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Opioids Better treatment: Methadone or Suboxone!? Round 2 for me!


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
so, I am sure you've all been asked this millions and millions of times, but I cant find shit.. and yes, I TRIED and TRIED for the past 10 minutes but didnt come up w/ much. anyway, who here has TRIED Suboxone and Methadone treatment before? not at the same time, but has TRIED to do ONE or the OTHER before?

I've done Suboxone and did well for 6 months (NO OPIATES for 6 months). I started off at 24/MG for the first week where I was still checked into a rehab and upon getting released I dropped to 16/MG. I rode out the 16 for a bit and then down to 12, 8, 6.. but I was dropping far too quick; not even the Dr. wanted to drop as fast as I was but I continued to do so. finally I was dabbling between 4-8MG depending on how I was feeling and one day got a call from someone saying they has this GREAT NEW DOPE.. and before you know it.. BOOM! dope it was! since then it's been a 5-6 month run!

this morning I just woke up not feeling so great; I have been on Methadone for 4 days now (today being the 4th day) and today will be the day they up my dosage by 5MG's. I started me off at 20MG's which I thought was EXTREMELY LOW for someone coming from a gram+ a day habit but everyone I speak to around these parts tells me that its standard around this way. so along w/ Methadone I've been going home and using dope as well; probably just as much as I was using before, maybe a little less. the reason I went to the done is because it is MUCH FASTER to get started in the program and get my first dosage (than it is on Suboxone); also, as of now I have no license and my friend is part of the done clinic and he can give me my daily morning ride. we can also support one another; then again, we can also be part of the reason one another FAIL.. but not yet!

so since today is ONLY day 4, I am still using dope along w/ the done, which they say is "normal" till I find the right dosage. I dont quite understand how that is "normal" but WHATEVER! I've taken methadone many times before but never supervised and NEVER through a clinic, so I am giving this a shot. I am hoping you guys can help out since many of you have ALOT of exp. vs. my NEXT TO NOTHING experience.

they started me on a 6 month program; I know everyone starts on the same program before just jumping and becoming a lifer but I ideally would like to TRY MY BEST to get through this and away from opiates/dope to the best of my ability.

I truly had ENOUGH of using and want to be DONE but I need all the help I can get since I work a full-time job and cannot afford to go away to a rehab, detox, programs, jail, etc.

What are some of the negatives in the done clinic? or the drug itself? is it possible to MISS A DAY at certain stages of the clinic? I've been reading diff articles about the done and asking my friends but I'd rather hear it from you guys who assume have been involved MUCH LONGER than the people I know or the bullshit articles I read that always have the negative bullshit to say.

help me out here, peeps!
Hey bro congrats on making the decision to at least try to stop doin dope. I have been on methadone and am currently on subs. Methadone works for a while but you end up becoming tolerant to it just like any other opiate which im sure you know.

For me getting on subs was a pragmatic decision. I hated going to the clinic and I hated not being able to go anywhere. Both of these drugs will help with cravings to some extent but you have to do the work for them to be really effective. So if they both work for cravings, but subs dont hold you down as much I would say that bupe is the way to go.

If bupe does not hold you as well as done I would try taking a low dose of benzo. Currently I am on subs and kpins and I prefer this combo to methadone any day. Thats just my two cents. Also, if one doesn't work you can always try the other. Personally, I think either done or subs is way better than using dope.

Whatever you decide to do good luck with it man!
thanks, man. anything is better than spending the money I do now daily. I have NOTHING, man.. truly NOTHING. but w/ the done as of now I am still using because I am far from the dosage I need to be at and it's going to take me some time to get there (at least a month or two). I know the addict in me is still saying "I NEED IT, I NEED MORE" but who knows. I already shot a half gram this AM and will be going to get my done in a half hour; so today I am already behind.

the bupe was working good for me but I fucked up and to get back on takes far too long and I just dont have that kind of time or commitment. esp. w/ no license I need someone to bring me to the clinic daily; so it's not easy. luckily I have a friend who is going to the clinic as well and I can hitch a ride w/ him daily. this is also the reason why I want to TRY the 6 month program so I do not have to reply on this person for too long, ya know!?? I hate having to rely on others; it's SOOOOO not my thing but unfortunately its something that has to happen as of now.

