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Misc kratom induced sickness? <_<


Jul 23, 2014
The other day I consumed 7grams of mang kratom from a local headshop NC (note: I took this same product multiple times before with zero problems..same bag) and within 3 hours I had extreme nausea and hot sweats... nothing too out of the norm if you ingest too much... anyways the entire next day I am vomiting / sweating / shivering / sleeping ... literally slept over 36 hours without eating or drinking due to nausea ... my legs hurt so bad (like next day hangover bad) had to keep moving them or they pulsated in pain .... has anyone else ever had this reaction? I'm a healthy 23 y/o male 170lbs and 14BMI ;)
yea but the thing is that I hadn't touched anything.... anything for months except for gabapentin... but I ALWAYS felt fine after my 2x week dose because I never grew a tolerance ...
kratom for me nearly induced a seizure - i think by a tainted batch or something, had the typical aura effects, visual distortions, face went pale everything was wiggling. tinnintus everything.

very strange - kratom can induce some strange reactions in some and I'm not sure why. perhaps the sickness was due to the excess plant matter being eaten. it MAY act on the 5-ht3 receptor which is responsible for nausea.

most likely just too much kratom. like when you take too much opiates. but would hope there's not a tainted batch.

that is a problem with kratom, it is really unpredictable. you can get a different effect each time even wth the same strain/dose. so take way less next time.

36 hours though damn.
Kratom has opiate antagonists in it. When I've taken a shit ton (15-20 grams), back with no tolerance, I would get insanely sick, almost like acute withdrawal symptoms. I feel like it's the antagonist, knocking out the agonist from your receptors causing precip withdrawal. Now I have a huge tolerance, and no matter how much I take this doesn't happen though, I will just reach a ceiling effect and fall asleep. So it must be something other than the antagonist.
Musta been a potent batch or something and you had a kratom OD. I've heard you should never buy kratom from headshops as they generally sell crap. Instead, do some research and find a reputable kratom source online. I've heard the best kratom is just plain regular kratom leaf ground to powder.
Thanks for all the answers fellow forum hoes, in the end I'm sure I'll never know the true answer but I can tell you that I feel fine on this new non headshop batch of Bali ;)
I had this happen to me with my bali. I took 7 grams around 11 AM and felt like hardcore withdrawal set in. I normally dose my Dillie / oxy all at once at 5: PM daily. No other doses except maybe weekends and I am up for work at 5 AM. I came home and took the 7g Kratom at lunch one day and it had to be precipitated withdrawal with everything I've read about people dropping Sub before getting sick and their symptoms. Some god awful shakes, sweats, yawns. I made myself wait until my normal dosing time and haven't taken it again. I'm going to go back to mixing in some DXM for tolerance and keep the Kratom stored until my Detox date rolls around and I do a clean cycle. I planned to use the Kratom to help ease withdrawals when the time came again, not to cause them. My own lack of knowledge about the product I assume. Now I know better.

I also take between .5 and 1.0 mg of ALPRAZolam orally around my 9: PM time frame; so 2 - 3 hours later.
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Kratom has opiate antagonists in it.

not in appreciable levels to cause p/w. they are less than 5% of the total alkaloids and have low affinity compared to mitragynine so the mitragynine will actually displace them.

it sounds like you just took too much for a low tolerance.