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Mental Health Add/adhd


Aug 29, 2014
I find it hard to concentrate on one thing at a time. I'm easily distracted. I think I have add & might need prescribed meds for it. What tests are there so I can see some , if any diagnosis?
There can be many reasons that a person finds it hard to concentrate and is easily distracted. It may be how your life is structured, how your particular brain works or even just a certain stage of life that demands multiple responsibilities (going to school, raising kids, doing both!). It is not hard to be prescribed medication for ADD because there is no definitive physical test--it is purely anecdotal by the person describing their symptoms and answering a questionaire which IMO most people could answer in a way that results in a diagnosis. ADD drugs are nothing to take lightly. They are amphetamines.

There are so many things to do when you have an ADD/ADHD brain that do not require drugs. The first thing is to examine whether your distraction is circumstantial but beyond that it is important in my opinion not to buy into the "disorder" idea. That sets you up for thinking that you have a medical problem that requires a medication to fix. Taking amphetamines for the rest of your life has some pretty serious consequences and unless your focus and distraction is at a level which prevents you from functioning and taking care of your life/self I think you are better off learning strategies to deal with your ADD when you must (work, school) and then celebrating the unbridled creativity that usually accompanies that set of brain patterns in your free time.

I have ADD (I'm a teacher). My kids have ADD. My husband has ADD (engineer/business owner). Your distraction and lack of focus can be irritating, and a pain in the ass to manage at times, but it is not, as modern america/big pharma would have you believe, a disability.

That's my soapbox.8) But a short and direct answer to your question is that you can simply bring this up with your doctor and they will provide a questionaire. They may or may not prescribe something or advise you to see a psychiatrist. Good luck.
not all add drugs are amphetamines (wellbutrin, strattera) and some ssri's function also as an add relieve.

Me personally, as an recovering addict (i am now 27 days sober :) ) had some relief from concerta, but it did not take long before i started to abuse them, apart from that, it fucked up my ability to think out of the box and notice the things happening around me sharper then the avarage person, lets call them the positive ADD symptoms.

I am now off add meds, and i am pretty fine with that.
I take effexor for my generalised anxiety disorder and depression, and i feel more relaxed anyway, im no zombie or anything.
The annoying thoughts that keep on going when i try to sleep are now a subject to a low dose of mirtazapine, so i can just sleep.

By the way, what you experience doesnt mean you have add, there are many other disorders that have those symptoms.
Go to a psychiater to find out.

good luck

(and dont do drugs)
herbavore, I think you are leaving out that some people are worse off with their ADD/ADHD symptoms than you are, and are doing a dis-service to those seeking help for a life altering condition.

It obviously hasn't prevented you from having a career.
ADD has been over diagnosed since...hell I dunno. ADD?
Here's what I think. We aren't built for this bullshit! So when we can't concentrate on society "stuff" we have an illness? Gimme a break.
From the moment a child is old enough to walk we encourage them to run. From the moment they talk we loooove to hear them form sentences. Then we put them in schools and tell them to shut the fuck up and sit still for 8 hours? What a joke.
You're just a person with an active mind! Since you know that, you can TRY harder to concentrate ! Meds can make you sick. Trust me on that.
And the quadraplegic can try harder to walk, and the blind man can try harder to see.
Got ya.
Pretty extreme. This person obviously concentrated well enough to make a POST about ADD, right? So this person CAN concentrate ... just has a problem . You're talking about people who are physically incapable of walking and seeing and using THAT as a weapon against my comment? I was diagnosed with ADD. I think its bullshit. Nuff said.
oh and by the way, people who have been paralyzed have walked again ... so...
there's a little swiss cheese logic you used there.
well, i can post a long ass comment about how add is very very real and how it can affect your life in a negative manner on various grounds IF YOU LET IT, but i wont.
Maybe you do not have add and have a false diagnose, does not mean its bullshit ok...
Perhaps when you show a little bit more respect i can go in to all the details and explain how and why :)

i'll activate my super hyperfocus powers and clear things up for ya ;)
njirem, can I ask how much mirtzapine you're taking? I'm dealing with bad insomnia, and my doc recently prescribed mirtazapine (15 mg), but I still feel the effects the next day (and I don't want to). Some of what I've read makes me wonder if even that is more than I need.

