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lsd comparison


Oct 22, 2014
now i know there are countless lsd vs shroom threads on here im an experienced shroomer but lsd i have little experience and its either been really weak or inactive. My question is can i get everything i need from shrooms or are there certain things only lsd can provide. for example for me an opiate is an opiate once youve experienced an opiate nod the only difference is potency, same thing with benzos, and mdxx substances the overall feels are the same. Shrooms make my body feel like jello and pretty hazy. whats the lsd body high like similar if you were given a double blind test would you be able to distinguish duration aside thank you.
I'm a little too lazy now to get sources but I think it was in the 60s that they ran studies that showed that most people could not distinguish mescalin LSD and psilocin's qualitative effects from each other. But then again, the average person may not have programmed him/herself to differentiate between the subtleties of different psychedelics. Trippers in a way 'specialize' themselves that way perhaps.

Yet, how we color the experiences with our expectations may technically illusory but it can still make a change. For example mescalin is a lot more visionary for me with hardly any mindfuck, mushrooms give me a lot of mindfuck and emotional rollercoaster, LSD is more stimulating and not stoning like mushrooms are for a lot of people including apparently you and me.

It's hard asking others whether interest you might have to explore other psychedelics besides mushrooms is valid. On the one hand, mushrooms are very all-round well covered psychedelics that should be able to facilitate a lot of experiences for different goals - like therapy, divination, recreation, philosophizing and more. But I'd still say that every psychedelic has unique tendencies and it can be worthwhile to learn how your body and mind react... what different kinds of body highs different psychedelics can produce. I'd say by experimenting more you would increase your chance of special / characteristic experiences even more than psychedelic experiences with one substance can already vary.

Body high? LSD feels very cerebral for me but the buzz is less deeply euphoric than that of mushrooms for me. The quality of LSD for me is ability to stay rational up to a further point, and the mental clarity whereas mushrooms tend to give a much more dreamy, blurry trip.

Ultimately it's up to you whether you find the promises and potential upsides worth the cost / risk / etc.
They are very similar.
I have noticed that LSD seems to have less mindfuck than mushrooms and is less introspective but of course this is entirely subjective as many people report the opposite.
As well for me LSD seems to be far more colourful with the visuals being much more geometric than mushrooms
Damn I wish could contribute to this thread but I never did shrooms... Acid was enough for me.
I generally agree though with theory about opiates and benzos as far as similarity in experiences but hey, Try tamazapam .
It's way trippier and hypnotic than the rest of boring benzos. Sorry to highjack the thread.
LSD is unique. It provides unparalleled insights into one's life and brings one closer to God. All the mushrooms, Al-lad, and LSZ in the world don't do LSD justice. In fact, they don't even come close.
^I agree man. LSD is God in molecular form. I've had quite a few mushies in the past, and they haven't held up a candle IME. They have been strong, but have felt less meaningful.

Plus, it's way easier to eat multiple tabs of LSD, while trying to shovel down 5g's of mushies would make me wana puke. I certainly like eating them fresh over dried...
For me LSD is more stimulating, more linguistically confusing, less emotional and easier on my stomach than mushrooms/psilocybin. Both have the ability to provoke intense euphoria, laughter, beauty; as well as anxiety/fear.

Over almost 20 years of psychedelics use, anecdotally I've seen more people have truly dark, unhappy trips on high-dose mushrooms than LSD. LSD bad trips seem generally more energetic/physical and mutable. Mushroom or psilocybin bad trips more Thanatos-oriented. Maybe it's me, but I've had better luck talking people down from LSD bad trips than mushrooms or related tryptamine drugs.
I feel like all psychedelics have objectively different effects due to rate of metabolism. Even the same drug can seem to induce a completely different trip if snorted versus taken orally.

But subjectively LSD is much more of a thoughtful and introspective trip and mushrooms are more emotional and all-encompassing. I think both have things to offer that are unique to themselves, mostly because of different onsets and durations. LSD can have many peaks that all take on different aspects of psychedelia where as mushrooms tend to feel like a single peak based on a central theme.
because trips from the same batch of the same substance do vary a lot and all have psychedelic character, with time effects, space effects, sensory intensification and synesthesia effects, tracers, trails, polyopia, haloes, reverberance and resonance effects. I would definitely say it does not matter what one you pick, they are the same... though I tend to pick something on a blotter for convenience.
I disagree, they're similar, yet different. I probably couldn't distinguish between similar substances of the same class, such as 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MET and 4-HO-MiPT in a blind test. But the difference between a 4-substituted tryptamine and let's say 2C-E? Or DOB?