I know we all do this but its just sickening to look back at all the mistakes we've made in life and how much different/better life would be if we didnt do some of the things we decided to do at the time. just damn sickening, man! ha. oh well, the mistakes have been made and we are lucky to be alive and be where we are today, so let's keep doing our best, going in the RIGHT DIRECTION and make a commitment to ourselves that we need to do the RIGHT THING!
Yeah bro anything is better than doin dope. IMO I think you should get your dose upped until you feel normal. As long as you stop doing dope when you raise your dose you should be fine. Doing dope on top of the done will fuck you up in the long run trust me. I have 3 years clean one of those years I spent on methadone and the last two on bupe. As long as you realize that dope isnt an option either done or subs with the right amount of work should help you stay clean. You'll be fine man dont beat yourself up and dwell on the past. Try to stop using ASAP and get your dose raised so you can quit that shit once and for all!
I've used both, in my experience you can build a tolerance to both. My body couldn't take the side effects of either... Well, congrats on making the decision. In my experience, even on high doses of subs I couldn't take it and still wanted something else. Methadone, I could stand it. Messed with my stomach... And I could go two days without a dose before I felt bad or craved it on 120 mg. good luck!

if you want to get high methadone (its always made me nod)
if you want to TRY to maintain sobriety suboxone

im on suboxone, of course I love methadone to.

there for Ive never been on methadone even tho my insurance covers it 100% BUT NOT MY SUBOXONE

I just dont like the idea of going to a clinic everyday some clinics when you build trust you go maybe once a week and they give you mad take homes

you really cant get high on dope with methadone tho im sure you can but in high doses its nearly impossible
(ive seen it be done but with lots of fucking dope)

2 different things usually methadone you increase dose and its a longer treatment time
suboxone if anything till your on the right dose adjustment you decrease (of course I want to be on it for life)

downfall on suboxone like the person above me said is yeah I still crave shit on suboxone but the cravings been getting better the longer im on it
and the thing with methadone is yeah I wouldnt crave dope even tho I was never on treatment just used methadone recreational im saying being on 50mg for 3 days fucked me up lol and yeah on methadone I actually didnt crave heroin but even tho they say the half life what I didnt like is id wake up fucked up and sometimes id wake up sick and suboxone can last the whole next day if you miss a dose or something

again my personal opinion
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IME methadone will get you high for a little while but inevitably u will plateau and no matter how much you do it will not get you high and you will be stuck and most likely take forever to get of it. You can of course mix done with benzos but that is a slippery slope.. My advice would be to try to keep your dose low and just maintain not chase the high.

if you want to get high methadone (its always made me nod)
if you want to TRY to maintain sobriety suboxone

im on suboxone, of course I love methadone to.

there for Ive never been on methadone even tho my insurance covers it 100% BUT NOT MY SUBOXONE

I just dont like the idea of going to a clinic everyday some clinics when you build trust you go maybe once a week and they give you mad take homes

you really cant get high on dope with methadone tho im sure you can but in high doses its nearly impossible
(ive seen it be done but with lots of fucking dope)

2 different things usually methadone you increase dose and its a longer treatment time
suboxone if anything till your on the right dose adjustment you decrease (of course I want to be on it for life)

downfall on suboxone like the person above me said is yeah I still crave shit on suboxone but the cravings been getting better the longer im on it
and the thing with methadone is yeah I wouldnt crave dope even tho I was never on treatment just used methadone recreational im saying being on 50mg for 3 days fucked me up lol and yeah on methadone I actually didnt crave heroin but even tho they say the half life what I didnt like is id wake up fucked up and sometimes id wake up sick and suboxone can last the whole next day if you miss a dose or something

again my personal opinion

I don't know if I agree cause sub's get you pretty high if used correctly and there are all these potentiators such as St Johns wart people take in these crazy rituals to try and make them think the Suboxone is turning to nor-bupe or whatever then its the same with methadone people taking all these drugs in the hope it will get them "higher''. I always tell people you need to find what works for you as they both have issues it's not about how much dope you have done its about finding what drug you think works best with the least side effects.
cant get high on dope while on methadone? maybe when on a much higher dose but as of now I am on only 20MG of done and go home and will shoot a half G and still feel good; hours later I will finish off the G and still feel the 2nd shot as well.

