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ive been clean for 8 days from H and wondering if i use for one day will i get sick


Oct 4, 2014
Hello all,

this is the deal i was clean off H for 6 months then relapsed and used for a year. Keep in mind not everyday and i really didn't use too much 2-3 bags at once no more. The days i didn't use could be 2,3,4,5 days in a row depending on my money situation, i used suboxone. Never more then 2mg a day though. I finally decided enough is enough and am serious about being sober for good ive been off H for about 8 days for those 4 of those 8 days plus on and off the last year i used 2mg or less of suboxone a day. I stoped using the suboxone about 4 days ago and still feal lingering w/d anxiety and leg pains. Not terrible but im a big sissy when it comes to w/d period. I have experienced w/d from both so i can kind of tell if im w/d from h or suboxone and right now its def the suboxone. I was wondering if i did a couple bags just this one time after 8 days clean so i can feel some kind of relief will i reset the detox process and have to start from the beginning again. Or will it help eliminate the last of the suboxone w/d and ill be in the clear after. And i understand that doing it one time might bring back cravings to do more i really don't want to hear that bc i have no interest in being a dope head anymore so i don't think ill get cravings. Any fast response would be nice thank you!!
In my experience, everyone is different. If you use even the slightest bit you will reset the withdrawal process from the very beginning. Like i said this is in my experience. Also my brother is currently in the same boat as you. He quit for 7 days. shot 0.5 grams and felt great the whole day. Woke up in the morning throwing up, got the shits and shakes for 3 days straight. I wouldn't recommend it, and why ruin a great thing of being sober and saving money? (not trying to sound like a dick at all, so please don't think i am). It, to me, sounds like you're doing a very good job. Enjoy life the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Chances are if you even see the stuff it'll send you into mental withdrawals of wanting it. If you do use, be safe and smart about it (i know h and safe/smart in the same sentence is frowned upon)..... remember tolerance if you decide to use.....

I've been clean for a week used sum hydro maybe like 10mgs then 15mgs

And I have slight withdrawal symptoms but I feel fine.. Jus sweaty hands.. And I used the hydro last 2 days ago
Maybe not but you are an addict and will want to keep using, then you find yourself sick again and back off the wagon. If you use after only a little over a week clean you will just have a complete relapse to physical dependence or if you don't that 1 time you will keep thinking it OK to use here or there and then you will inevitably be back to using daily.
Look, it's a vicious cycle man. Here's the thing, if you want to stay clean, you have to STAY clean. Simple as that.

Withdraws SUCK but its a natural part of the detox process. We all know the reason you get so sick is because your body is trying adjust and flush all the bad shit out and by putting more shit in (especially H) regardless of how little or big, it doesn't help. Yeah it helps for the time being but once AGAIN, there goes that cycle. And you'll almost always find yourself using again.To TRULY stay clean you gotta stay away from that shit PERIOD. Even if you break a leg or whatever that requires pain medication, you have to be able to tell the doc you can't and won't take any narcotics because of your past abuse. Any addict who has ever been to a NA meeting has most likely heard the phrase, "One is too many and a Thousand is never enough."

Bottom line, don't do the H. We've heard it all before "just once" but once you get that feeling your gonna want it again. You're already 8 days clean don't fuck it up over some sub withdrawls. Just stick it out.
I'm in the same boat - I was on therapeutic dose of hydro for ~2 years for a back injury and various treatments for it. I've been working hard to rehab my spine and feel like I am in pretty good shape - recently had minor surgery that took care of most of my pain. I stopped my hydro about a week before the surgery, asked the docs not to use ANY opiates during my surgery - which they were able to do no problem. I've been wanting to be free of the hydro for a long time as I was pretty sure it was just physical dependence. I have never had an abuse issue but the WD symptoms due to my duration of use were a bit rough - not nearly as much as some, but as the days wore on I had to seek help from my pain doc. Valium, clonidine, gabapentin, and a few other things got me by without resorting to using opiates again.

