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Misc Are wild red berries psychedellics?


Aug 4, 2014
I went on a hike and my friend told me about how she thought she had heard that wild red berries were psychedellic, and thats why they were "toxic". Is she correct?
LOL! No my friend, they really are toxic, and not psychedelic. don't eat em.
There's a lot of "wild red berries", but the safest option is to not eat strange berries you find in the forest and can't identify, for reasons already stated (they might be unripe or inedible at best, and toxic at worst). None of them are psychoactive, unfortunately.


Red berries that look like raspberries (little clusters of hazy/fuzzy red spheres) are generally edible, they are some sort of Rubus spp., related to blackberry and raspberry. They could be salmonberry, red raspberry, unripe blackberries, or a hybrid of some sort and are almost always edible even if the flavor is lacking. Usually they are a Pacific Northwest fixture. Either way they're a treat.


Single round red spheres are best left uneaten. Too many of them are inedible or toxic. These particular ones are wild rose hips, which are edible and an excellent source of vitamin C. Easily identified because the plant they grow on will have rose thorns and rose-like leaves, and usually the berries/hips still have withered remains of flowers attached to the bottom end. Again these are another predominantly Northwestern treat, but I believe they are cosmopolitan nowadays.
No, no no! *Never* feed on wild berries because you 'heard' they're psychedelic. Never ever! Seriously, if you want psychedelics, stick with the ones that have been tried, tested and documented by humanity over many, many years. And even then you're not guaranteed a good trip!
yes, dont find shit you find on a hike, unless you know for sure what it is....seriously, flora can be dangerous
Another one you might be referring to:

The Yaupon holly (Scientific name Ilex vomitoria)

Note the scientific name, they were used to induce emesis in the past. NOT psychedelic.

"I recall a discussion on govteen.com recently, that lead to me looking up psychoactivity in mullberry species, supposedly, in the unripe fruit, the active compound is an NMDA antagonist, I can't remember its name off hand though (especially when I'm dead on my feet tired:p)" quote Limpet_Chicken from http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/220972-Natural-NMDA-antagonists

If anyone got too the bottom of this for a final yes or no then you could have your berry. If dissociatives are still considered psychedelics ofcourse.
Too bad the unripe fruits apperently are toxic making them not recreational in their natural form
Pretty experienced and I find them psychedelics with alienation mixed in at higher doses. And they share (probably) the visionair effects of what I believe shamanistic drugs work. In other words I get crystal clear info about the world, myself or the future. Wonder if that's a common effect though lolwhatzdrugs, it's that or I am bordering psychosis on them. :)
My past experiences with high 2nd/low 3rd plateau doses of DXM have definitely been "psychedelic" but not in a tryptamine or phenethylamine kind of way. It's also a 100% CEV, introspective experience, and I never leave my bed except to piss, unlike other psychs like mushrooms where I want to explore the outside world.