I wonder if I should cut them in half?
I was diagnosed with ADD. I think its bullshit. Nuff said.
What compelled you to get a diagnoses?

Are you on medication?

I am taking wellbutrin, it's helped in some positive ways, to the point I forget about my ADD and the way I was before meds.
hi -FussBucket-
i am taking 15 mg as well. I fall asleep on it quickly but ill be awake several hours later, im talking to my doc about that this week.
I must state, since you only recently started taking it, the effects started after a couple of days, and i know the fuzzy feeling next day you are talking about but that subsided after a week or so.
I tried to take less too, 7.5 (1/2) and 10.75 mg (3.75) and it make me go to sleep just as quickly.
I think its worth a shot, mirtazapine could be one of those 'less is more' sleep meds.
Thought i read something about that more then 30 mg has a reversed effect because it will release noradreline much more.
try a half and let me know :)
ADHD can be a brilliant thing, sure its never gonna go away, but this is even more reason to live with it rather than against it.

Def recommend a book im reading at the mo- delivered from distraction. really good read...its possibly the only stuff ive ever read that really treats it in a positive way. like someone already said dont treat it as a disorder, its just a diff way of thinking :)
Yeah it is not such a bad thing, but unfortunately we've got to live in their world.

And sure medication helps with some of the negative aspects of this 'disorder' but I wouldn't be wishing to have a 'normal people' brain, how boring would that be?

No new hobbies every week, boy oh boy, that would be mundane!
the thing that bothers me the most about having add is that feeling i must do something, even when i feel calm and relaxed. And then when im doing something like just doing the dishes, my thoughts go to other things i could be doing as well, even when the are completely irrelevant at that moment. I gotta have music playing at the same time, or think through an upcoming event or meeting, to focus on something that im doing with my hands.
This non stop thinking is a curse some days, feels like i have to push a truck uphill (mentally) even when im just chilling.
It feels similair to a feeling of guilt to just hang around and do nothing from time to time.

Thats the bad part, there are various other things i do really like about my ADD, i know i am original and creative on various grounds, i often surprise people with what i tell or do.

Thats the funny part, i hear a lot of times i seem to always get things done so quickly and in way they wouldnt even have thought about doing it, unconventional that also works but is just not common, they dont get it why that is, because i adapted to always push myself to the limit and because of that sometimes deliver outstanding.

But they dont know about the other trillions things i completely messed up because i couldnt get the focus or mindset straight, at things they would consider fucking easy, like learning for school or patiently listen to somebody and respond appropiate.

Well, it is what it is i guess :D
What I hate is being so easily bored, or is that just me thinking of this, while I am doing that?

Or the zest and zeal I put into a project, only to have my interest CRASH, to move onto the next interesting project.
(I feel jealous of those people who maintain an interest in 'a' boring hobby for years, becoming an expert at that hobby)
Which is why I know a little bit of everything, but am a master of nothing.
im wondering if anyone with ADD/ADHD has been prescribed Desoxyn? ive heard its nearly impossible to get.
maybe because its a methamphetamine?

wouldn't touch that.

Read yesterday the extended release version of methylfenidate (concerta) is now banned in several countries because of deaths and general health problems.

I took it for a while, quite because of tis addicting potential for me personal.
Tried wellbutrin, did nothging besides driving me nuts.
May try atomoxetine one day when i start having trouble in an upcoming study, but i will never go anywere near any type of amphetamine again.

im now on effexor for GAD/depression, and apperantly it also works for AD(H)D.
Have to go above 150mg for it to affect noradrenaline and dopamine as well ass serotonin. Im 225mg and it works great for my anxiety/depression, slightly decreased my ADD symptoms like obsessive thinking, allthough that might also be a result of decreased anxiety.
No side effects, a little headache from time to time but its managble. No changes in metabolism/hunger or with emotional stuff, im no zombie or anything.

A lot of ad(h)d related symptoms can be managed by lifestyle, food, excersise and cognitive behaviour therapy.
Medication should be a last result especially with kids.
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