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"The Magic" with MDMA...


Aug 28, 2013
What does everyone mean when they talk about the magic? How would you describe it?
I was talking with a friend about "the magic" and they said that they had a profound magical/spiritual feeling while rolling. However I've never experienced anything like that; MDMA feels great, but I wouldn't really describe it as magical. Or maybe I do feel the magic but it isn't what I expected.. hm :\
You're sure you are in fact ingesting MDMA, you have tested it with a testkit? Anyways I think what's defined as the magic of MDMA is highly subjective. For me personally it's a combination of things. First of all the intense empathy and desire to connect with other human beings is I think the most important factor. With this comes the feeling that for a few hours everything is right with the world, you are exactly where you're supposed to be, doing the things you're supposed to be doing with the people you're supposed to be doing them with. These two effects combined can make for quite a profound effect, though for me it was never spiritual, like LSD is. And I would call that the "MDMA magic" because there isn't anything quite like it, at least not with the drugs I tried and because words can't really explain what it really feels like. But it's just a term, that same uniqueness can be found in a lot of drugs, only with MDMA they gave it a name
I agree with blue.
It's very hard to explain the magic. I'm surprised you don't have your own quasi-definition of it. I'd definitely get a test kit and make sure your getting MDMA. There's sooo many rc's out there that are passed off as MDMA nowadays that it's easy for someone who isn't a regular roller to get rc's instead MDMA and not know. It seems almost common nowadays which is really fucked up. A lotta shit dealers out there I guess... The magic is just, well... It's magical... I would think that anyone who's really rolled hard would understand. I'm not knocking u or anything but u know the magic if you've had good MDMA...
I agree with you. MDMA was a fun drug back in the day when it was new to me but even then it was just another drug experience, felt great, but not life changing or anything. And I know it was real MDMA. Same thing with my first DMT and LSD trips, sure they made me think a lot and had good times, but I never had any epiphanies or revelations like other people claim.
Once u lose the magic and u just sit there chewing ur face off it's easier to tell I guess...
Thanks for the replies. I have in fact tested my MDMA and it's definitely real MDMA %)
MDMA personally feels euphoric and definitely enjoyable but, like Freon said, nothing life changing. I won't complain though, still feels great :\
I think alot of it has to do with mindset, for example my one friend who is somewhat "anti-drug" but still dables in party drugs like molly (mdma) he doesnt fully let go and give in to the experience, so therefor he tells me he doesnt experience such profound effects.. The best way i can explain the magic is i feel connected with everything in life, and just pure bliss and that everything in the world is amazing and the only thing that matters is that one moment and embracing it :) eeeeek i cant wait till this friday!
Some of the magic of MDMA doesn't just come from the drug itself. It's a set/setting thing IMO. Like I know my friends don't find it as profound and life-changing as I do, because they don't let it break them down like I do. Once you let MDMA completely rip down all of your defenses you find the true magic, kind of similar to a psychedelic I guess.

It's safe to say MDMA changed me as a person, and changed me for the better. It opened my mind, and showed me that a lot of things which most people find important, really aren't important, so I stopped worrying and focused on the important things in life.
I agree with Bluebull and JWills20. It's like this mental barrier that you pass. Then I enter a domain of sheer passion, empathy, euphoria. Often I just close my eyes and soak in the vibes. That's the magic