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Inner Ear Contractions During Intense LSD Trip


Jul 13, 2014
So my last trip (perhaps my most intense and horrific out of 18+ trips) my right ear was severely messed up during much of the peak.

I wouldn't exactly say it was painful as much as it was just highly uncomfortable.

It felt like the ear was contracting and pulsating in a very strange way that is quite hard to fully explain.

I was just curious if any of my fellow trippers have experience such sensations with either ear or both during an acid trip.
Could be jaw clenching. Many times people are unaware that they are clenching their jaws.
or fluid in the eustachian tube
could be a cold coming on
Do you ever get tinnitus? I get the high pitched tone a fair bit but also a pronounced whooshing which feels like pulse-like oscilation of eardrum in and out (but is probably not that happening at all). Could be an explanation, and it wouldn't shock me if LSD could promote or at least increase awareness of such phenomena.

Nah, I know what you're talking about.. I sometimes have uncomfortable ear sensations too. It never really bothered me much - I always put it down to being a bit thirsty or something.
My best friend has had issues with his vestibular sense that was exacerbated by acid trips, and personally I have felt sensations that were basically parasthesia of the ear that persisted for about 2+ weeks and recurred every 30 minutes or more frequently. That included feelings of pressurized air.
And yes there is also pulsating feelings related to blood pressure and random sensory hallucinations...

I'd sa most of the time it will just pass in not that much time at all, but my friend has apparently had neurological issues for a long time. But seemed like there were preexisting conditions.
I get something like this on all psychedelics. It feels like some kind of pressure building up in the ears that blocks all sounds kind of like being under water. It's highly enjoyable and happens in waves in the peaks. I've always thought it has something to do with serotonin rushes.
Am I the only one getting this and enjoying it? None of my friends ever talk about it. It's like an unvolontary flexing of inner ear muscles and it feels so good.
When I was deeply in love I had it all the time too even though I was totally sober.
I've noticed something like this on shrooms a lot. It reminds me of the sound I hear when I start to yawn. Like this building pressure/wind inside of my ears. To be fair, I yawn A LOT when I'm tripping on shrooms, but this sound seems to be around pretty consistently during the trip. It also seems to contribute to my perception of the intensity of the trip. Nothing like a constant whooshing sound to remind you how far you've been swept from reality lol.
Yea that's it. I just got a small one from vaping some weed and eating dark chocolate just now. I wonder what that woosh really is.
It's contractions of the tensor tympani muscle, it's normal to be able to control it to maker weird rumbling/grinding sounds in your ear.

Just another strange feature of the human body. It's not a sign of damage or anything. Just try to ignore it if it bothers you. It sounds like sometimes people can have it spasm or twitch uncontrollably. Like others have mentioned it may be related to jaw tension and chewing gum might help.
Yessss so I get it when I'm not tripping sometimes now but every time I came up on LSD I would get it and love it but when I'm sober, for some odd reason it's highly uncomfortable and I've had moments where I'm on the brink of crying or screaming because I thought it wouldn't stop. Don't know why it affects me in such a drastic way seeing as I'm usually a very calm and collected person.
It felt like the ear was contracting and pulsating in a very strange way that is quite hard to fully explain.
I was just curious if any of my fellow trippers have experience such sensations with either ear or both during an acid trip.
- this happens to me a lot on all lysergamides. I still haven't figured out the real cause for it. Ive always thought that it has something to do with the rapid blood pressure changes and something going on with eustachian tube as Pupnik mentioned. It may be tensor tympani muscle as sekio said.

I also have weird and very loud sound hallucinations on certain stuff, like DMT, big dose of mushrooms/LSD - sounds of banging metal pieces, slamming doors, sometimes sounds are distinctly musical and they sound as real as anything else I hear.
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Inner ear pulsating

So my last trip (perhaps my most intense and horrific out of 18+ trips) my right ear was severely messed up during much of the peak.

I wouldn't exactly say it was painful as much as it was just highly uncomfortable.

It felt like the ear was contracting and pulsating in a very strange way that is quite hard to fully explain.

I was just curious if any of my fellow trippers have experience such sensations with either ear or both during an acid trip.
Yo I have the exact same thing on acid. Any amount above 250 mics I get a weird unexplainable inner ear problems. I start freaking out because my breathing is all fucked up too. Both the breathing and the inner ear problems are inexplainable and make me feel like I'm having a heart attack or a stroke or some typa shit.
Not on LSD, but on DiPT (which is a psychedelic that alters your hearing instead of vision, basically), I feel this inner ear movement. It shifts around somehow and it feels like it blocks off a certain normal range of sound, and then it stays that way for some time (even past the main effects of the drug). I don't know if I'd describe it as a contraction though, nor was it painful. Did you notice that your hearing was altered or blocked in any way?
i've had my ear pressure need to be equalized during an LSD trip. like you know if you change elevation in a car or a plane? i had to pop my ears but couldn't..and i nearly freaked out about it! also, the common cold can mess with your ears too, so maybe that was setting in?
I reproducibly get this rapid flutering in my ear when using my parents automated espresso maker (it automatically grinds, packs and brews the coffee beans) which is rather loud and just the right pitch or whatever to start my ears fluttering. No other sound I've encountered does this and it happens every time with perfect reproducibility when making coffee.

It totally matches the description in Sekio's link related to the involuntary contraction of the tensor timpani muscle. In that link they point out that some people can trigger that reflex just by thinking of loud sounds. Could be the LSD makes your thoughts louder and triggers the reflex. Just a though, but you should be able to test it by quieting your mind or making noises in your head.
I got that from phentothiazine (so?) antipsychotics. Mainly high frequency sounds, seemed to cause eardrum oscillation. Especially crinkly metal/foil or plastic. Popping pills from blister packs would trigger it. :)

I'm not sure 'loud thoughts' register as audio in the brain. Thought seems visible (for me at least). I'm trying to 'sing' loudly in my head but can't do it.
I get this from DMT, its a rhythmic popping in my ears for a couple minutes, maybe 3-4 clicks per second. It feels like a real physical pressure.l but its not worrying.