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Another Panic Thread


Aug 27, 2014
A friend attended a festival at the weekend and got drawn into the excitement around md for the first time. On the saturday he took what he was told was a 125mg bomb and after feeling fine the next morning took another which was "more like a 150mg". Whilst coming up he panicked a fair bit but it passed quickly and the experience was enjoyed again.

The day after he felt groggy but other than that nothing really bad. On the tuesday he woke up and had what he thinks was a panic attack and spend the day at work feeling extremely anxious about what he was feeling. Today he took the day off work and felt slightly better and more positive during the morning but this evening has had what he thinks is another panic attack and still feels very anxious. His eyes seem to loose focus fairly easily.

We've read many of the threads regarding long come downs on the forum but he feels a post of his own would help. Is this something that will go away soon? Should he see a doctor tomorrow? He has previously had mild depression which was treated by SSRIs which he came off of around a year ago

He doesn't need lecturing on how much of a mistake this was.
Well did u really think these random club drugs had no side effects?
I highly doubt he is gonna have a LTC from his first time and then a subsequent time. Give it a few days and I'm sure he'll be fine. In the meantime, 5-HTP and a healthy diet and excercise regimen would be a good idea. I wouldn't waste the money to see a doc .
What I find weird is that he didn't have an afterglow but instead got a panic attack. That's unusual for someones' first time. I see you added the 'untested'-prefix. If I was you I would invest in a testkit, you might not be getting MDMA

Two days in a row of course increases the likelihood of side-effects the following days and everyone is different so it could just be his natural reaction to MDMA. But in that case he would be very susceptible as usually for the first few times a new user will have an afterglow, even if they rolled two back to back days

In any case I don't think a doctor is needed, if it hasn't passed already it will pass in the next few days most likely. What goodvibes said is good advice, it will help speed up recovery, though the 5-HTP perhaps is not needed because it was his first time
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Hi everyone, thanks for the replies so far.

BlueBull, are you suggesting testing what he had already taken or simply advising a test kit for the future? He's certain he won't take it again.

He's still a stressed at the moment but hopefully will calm down and get some sleep. I might get him some 5-HTP tomorrow if things haven't brightened up, also we're in the UK so a doctors trip would be free, we're just not entirely certain it will be useful. I'll keep you updated with his progress.
I mean for the future in general. It's because such a rough comedown is very rare for someones first time. In any case, even without this happening it is always advised to first test your stuff before you ingest. There is a LOT of fake or adulterated product out there, in some parts of the world 90% of what's sold as MDMA is in fact not MDMA. So yeah, even if your mate is determined he will not do it again get a testkit, depending on where you live you might be surprised by the results. And if you have some left it would indeed be interesting to test the stuff he has already taken

As you say keep us updated! And welcome to bluelight by the way :D
My sympathy is running a bit low in this situation. If you were already aware of longterm come downs then you would also be aware that most of them were caused by too high of a dose and/or untested drugs.

He's fine. It sounds like he went overboard for his first time and now he just needs to abstain from drugs and let himself recover. Seeing a doctor won't do any good, stressing about it won't do any good, and convincing yourself that you're not okay won't do any good. When you have a bad come down, you take it as a learning experience like a bad trip and move on.

A panic attack the day after a heavy roll isn't the end of the world. It may feel like it but it's not.

Also sugar coating the fact that your friend was irresponsible doesn't do him or anyone else any favors. There is a reason why we push harm reduction so much, its exactly to avoid situations like this.
He took three times the recommended dose over less than 24 hrs. It's called suicide Tuesday for a reason.

Rest exercise and positive thoughts and he'll recover fine. See a doctor in a couple of weeks if the panic attacks persist but reality is time heals almost all and being prescribed more pills often causes more harm than good in the long term
As a person who has fought and beaten chronic panic attacks i must give some help/advice in this situation.Firstly your friend wont need a test kit if he has any sense his days with class A are over permanently.Others may disagree but panic attacks after drugs dont get better and they dont go away trust me i have learned this the hard way.It took me 2 years to realise the party was over. Secondly get exercising.....any exercise will benefit him.I cannot stress enough the importance of exercising.For me its weight lifting and boxing training but anything will do.Also get out and get some fresh air i found walking my dogs helped.Thirdly diet stay away from caffine and cigarettes till the panic attacks pass which they will.I found chamomile tea very good before bed so if your friend is having trouble sleeping have a few cups of it before bed.You have no need to visit a doctor this will pass in a few days but by following the good advice in here your friend will speed up his recovery considerably.Lastly positive thinking your friend WILL GET BETTER its just a matter of time.Good luck
Based on your information thus far, it's inconclusive as to whether he is in the very beginning stages of a LTC. If he has some other symptoms included in the following, then he may be in that situation: severe long lasting headaches, severe insomnia, feeling detached or not "there" - DP/DR, sensory overload, panic attacks, general anxiety, can't sleep for more than a couple hours at a time - initial stages, brain fog or cognitive issues, trouble maintaining conversations, trouble remembering words or losing track of what your saying, trouble concentrating on a task as simple as reading, etc.. These are the initial hell symptoms of a LTC. Thankfully, I'm over 95% recovered after 7 months of this hell so most of these symptoms are a nightmarish memory for me now.

Hope this helps! And, I hope your friend if just having a "normal" comedown after being stupid and using MDMA two days in a row.
Based on your information thus far, it's inconclusive as to whether he is in the very beginning stages of a LTC. If he has some other symptoms included in the following, then he may be in that situation: severe long lasting headaches, severe insomnia, feeling detached or not "there" - DP/DR, sensory overload, panic attacks, general anxiety, can't sleep for more than a couple hours at a time - initial stages, brain fog or cognitive issues, trouble maintaining conversations, trouble remembering words or losing track of what your saying, trouble concentrating on a task as simple as reading, etc.. These are the initial hell symptoms of a LTC. Thankfully, I'm over 95% recovered after 7 months of this hell so most of these symptoms are a nightmarish memory for me now.

Hope this helps! And, I hope your friend if just having a "normal" comedown after being stupid and using MDMA two days in a row.
Please don't do that. While I recognize the reality of an LTC - though the cause is up for debate - this is clearly a normal comedown. The symptoms you describe are also what I experienced every time I abused MDMA, they passed after a few days. Same goes for literally everyone I know irl. You can't just start labeling every normal comedown a potential LTC. That might create psychological problems for users that would've otherwise go on to be fine after a few days. This adds nothing to the thread and it has no benefit for the OP, he will be fine in a short while
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I agree. Having been through a sustained period of anxiety triggered by MDMA, it is my opinion that some LTCs can be prevented by avoiding the extremely terrifying "OMG I have brain damage" hypochondria that some experience after a rough weekend.

There is a reason that the DSM-IV requires symptoms for at least six months for many mental illnesses before a diagnosis. The brain is incredibly powerful and anxiety can manifest itself in ridiculous ways. Especially when someone is absolutely convinced that they have serious medical problems.
I thought I'd drop in for a quick update.

Things are definitely looking up, positive thinking and not sitting on his lonesome all day have definitely helped a hell of a lot. You're quite right that the main issue is the vicious circle of panic attacks.

The posts on here have helped reassure him as well so thanks for that :).

Today he was pretty much back to normal mentally. He says he felt a little dizzy at times but other than that its looking good. When he's back to normal which hopefully will be very soon I'll get a timeline together of what he felt each day etc so any other prats who end up in this situation have a concrete idea of what someone else went through.

Thanks again fellas.