In my experience the "result" of what you're getting out of trips is more or less the same. But the actual way these "realizations" happen can be very different depending on the substance.
Thanks for the responses. I have read youre responses and am more concerned with how different they feel vs just the differences. Ive read many of these threads and got the general idea lsd is more stimulating, visual, and causes rapid mental revelations. But ive read oxy vs heroin threads and they say oxy is more stimulating then heroin, where i wouldnt use stimulating in the same sentence as oxy i would say its harder to nod you just have a more functional opiate glow. Now the way im picturing lsd is a psychedelic with an mdma like body high while, mushrooms for me are psychedelic with a stoney weed high. is this true please explain
It's not stimulating in the "I wana get up and dance" way, it's stimulating in that you cannot sleep and you often find yourself wanting to explore and adventure, you dig? I've never done MDMA but as far as I can tell LSD isn't very similar.
yeah i get it but how is the body high anything like shrooms. for me shrooms make me feel real giddy and like jello then during the peak i get disorientated and need to lay down sometimes my body feels like its stuck to or melting into what ever am laying on. does this happen on acid or do you still want to walk around during the peak also on shrooms music and technology arent enhanced. music just sounds like a weird background noise and i dont have intrest in tv or video games.
For me LSD has made music more beautiful than I ever thought possible. Certainly one of my favorite effects. It doesn't glue you down like mushies so much, I'd say it's certainly possible for you to be floored or walk around either one. Depends on how intense it is I guess. I usually stay put in one place for long periods on either drug.
I tend to walk around throughout the entire LSD trip, though I occasionally lie down and allow myself to be absorbed into my environment.

Apart from the duration and level of stimulation, I find LSD and mushrooms to just feel inherently different from eachother. The head space, visuals, body high... it's all completely different and unique. I've used each quite extensively and couldn't imagine mistaking one for the other.

I greatly prefer LSD, but I still enjoyed mushrooms enough to grow them on two occasions.
Sorry, no experience with shrooms as of yet, but I can try to describe the high on acid. On a half tab of paper for brief periods I did feel like I had done mdma. Then the euphoria got a lot stonger to a point it felt like my chest will be ripped open by it :D
On a full tab (~110ug) arriving to the first peak I got somewhat dissociated, my body felt like a shell that carries my mind, certainly not like 'me'. When I wanted to smoke I just ordered this body thing to take me (the mind) outside :D I was in a strange world where everything was resonating to a frequency.
Music appreciation greatly enhanced, noticing patterns in songs I never did before. Especially 160+ bpm dark psytrance was entertaining as I could easily follow it with my racing mind. Last time I tripped I was dancing to it for 2-3 hours nonstop by myself at home. Not as energetic as MDMA but certainly a good tool to feel the music, especially complex ones.
if you add weed to lsd or shrooms then the high will be weedy.
otherwise they will be unadulterated 'pure' psychedelics,
- what is the description of weedy?
to me it is also psychedelic, though, it also fosters appetites, horny-ness, red-eyed tiredness, etc.
so of course weed will "taint" the acid or shrooms, so that the trip is more weedy.
straight up neither shrooms nor acid are weedy.
when i said weedy i meant stoning when i do shrooms i feel really spaced out and tend to sit in one spot. is this the same for lsd because based on the what i read in other threads it is not. they say lsd is stimulating. so what does its body high feel like does it feel like shrooms just not as stoning or does it actually feel stimulating like mdma or caffiene.
For me LSD seemed more deep and introspective, and made everything seem wonderous and special. I felt like everything had a hidden and deep meaning behind it, while on shrooms I feel more chilled out almost. LSD has more stimulation and stronger visuals, but also more clear headed. Shrooms are more of a mindfuck and can sometimes be sedating. If you've ever done any nbomes or 2cx substances then LSD is almost an in between in terms of stimulation and visuals.
For me mushrooms have always been fun. But seemingly a little darker of a trip and never as amazing as LSD. Ive never laughed as hard on mushrooms as I have on LSD. Nor have i felt like i was bathed in light on mushrooms... Mushrooms for me are very dreamy and a good body high. I find them more recreational because of how long they last and how they do feel more stoney. LSD for me feels lighter, brighter, funnier and more life changing. Mushrooms were never as life changing for me. But to each his own. Both of which i normally have to lie down at some point though so both of them will have points that are stony. Also everytime i eat a good dose of mushrooms im really awake too and have a hard time sleeping even up to 8 hours later. Acid if the dose is high enough i wont sleep for 2 days. They are very similar yet diffenerent. I prefer acid in everyway though.