I went to the clinic today and was supposed to be up'd but because I went in past 9AM I wasnt able to so now tomorrow I will be up'd 5MG and be on 25MG rather than 20MG; not much of a difference but anything/everything works at this point. one thing I did notice is that even w/ such a small dosage the methadone tends to knock me out once I get home; I got my dosage today around 1030AM, went and grabbed a sub, ate, watched some TV and passed out around 12 and just woke up around 2PM. I just started using methadone on Thursday and work Mon-Fri; on the first 2 days after my dosage I would be at work and just be dead tired; not really "nodding" but just drained and tired. however, I will still be "hurting" hours later since its such a small dosage and the craving of the dope is still there.

I just need help, man! I def. NEED HELP! I had enough; I have given up.. people always say that the first step is coming forth and admitting youre an addict. well, I am a fucking ADDICT! I've been saying that to myself and others for a while now but still having a problem. I want to quit but cant quit.. why!? I dont know. I make up my own excuses. I actually went 7 or 8 days w/o anything (well, no opiates but benzos and weed) and eventually ended up going back to opiates.

I would like to do the 6 month program w/ the done but most people I meet/talk to say I am going to need to stay on it much longer than that. do you peeps find this to be true?

thanks peeps. I feel OK right now but I shot a half G this AM and also 20MG done a few hours later. I already have anxiety that I will be getting sick by morning and thinking of "what should I do next". I hate thinking like that. I know its all a mental thought and its far from withdrawals but I am sure we all get/have those problems, right?
I know what you mean bro those mental ones can be very brutal and really take over your whole life with thoughts of food I have enough to stay well till tomorow will I have enough to wake up with tomorow blah blah blah I mean I always say this whole room in in could be stuffed full of heroin powder but it still wouldn't be enough. Hang in there man do what you gotta do for this first while but let the Meth do its job and build up in the body it takes time to do so then you can continue upping your dose till it works for you.
8( I've nodded on subs plenty of people are addicted to them-- what the hell. i used to sell sub 8s for 25 a piece??? you can get high off either. but if you are trying to stay clean, some people acheive "maintenance" with methadone rather than subs.
Yeah' with a low(er) tolerance, buprenorphine will fucking destroy you.

This has been discussed ad nauseam, but personally, based on you're posts, I believe methadone is the better choice for you, Boston.
ant get high on dope while on methadone? maybe when on a much higher dose but as of now I am on only 20MG of done and go home and will shoot a half G and still feel good; hours later I will finish off the G and still feel the 2nd shot as well.


and im on bupe and find ways to get high on it all the time I love my bupe I have my rituals like tp said and yeH I shoot my subs with diphenhydramine sometimes and I usually take sjw and I also take benzos when I can but I DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT THAT CAN KILL YOU
I'm by no means perfect, who here is? But you gotta put forth some effort in terms of letting your tolerance drop if you want the methadone to, on its own, get you through the day. I mean you can assist the methadone with small doses of H because they titrate you up over time, but only use enough to make youself well. Don't get ripped on g of IV dope and then take your 20 mg of methadone, try waiting for the done and for it to fully kick in (3 hours) and then do enough H to feel decent and be able to function normally. Eventually things will even out, I would imagine in the 60-80 mg range, But you keep just getting ripped while waiting for them to up your dose to a point where it is basically making you high and you will settle in at well over 100 mg.

I must add, I don't really understand all the clinics starting at a low dose and only going up at such a slow rate, leaving the person not fully relieved by the dose and having to rely on copping heroin or whatever is their DOC, to just get by. But thing is most people are not going for that help until they are at a point where doing that is not a viable option. Addicts push it to the end, when there is little hope and then they make you wait to get what you fully need to get by. Just seems detrimental to the addict's well being and might cause them to attempt dangerous activites to get money to stay well since the clinic isn't giving them enough.
if suboxone didn't work the first time for you, chances are it wont the 2nd time. just like kicking heroin, and doing it 3 days later. try methadone maintenance..u have no choice but to take ur dose, cant skip so u can get high,and be on a dose high enough where u wont even get high on heroin from the methadone