• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Could a Glutamine suppliment help you recover from GABA-B agonist abuse?


Aug 7, 2001

I like a drug called Baclofen (Gaba-b agonist http://www.rxlist.com/baclofen-drug.htm).
But I get a bad tolerance to it, start taking high doses and have to come off it. which is a nightmare.

Do you think if I took Glutamine with zinc, vitamin B6, theanine, ginkgo biloba, and valerian etc would make any difference to the withdraws if I am already eating a healthy diet and a protein powder witch already contains glutamine and most of that stuff?

To be frank I doubt glutamine levels are the limiting factor in recovering from this kind of tolerance. It's pretty abundant stuff, and your issue is more likely to lie in changes at the receptor level (e.g. reduced expression). There is a guy in NsPD who had some success with a racetam drug (http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/733142-Fasoracetam-and-gaba-receptor-recovery), but that's another kettle of fish.

The things you mention are unlikely to do any harm. You could add Bacopa to the list, and magnesium if you aren't getting enough, but there's nothing quite like time for correcting these problems, as unhelpful as that must sound.
on your list the only one that i know of having direct effect may be theanine, although I think that it may be green tea i'm thinking of (as-in, if you're taking your theanine through a green tea; green tea has some gaba, as does passion vine tea, although the amounts are probably minimal at best)

w/d'ing from baclofen is very similar to benzo and alcohol w/d's and, short of using other gaba agonists, i'm not sure there's a chemical compound to help you; the proper approach would just be to step-down or taper the baclofen so you're not just eating all you have, then abruptly crashing to zero (which i'm ASSuming is what you do/did) Maybe consider phenibut? Although that's still a gabaergic, but it's legal and not as strong as benzo's/baclo/alcohol, so that may be a simple way for you to ease-off if you're out of baclofen.

glutamine is expensive solo, and already abundant in your whey (and i'm not even sure what mechanism you are hoping for, in context of w/d'ing from benzo's/baclofen/alcohol gaba-ergic drugs)

[oh i should add that b6 has a tendency for vivid dreaming IME, and that i love using the stuff but i wouldn't consider using it if i were feeling any w/d, or even not in a good head-space, because the vivid dreams are usually nightmares at that point]
Thanks mate.
It's all good I'm almost off it. Definitely going to try the vitamin B before before bed when I'm feeling better though.

I also have extreme insomnia and need at least 100mg's of seroquel to get to sleep. What are your top 3 natural supps for sleep?
^Valerian, 5htp and melatonin seems to be the talk of most but I have only tried Magnesium and it was enough to help me sleep. Maybe try Valerian first and then Melatonin then see which one will be suited for you.
Valerian is a GABAa agonist also, at a novel binding site. Also it causes very vivid and intense dreaming like nothing else I've ever tried. But to the dreaming there is a profound tachyphylaxis in operation, for me at least it becomes less intense day two of use, day three its almost absent.
I wanna chime in, get yourself some fasoracetam. seriously. it was a lifesaver to me and may very well do you some good
Valerian is a GABAa agonist also, at a novel binding site. Also it causes very vivid and intense dreaming like nothing else I've ever tried. But to the dreaming there is a profound tachyphylaxis in operation, for me at least it becomes less intense day two of use, day three its almost absent.
I'm confused do you mean that the valerian doesn't give the vivid dreams for a few days, or that you don't have normal dreams for a few days?

jug- re sleep, nothing otc will touch seroquel (seroquel and temazepam are the strongest sleepers i've ever tried) I like melatonin, i drink (home-brewed)passion tea, take magnesium, etc etc, but none of that stuff really approaches pharms (benadryl is more notable than those IMO, but i dislike how i feel when taking it, and swear i feel sluggish the morning after using it) I've got some valerian tincture tho that i haven't touched in ages (tastes like ass), but gonna give it a shot tonight after reading limpet chicken's post :)

[edit: well, my valerian tincture says 'valerian poppy', so i check the back to verify it's officinalis, and it's some g'damn proprietary blend that also includes skullcap, kava kava, chamomile, mug wort, etc.. still gonna try it again but afraid that won't do a thing to let me 'try valerian' in any halfway objective manner]
[edit::: it's 4:30am and i'm online so that I'm awake for a few, to avoid falling back into the worst nightmare in memory. am still shaking and i've been up over 10minutes]
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I don't think you should be using valerian if you are trying to get off baclofen. It is still a gabaergic.
I used gabapentin for getting off GHB, although I never upped my GHB doses due to tolerance... still years ago I had months long binges on the stuff. GHB is a lot more dangerous if you are trying to quit from high doses too quickly but in my experience getting off a normal dosed habit (even if the dosage was frequent), it was basically 1-2 days of agony to get through.
Gabapentin and pregabalin are not really gabaergics but they do affect GABA / glutamate balance apparently. Not sure if it is responsible / safe to recommend it for your situation. But for me it alleviated those withdrawal effects.

IMO theanine is a very good supplement especially when you are looking for a warm calming effect that is subtle and is not supposed to 'compete' with real potent drugs like serious gabaergics. I believe theanine acts on glycine, not (mainly) on GABA. I researched this in the past although very confusing results came up, and conflicting ones. So you may want to verify yourself. And there may still be synergy with GABAergics if you are still tapering those / still taking em.