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Gastritis diagnosis--do I have to stop entirely?


Aug 20, 2014
I am a 30 year old woman, have been partying heavily on the weekends (alcohol and cocaine) since beginning college. One problem I have is not eating before drinking a lot, because I'm afraid of the additional calories from food. After experiencing some stomach issues for a couple months (loss of appetite, nausea) I finally had an endoscopy this morning and found out I have gastritis. The doctor said it was caused by my "lifestyle" which had "torn up" my stomach. He said if I wanted to fix it, and not do more damage, I must stop drinking for several months to heal it, and then take it from there, probably drastically slowing down on the partying. I hate to admit it, but this is worse for me than it should be. without my fun weekends, I feel like life is very empty. And I suffer from anxiety so only have fun in social situations when I am at least drunk, and better yet if I'm a little high too. Of course, my friends tell me that's pathetic and I should take the opportunity to find a healthier way to live. But I don't feel I'm that bad, during the week I completely behave, other than a glass of wine here and there, it's just one night a week I party very hard (often 10-12 drinks, a gram of coke, and will stay up till maybe 9 or 10 am). Do I really have to stop drinking for a couple of months entirely? Does anyone have any insight? I would greatly appreciate any help. thank you
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Needless to say, the less you drink the faster you'll recover. If you don't wanna stop drinking entirely, make sure you eat a decent-sized meal before drinking.
I recommend you take antacids (tums) before, during and after drinking. Omeprazole is even better.

Welcome to BL by the way
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just stop drinking for a while, you'll be happy you did. also try to get a script for some nexium, that will speed up the healing process
Hello funlover I have experienced the same problem as you. I dont mind calories so much as I just dont have an appetite period if Im drinking liquor. Im assuming youre drinking liquor because if youre so afraid of calories, I dont see you drinking beer. Apologies if Im assuming wrong. Also at times when I was broke, Id purposely drink on an empty stomach to get drunker, then pass out with a stomach full of rotgut liquor or acidic wine eating away at my stomach lining all night. I was diagnosed with gastritis around 25 years old but I kept drinking because honestly, Im a hard headed alcoholic who, like you, felt I needed alcohol to socialize and have a good time.

Sad reality is, if you dont stop drinking with your gastritis, youre going to develop an ulcer. Its a hole in your stomach lining which leads to internal bleeding and can be deadly. I threw up about a coffee cup full of dark red blood one day after a hard night drinking and my father happened to see. Immediately grabbed me and forced me to the hospital where I was put through several unpleasant tests and IV stabs, including a guy putting his fingers in my ass and probing around. I was diagnosed with an ulcer and told that if I didnt stop drinking, I would bleed to death from the inside. Being drunk really isnt worth it girl, even if you despair on the weekends without it. On the bright side, you still have coke to look forward to. On the even brighter side, I imagine you arent physically dependent yet (are you shaky when alcohol isnt in your system?), which would have made quitting 10x worse.

If the doctor didnt prescribe you anything for your gastritis, go purchase some omeprazole (Prilosec I believe) over the counter at the store. I was prescribed Protonix for my gastritis but couldnt afford it, my pharmacist said Omeprazole was very comparable and adequate for the job. Sad to say it but if you keep drinking heavily on the weekends youre risking your life. And thank god you were only drinking heavy on the weekends many of us have to get over daily habits. Good luck, you can do this, and you still have coke to get you throug this weekend. Benzos (like Xanax) replaced the social complacency for me and will be awesome for you if you keep it to the weekends. Tell your doctor about your anxiety.
thank you flyhighk for the advice. The Dr. did actually prescribe dexilant, which helps a lot relieve my symptoms (too much--I was taking it all summer and forgot about the problem, and kept up the drinking etc.) However I forgot to take it for a day or two and all the symptoms were back, so I realized I have to go through with the endoscopy.

thank you dankplantgrower. and yes, you're right, I drink mostly vodka. no beer for sure. it helps to hear someone has been through this (and worse--so I know what I'm in for if I don't stop), and someone who is similar to me. The doctor did give me dexilant, which helps relieve the symptoms but obviously isn't helping the underlying cause since he told me my stomach was totally messed up. and no, I'm not physically dependent on alcohol, I just don't have fun (or don't believe I can have fun) without it.

one more question--do you know if I can still do the coke? from my online reading it says that can contribute to gastritis so I assumed I have to stop that as well. Plus, I don't really like doing coke without alcohol. thanks again for your help, the support is really nice

thanks Roger&Me. the doctor gave me dexilant, which I've been taking and really relieved my symptoms. I appreciate the support and advice I'm finding on this forum, it's making me a little less bitter about the whole thing
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I assume if you cut the liquor out of the equation, a little coke on the weekend shouldnt hinder your recovery too drastically. They told me smoking cigarettes is also bad for gastritis and ulcers, but I smoked occasionally, maybe half a pack a week if that, and still healed. Albeit probably slower than I would have. I think the rotgut liquor is probably the real issue here.

