First Post: Heroin W/Drawals


Aug 17, 2014
This is my first post here althought I've been reading for over a month now.

I've been using heroin daily for about three months up until three weeks ago. Then I was arrested for shoplifting and put in jail-forced detox. I got out and started using again but a few days later a bad medication mixed put me in AUTOMATIC withdrawals. I was puking everywhere and thought I was going to die. Even called the medics but they said I was fine- "just don't do heroin". Easier said than done. About two days later I continued use. Then a few days ago (about two weeks after my arrest) I totalled my car while driving to steal and sell clothing about an hour away from my home. The same day my best friend went to detox/treatment and her boyfriend (my dealer) went MIA. I'm now in day four without heroin. I tried to kill myself two days in and got out of the loony bin yesterday. I'm finally able to get out of bed (barely).

I'm scheduled to enter treatment on Sept. 2nd which will be my second round. I want to use again so bad, which is stupid considering I've made it this far through withdrawals.

Also, a strange effect-whereas most people lose their appetite, mine has been unreal. With the exception of Day One, where I was puking and couldn't eat anything, I now want to eat everything in sight. Has anyone else experienced this?

Any words of help would be appreciated.
Hey RedRunner and welcome to BL:)

Sorry you are struggling with this addiction. Facing an addiction is a tough thing, but its possible to do.

Have you looked into or considered suboxone therapy? It can be very helpful in stabilizing an addict and allowing them to live much better life and to start getting there life back in order.

Post two in this thread has information and a physician locator for the US. Varied Approaches to Addiction Recovery

Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0

As soon as made it through the acute withdrawal I became ravenous with hunger. Many times we are pretty emaciated from use and when we slip out we find we are really hungry as the body want the nutrition to regenerate the body and mind.

The withdrawals are from physical dependence, they are awful, but the real battle is the addiction. Here are a couple of threads you can explore to increase your understanding of addiction and some threads about PAWS. PAWS is the post acute withdrawal that you may experience now that you are out of the acute withdrawal tunnel.
Addiction Guide
The Brain and Addiction


You can do this.<3 It really helps if we make it our number one priority.