MAPS Amphetamines and Pain?


Oct 20, 2014
I suffer from pretty severe lupus related arthritis in my joints and have chest pain (lungs) due to pulmonary emboli hat damaged my pleural tissue over the years. I take opioid medications for pain and due to the fact I have pretty severe fatigue and memory problems, I am prescribed Adderall XR 30mg once daily, and I've noticed that for about 5-6 hours when the Adderall is working most, I can abstain from taking narcotics because the pain seems just as dulled as if I was taking Oxycodone, Morphine, Methadone etc. The only problem is as the Adderall wears off the come down is terrible and the pain gets pretty bad and subsequent doses of opioids seem to be less effective than if you had abstained from taking the Adderall that day.

Why would amphetamine salts have such a profound effect on my pain? Shouldn't the effect be the total opposite?
Why would amphetamine salts have such a profound effect on my pain? Shouldn't the effect be the total opposite?

No, amphetamines have been shown to be as effective as morphine in treating pain. A lot of abusable drugs, even caffeine, dull the nocio response. If amphetamine is not lasting long enough for you, then Desoxyn (prescription methamphetamine sulfate) might be an option for you; however, Desoxyn now only comes in 5 mg sized tablets and a typical user might need 35mg/day. That gets expensive. Also, getting a prescription for methampetamine is more easily said than done. I got it one time, but the doctor heard that I abused it (which was true), and that ended my script for Desoxyn. I took 150mg and stayed up for three days. Being the sulfate rather than the hydrochloride salt, it took an inordinate length of time to kick in, and the quality of the high was inferior to street meth (ice anyway--it was still better than crank, though). If you can't get Desoxyn, then there's always over the counter Benzedrex inhalers. They are surprisingly good.
I have chronic spinal problems. I've noticed that any type of stimulant helps with pain, yet hits me hard when the stimulant wears off. Historically. I also was addicted to opiates for a few years.
I wouldn't use stimulants though for pain as they are not prescribed for that and are so very addictive. Maybe less addictive than opiates if you're looking to switch to another drug, but there are better options. ime.
I didn't know that above about caffeine. Interesting. I drink it in the morning, and my pain lessens… then rebounds quite hard around 5 pm. :\
I am currently taking Suboxone for opiate dependence. What got me hooked on the pain killers was 3 years of amphetamine (cocaine, mdma, meth, etc.) abuse. The pain during my "come down" became so unbearable that I would end my binges with a nice oxy or percocet. Eventually that became all I needed since binging was destroying my life. Anyway, with my experience, I think the pain after taking adderall was due to #1.) being tense and moving around a lot, over exerting myself during the high and #2.) being dehydrated. But mainly # 1.
Adderall causes me more pain the next day.
after 60 mgs of adderall i feel beaten up.
I suffer from back pain due to old crush fractures in my spine and recently had an infected tooth which was giving me chronic pain. Ive found ice to work differently for different types of pain, for example after just a few puffs my toothache was completely gone for several hours. After a few hours of hooking into the gear my back loosens up and the pain dulls but after a few days on it all my pain seems to get worse and stay that way until i get some sleep in
I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease and have also noticed that "uppers" like amphetamines and cocaine dull the pain, but when they wear off and I start to come down the pain gets absolutely unbearable. For this reason, I try to steer clear unless I have an ample amount of opiates to come down with.
I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease and have also noticed that "uppers" like amphetamines and cocaine dull the pain, but when they wear off and I start to come down the pain gets absolutely unbearable. For this reason, I try to steer clear unless I have an ample amount of opiates to come down with.

I too feel meth dulls pain

Until I have been sitting perfectly still in a rigid position for hours

Then all my back and neck muscles ache like shit

And it's quite painful