Ever talked to y our MD about your anxiety? Anxiety meds were a godsend when I quit drinking when dealing with social interactions like hanging out on the weekends. And even kinda took the edge off the boredom/urge to drink. Just not something that should be taken daily. Good luck you get used to sober weekends after a couple weeks. Youll be fine. Come talk to us on BL, this website is what occupies my mind and keeps me sober for the most part, besides exercise and work.
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Thank you! I'm going look into the anxiety meds... Although I feel like nothing can replace alcohol. I am already dreading the weekend and realizing how difficult it will be to stay away.
Thank you! Checked out the videos and that's great info. I hope if I combine those ideas with sobriety for a couple of months I can fix this problem. I made it through my first sober weekend, btw. There were challenging moments but I was really proud at the end, and feel so much better today than most Mondays after a weekend of partying.
^Congrats! Here's to many more sober weekends!

Catalyst definitely do some great pieces of work, bit pattern. Good looks on the links, mate.
Thanks bobjayne! It's so hard though... Meeting up with friends tonight for happy hour, feel as though I'd do anything for a vodka soda or a glass of wine. I don't know why it's so hard. Went to am AA meeting last night for the first time as my desire to have a drink-- just one! -- was intolerable. It makes it easier in the moment but it's all such a struggle. Even last week I did not know it would be this hard
Congrats on a booze free weekend I knew you could do it! %) You should be proud of yourself, we sure are proud of you :D

The first weekend or 2 will suck but soon enough you will hardly notice it. AA can be a wonderful tool, Ive sat through hundreds. Some people dont like it and thats fine too, as long as youre keeping the booze at bay youre doing great. Heres to many more weekends without booze! =D
I drank like a fish for years and ended up with a serious gastro disease from it. The only way I was able to quit drinking was to substitute with opiates. I thought nothing could replace the booze but I was wrong. I know this isn't great advice but to me it's harm reduction, I experiences what alcohol can do and the physical pain it can cause in the most extreme way. The pills are muchuch less toxic than booze. The benzos didn't really help me unless I took obscene amounts so the only thing left was oxy. Just giving u my experience and what I went through.
Dankplantgrower, thank you. I tried an AA meeting last week when I just desperately wanted to get drunk. Don't know if it's for me and haven't gone back so far, but may again. I did cheat and have a glass of wine this past weekend, but it wasn't really worth it-- felt crappy and my tolerance is too high to get anything out of it.

Cliff, thanks for the thoughts. And again always nice to know other people out there understand how much this sucks! I do like the idea of learning to have fun without substances, but your ideas may come in handy sometime... There are times I just want a drink so badly!!
Hi funlover. How are you feeling? Has there been any improvements in your situation? Not trying to steal your thread but I got diagnosed Pan gastritis few months ago. At first there was just a little pain in my stomach.
Nowadays its just pure hell! I don’t use alcohol anymore but I do drink coffee more then I should.

Take care of your stomach! You cant live without it. I got my situation so bad that I cant almost eat anymore. I have had stomach problems before but nothing like this. Just trying to say that take it serious! It can lead to very nasty and painful problems if not treated properly.
Skelu, sorry to hear you have the same problem. And always glad to hear from a fellow sufferer ;-) My symptoms aren't as bad I don't think. I mostly have severe loss of appetite-- I feel full after a couple bites--and occasional nausea. With my meds (dexilant) I feel fine, so it's tempting To just say screw this whole thing and go have a good night out. But I'm worried about getting an ulcer and also do want to be healthy so I'm not letting myself. Funny thing is, I keep really enjoying not drinking and having better times wth friends and weekends than I did when I was drunk all the time, but I feel so frustrated about future events... There's a party this weekend and I really want to really party, and I'm just bummed I can't. And the coffee is a killer. I want this to go away ASAP so I'm staying away from it but I would have killed for a cup at work today. Hope you feel better and feel free to get in touch anytime if you want to talk to someone who's going through something similar