ) the other 5-Meo-Mipt and 2-C-D.I have no expirience with psychedelics.I have fear to try these.

Thank you for any advice

A low dose 2C-D couldn't hurt to try.. (That was what I was thinking of instead of 5-Meo-Mipt, but can't be arsed to spend more time on this.)

-Maybe take L-Tyrosine to replenish some dopamine??
-Some L-tryptophan for serotonin? (only after use never before or during)
Sounds like you burned up most of yours.. (perhaps close to 0% left..)

A-PVP does NOT sound promising if MDPV or even Pentedrone isn't working for you.
You should know by now after several treads or just a tiny little bit of research you could have easily done yourself that MDPV, A-PHP, A-PVP are very similar in profile and not what you are looking for right??

Why do I have to tell this to a pharmacist...

Same goes for 6-APBD.. and the whole fucking APB series.. More dopaminergic!? WTF!
These are almost straight SEROTONERGIC releasers GET IT NOW!?

You probably won't even feel a thing either from those at this point! Jeez...

I don't get why you are asking for these again and again.. Care to explain?
Because this IS ridiculous!
(Cute little hyperlink to a dictionary you posted there, while addressing someone who has forgotten more on the subject of pharmacology and neuroscience than you will ever know, simultaneously dissing Bluelighters who tried to help you and their advice. VERY NICE Einstein.)

I have no patience left..
Whatever, do what you think is right. But don't bother people on forums with your babbling nonsense, you don't even hear advice when people shout it at you.
You obviously have NO clue whatsoever.

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abusing rcs daily because it helps with your depression is foolish. i smoked k2 daily for two years when i was 18 and 19 and i regret it. its not smart. you might have done some damage to your serotonin and dopamine which feeds the depression, but taking rcs daily wil not help and will just keep damaging your body. i think u should get off them and let your brain heal but that is just my 2 cents.