Don't ask me details because it doesn't matter, but I have a single day coming up where due to physical stress some hydro is probably going to be necessary. At that point, I will be off opiates of any kind for about 2 1/2 weeks. I expect I will need 30-60mg of hydro that day, but maybe none at all. Trying to determine how big a deal this will be, total setback? Minor issue? I don't plan to use any more after that, but this is just too close to quitting and I won't quite be normalized enough to get thru without a little help. Thanks for not judging - I know you are gonna say just don't use it...and that is my plan, but if it gets serious I'll have to do what is needed to get thru. This is physical stuff - think Tough Mudder, extreme adventure race kinda stuff - not using to cope with mental stress or anything like that. I figure once I get thru another few weeks I'll be fine on my own with no meds. The timing and commitments just don't lend themselves to the ideal situation and I don't want my choice of when to quit to be something I have to share with others - most don't know about my issues, dependence on pain meds, surgery, or anything else and I would prefer to keep it that way.

All advice, thoughts, comments, recommendations welcome and appreciated. Oh - and if I DO end up using a big amount (say, 50 to 60mg hydro) to get thru, what's the best course of action as follow-up to ensure the least amount of negative effects from doing so? Will I really bump right back to square one as some have said? Or is that pretty unlikely? Never been here before so just trying to be as prepared as I can be...
I appreciate the answer but no one really answered my question just the thing i said i didnt want to hear about lol...its okay though i just really would like to know say im the strongest person in the world and used only that one not to get high mind you just tel relieve sub w/d bc i cant go to the doctor to get chlonidine which i frigging wishhhhhhh i could do that stuff really does help.. Would i be restarting my detox?
I appreciate the answer but no one really answered my question just the thing i said i didnt want to hear about lol...its okay though i just really would like to know say im the strongest person in the world and used only that one not to get high mind you just tel relieve sub w/d bc i cant go to the doctor to get chlonidine which i frigging wishhhhhhh i could do that stuff really does help.. Would i be restarting my detox?

BTW - I hope this doesn't violate rules, but the US government does not confiscate shipments of 90 day or less supplies from overseas pharmacies, especially for simple, non-scheduled meds like clonidine and gabapentin. The logic here is to provide financial relief for cancer patients and others that cannot afford certain meds within the USA. Small quantities for personal use are rarely if ever confiscated and are usually cheap. Check a place like All Day Chemist - it takes a long time (several weeks sometimes) for stuff to arrive, but plan ahead and you'll be better off. It made all the difference for me. Note: I am NOT advocating "sourcing" of illegal or prescription meds for abuse or recreational. This is strictly to advise someone trying to get OFF narcotic medications of good ways to get help. I'm new here so I'm trying to be respectful of the rules while also helping someone going thru a tough time like I went thru.

I did visit my pain mgmt doc. She gave me 24-hr release gabapentin which worked WAY better than the immediate release stuff and in lower dosages so I was less tired. It was a sample pack so zero cost to me. I also got a clonidine patch - better because it's a super low dose 24/7 that lasts a full week. It keeps you REALLY level and stable during the worst of the withdrawals. But the patch drove my BP too low, even in the smallest size so I had to ditch it and but the tiny pills into halfs or quarters to get by. That and she gave me a ton of valium - but I think I will only need a small portion because the time release gabapentin is working so well.

And drewski - to answer your original question: No, very doubtful that doing some "hair of the dog that bit you" will be a good idea. Perhaps in TINY quantities, titrated carefully it may help ease things, but former users are unlikely to be able to do this effectively. I would find some clonidine and gaba from a friend, doc, or other source and use it appropriately to help alleviate your symptons. Find a doc, ANY doc, that can give you the 24-hr release gabapentin and start with a 600mg dose, then after things get better drop to the 300mg for a few days, then perhaps you'll be fine. But don't go back on the stuff you are trying to get off of - not a good idea IMHO.

Good luck, stay focused on goal and stay strong.
I wouldn't use Heroin again. I took subs, then got back on the H once. My plan was to just relieve the pain, and I ended up using another 2 months straight, and right back to where I started.