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Too high of dose?


Jun 12, 2014
my buddy has been increasing his dosing quite a bit, i think its due to the fact that he has been rolling every 2-4 weeks for the past 3 months. I guess he started at 120mg or so, but now he is up to 300mg with a 200mg redose. Is this necessary or is he just being an idiot? is there an actual "sweet spot" where you feel more the less you take, or do you have to take more in order to feel the magic? he is 6'0 and around180 or so. is it just a fast tolerance build up or what? what dose should he take?
his product could be cut which would lead him to taking more for his desired effects. but those doses seem pretty high for just a "sweet spot". then again everyone is different
Yes, it's a high dose. And rolling 1-2 times a month can become problematic after some time. There should be at least 1 month breaks between rolls, but 3 months is recommended.
It is really high. The sweet spot usually falls between 1.5-2.0 mg/ body kg. For your friend that's about 120-170 mg for the initial dose. Let him know that if he continues his habit in that frequency he will likely loose the magic of the whole thing, rolling won't be that fun anymore.
He says he has a test kit that he uses very time. Says its not cut with anything. The dosing is what i don't understand, why would you feel more the less you take? wouldn't you feel better if you took a higher dose like he is? can someone explain this to me please
He says he has a test kit that he uses very time. Says its not cut with anything.

test kits only give you qualitative information: is mdma inside? is some sort of amphetamine inside? is a cathinone inside?
all that with the darker colour (basically this is mdma) often covering the lighter colours. it doesn't test for the typical inactive cuts (and even some of the dangerous adulterants like pma). so there's no way you can tell how pure your stuff is with a reagent test kit.
still it's much better to use one than not, because most often adulterated batches with other active ingredients do not contain mdma.
he says he got it off of the s***r**d, extremely highly rated batches only and that he is pretty confident in it. but like i was asking before why would you feel better taking a lower dose instead of a higher dose? I'm honestly really confused about that.
Mdma has a rather steep dose response curve. It means that higher doses will give more side effects without much increase in euphoria. 120mg is usually enough to get me going, and anything above 160mg will give me more side effects, like teeth grinding/gurning, eye wiggles, short term memory loss etc, without increasing the positive effects like empathy. A higher dose means a larger risk for side effects and long term problems like depression and anxiety.
He says he has a test kit that he uses very time. Says its not cut with anything. The dosing is what i don't understand, why would you feel more the less you take? wouldn't you feel better if you took a higher dose like he is? can someone explain this to me please

You can build up a tolerance to MDMA quite quickly if dosing regularly. It can take a while for the body to replace the serotonin used when tripping. Taking longer breaks & lower doses work out better in the long run. Unless you're very large or have some kind of natural tolerance then you can use half those amounts less frequently & feel more from it with less side effects. You should really leave it at least a month to return to baseline between doses.
He is an idiot!

He needs to take an mdma holiday and allow his serotonin receptors to recover.