  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak



Bluelight Crew
Feb 4, 2004
Anyone playing the beta? I have it for PS4. Its my first time playing a console FPS for more than 5 minutes and I absolutely love it so far. Its looking like a great game and I don't regret the pre-order at all.

I just wish I could play with my friends who have Xbox. Fucking Microsoft and their policy of no cross-platform gaming. :!
I played the Alpha awhile ago and it was pretty fun. It was only like 2 missions though. Have they added more for the Beta? I'd probably re-download it if they did.
The beta has a lot. I'm level 5 right now and you can go to level 8. I didn't play much of the alpha but the beta has a full story line and walks you through the game play which for an FPS n00b like me is very important.

Can't wait for the 9th of September when I can play the real thing.

I haven't tried PVP yet though. I'm always really apprehensive about pvp because someone always finds a way to cheat...
I'll have to check out the Beta. Definitely sounds like it has a lot more in it.
Seems pretty cool. I played it on the 360. Graphics surely don't look that good on it but its okay. Cut scenes are really cool. I only played first part.
Yeah graphics suck even on the PS4, at least in the maps. Grass is especially bad. But the game is good.
I wonder if they will be polished on the final release.

The game sort of reminds me of the game Defiance, though better.

I'm enjoying it more as I play. Glad for jump jets.

I think the graphical simplicity might be due to that there is going to be many environments/ worlds?
Yeah the moon actually stepped up the graphics a good bit... It really is just the grass that is poor quality but when you figure that the PS4 has the graphics capability of approximately a desktop GTX 770, its honestly not surprising that AA isn't turned on considering how far your field of view is.
Is it COD type non run and gun or is there a decent tactical side to it?
Is it COD type non run and gun or is there a decent tactical side to it?

I've never played COD but there are different classes with different skills and abilities, weapons can have their own growth pattern including higher damage or unique skills, there are two different types of PVP - one that levels the playing field between all players and iron banner that lets you battle with your enhancements, the two worlds I've seen are Russia and the moon. The moon is much nicer than Russia and in PVP, you can end up on Venus which looks like an awesome map.

I can't really compare it to other FPS because they aren't generally my genre but if I had to compare it to one, I could compare it to Unreal Tournament and say that its absolutely nothing like that game because it has RPG elements like leveling and classes.

The class system is pretty unique too... They all use the same weapons, they just have different innate skills. Like the warlock class has the "glide" abiliity and the ability to make energy grenades.
Comes out in less than a week. I am very excited about it! Gonna get my butt kicked for the first few weeks though, ZERO console FPS experience other than the Destiny beta in which I found myself getting my butt kicked haha.
Comes out in less than a week. I am very excited about it! Gonna get my butt kicked for the first few weeks though, ZERO console FPS experience other than the Destiny beta in which I found myself getting my butt kicked haha.

They still don't have a way to use keyboard/mouse? I was sure PS3 did but maybe i dreamt that up.
They still don't have a way to use keyboard/mouse? I was sure PS3 did but maybe i dreamt that up.

IIt has to be supported by the game. Very few games are programmed for it because it's an unfair advantage. I highly doubt that Destiny, a game this is online only would program in support for keyboard and mouse.
I kinda want to try this out, but I've been purposefully avoiding the new consoles (not so impressed with the generational leap). I suppose I'll soon give in and just get one with Destiny, Infamous and Killzone.
I kinda want to try this out, but I've been purposefully avoiding the new consoles (not so impressed with the generational leap). I suppose I'll soon give in and just get one with Destiny, Infamous and Killzone.

Destiny is great if you have friends to play with, I'm stuck at level 25 for the time being.

Infamous is a great series. I own them all including the new First Light.
I'm killing Destiny probably because I played Halo so much which has a similar gun/aiming/firing style. I've had it a week today and I just hit level twenty. Probably not that great but oh well.
I'm killing Destiny probably because I played Halo so much which has a similar gun/aiming/firing style. I've had it a week today and I just hit level twenty. Probably not that great but oh well.

Level 20 isn't hard to get, the problem comes after that. The only way to level up past 20 is to get gear with light points in it and the gear with the highest light points only drops from things that involve a fireteam - raids, strikes, and queen's missions unless you grind crucible and vanguard or one of the 3 factions to buy the stuff with your marks.

Its quite the grind.

I wouldn't mind the grind as much if the loading time wasn't so awful. There is no reason that a game I downloaded to my PS4 should have longer loading time than any disc based game I've ever played on any system.