Despression/Anxiety from Kratom Withdrawal

Thanks Eve. Tomorrow will be day 10. The Wellbutrin and alternating gabaergics help. Actually I stopped the gabaergics 2 days ago and will wait another couple days before using them again... if needed.

Thanks for the support, very much appreciated.

Congrats on that 10 days. I know it's been a few months. How you been feeling since then?

I'm on day 2 of Kratom withdrawal. Had some restless leg syndrome last night and have just been feeling down during the day, but surprisingly it hasn't been as bad as previous times when I've gone through early withdrawal. I'm wondering if it's just the calm before the storm due to the fact that there's still a lot of kratom in my system, or has God really answered my prayers; I asked Him if He could eliminate the brunt of my withdrawals and I promised Him i would stay free and clean from all substances indefinitely. I still have the desire to make myself feel better like any addict, but I'm going to have to LET GO of the Kratom and all other substances. Part of breaking free from any drug dependency is learning how to cope with bad feelings without returning to the drug. One of my main coping tools is praying to God. Whether He exists or not I don't know, but I do believe He/prayer helps me...and always will.
Well I made it 4 days without Kratom and on the 5th day I said "I NEED TO FEEL BETTER". I prayed to God and told Him to please help me with resisting the temptation to go out and buy it. I then said to myself, give the money to my wife and tell her not to let me get the tea. But I didn't, and I went out and got the tea and after getting back home I drank it (I just mix it with water). Nothing stopped me.

Sure I feel a little guilty now, weak willed, telling myself I should go to AA or NA and get a sponsor to help me stay clean.

But the good feelings are kicking in full blast now. I cleaned the kitchen and am looking forward to work. The consequences are good, yes, life is better for now.
Kratom withdraws? With gabapen at hand that's nothing man, try tianptine out and you'll seeee a true withdraw