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The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-DMT Thread - First Launch

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> it's at least conceivable to me now that 5-MeO-DMT plus some kind of mild sedative could be used by some as a club drug

I have to disagree, if only because the line between a recreational dose and a knock-out dose is such a fine line with this compound. When I say knock-out, I mean most of 'you' has gone away for a holiday in a state of serotonin syndrome for about 40 minutes, yet just enough low level functions are left to cause trouble. Perhaps you may just enter a semicomatose state and veg in place, or perhaps you may enter a myoclastic state and trash your room while rolling about on the floor thrashing your arms and legs around you (which leads to knocking things over and harsh rug burns...).

It took me three errors of choice to learn my lessons with this compound. This RC seems to deserve a category all it's own, I like the term psychedelic crack.
So alluring, yet such a fine line.

All I can see is a whole lot of people overdosing far too easily with this one.
The average rules concerning most drugs do not apply, the dose response curve is steep enough as it is, but to simply cut off into a semiconcious state at a point in that relationship when the psychedelic nature of the compound is so pleasurable... it's a creul world. I wish I could bump up 5-meo-dmt the way you can bump up your buzz with most compounds, but it is best to just take one dose, perhaps a second, and that's that. It can be all too easy to have caution when starting out, and then once you are high you just toss 30 mg. in the bowl thinking it's cool, resistence is up and this trip is fantastic... then, you come to slightly confused as you are cleaning your room, not sure where you were a few mintues ago nor how your room got messed up and how you got these nasty rug burns... too big a hit on top of an existing buzz, and you may not have time to even put your pipe down before the void draws you in.

We'lll see, but I think this one is for hard heads only. Lightweights need not apply, do your selves a favor. I think if it did hit the street it would get a rep like PCP (perhaps heavier) real quick. The only blessing is that your bad trip will never go for hours, but you can do a lot of naughty things in forty minutes. And, consider all the prescription meds this one might interact with in a negative fashion... what a mess.

In all my screwing around with the common street drugs in the 80s, I never encountered a psychedelic that can so easily and predictably scramble your conciousness to a complete omelette in 10 seconds. I think of the prejudice against LSD, and it seems even more absurd now... I think LSD could mind fuck the vulnerable more that 5-meo-dmt, but you could take extra hits of LSD going on up to 8 blotters (my limit, almost always 4 or 5 was satisfactory) and you were not going to partially black out and start screaming, "Oh my God," at the top of your lungs. On the other hand, reports of psychological difficulties returning to baseline with 5-meo-dmt are not impossible to find. I have not experienced this though.

Let the tales of the Void spread about, and I just do not think this drug can cut it in the street market. Now, if someone could remove the tendency of 5-meo-dmt to overwhelm you while at the same time facilitating the ability of it to amplify the psychedelic nature of the experience through bump ups without risking crossing that so-close line (for instance, the difference between 10 and 15 mgs.), then I think you might have something. But, then, pills will be a problem since you would have to add something to allow oral activity... powder would probably never penetrate the market like pills could.
^^ No, you're right. I was just saying that now I can finally see some "pleasurable" and even social/empathogenic aspects to the 5-MeO-DMT experience.

Mostly I was referring back to yaesutom, who has posted here before that he enjoys taking a hit of 5-MeO right before stepping into a dance club. I never understood this before, but I kind of do now. Almost. ;)

I felt SO GOOD after the peak this last time, I can easily see how one might be tempted to bump another dose, and I can also see how that would be a BIG mistake. My first time ever with 5-MeO, I did two doses (8mg plus 12mg about 20 minutes later) and I thought I died.
Plank said:
Let the tales of the Void spread about, and I just do not think this drug can cut it in the street market.

Neither of you have said that; "It's at least conceivable to me now that 5-MeO-DMT plus some kind of mild sedative could be used by some as a club drug"..

I completely agree. Why couldn't it be used by some as a club drug, I too see the potential in this side of the drug, it most certainly can be enjoyable.. This doesn't apply to higher dosages though, they're pretty much unpredictable.. After many, many 5-MeO-DMT experiences, I can say that I really am able to enjoy the lower dosages, it's like you can "tune in" to that state of cosmic bliss, Ecstacy like, though don't quote me on that..

A drug going mainstream is a totally different thing.
I agree with the followup comments. I am sure many enjoy to go clubbing while using many various compounds. I was thinking of mainstreaming, as mentioned. As a drug dealer, you do not want to have to seek out your clients any more than is necessary. You will tend to sell what the public demands (ignoring other forces at work that shape such decisions). You will gravitate towards more compact, more pure products with larger profit margins that customers find acceptable, in general.

I was pondering this, as a drug policy scholar I sometimes ponder what the next trend will be, given prohibition worsens such trends.

I think with a compound like 2c-i, you could create pill/individual doses in the 5-8 mg. range, and people could consume it in traditional patterns without unexpected risks. 1 pill, 5 pills, etc... a person will usually sense an overdose of some sort coming long before he starts a bad trip.

But, with 5-meo-dmt, what, I think I read the DEA once confiscated some pills of it just over a year ago, and I think the statement said each pill (or was it LSD like paper tabs/blotter...) contained 2 mg. of 5-meo-dmt. Now, I try to imagine any concentration of 5-meo-dmt in a pill, and how that will play out... basically, you want a single unit to satisfy the newbies, and 3-5 units to satisfy the experienced... no matter what weight you choose, either the pills will be too weak encouraging overconsumption, or they will be too strong, hitting the newbies unawares.

And, when you consider the ramifications of adding in a MAOI inhibitor to the pills, well that could turn into a dealers' nightmare as regards his profit margins. I read that oral experimentations have worked with around 10 mg. of 5-meo-dmt and 10-20 mg. of harmala (or harmaline, I forget...). This was reported to provide a two hour experience, and one researcher I recall stated he thought you might just be able to trip indefinitely on 5-meo-dmt if you consumed a MAOI inhibitor continuously. Now, I imagine a pill with let's say 4 mg. 5-meo-dmt and 8 mg. harmala. To try to satisfy the newbies who take one while keeping to double dosers in mind... imagine the complications that could come from overdosing with this combination... bad enough you might go wild for forty minutes, but now you disable your body's protective mechanisms while consuming two potentiating powerful psychedelics... you have to be one stupid ass dealer to try to market this stuff on a wide scale basis thinking you have found the new marijuana/cocaine/alcohol product.

I'm just having some idle fun. I think the important point is that of all the research chems, I think this one's road to prohibition won't be like MDMA's.
I would think it is relatively off the radar screen of the DEA because too few people prove to like it enough (hence, they may not easily prove that it possesses a high potential for abuse). They will prioritize those compounds that they detect are increasing in popularity towards that mysterious saturation point (what, 1%-2% of the young adults using once or more per year...) when customers and dealers will abound to the point that informal transactions may take place without unacceptable inconvienences, i.e. a street trade and new market is born, and the drug may proliferate far more quickly.

The thought of a combo pill for oral consumption is just a plain nightmare in my opinion. I think MDMA was an LSD substitute for the new generations.
I find it hard to imagine what might hit 'big' next, I am not sure any substance I have studied will come up that way. I see an established alternate drugs consumption culture in our world, and the drugs chosen for various purposes are pretty established and there is not a lot of discontent going on. MDMA was great for the dealers, finally more than four people could properly synthesize the stuff. When you see new drugs emerge, it is usually because another is being suppressed. Hence, amphetamine suppression in the 1950s gave us cocaine in the 1960s. Cocaine suppression enhanced marijuana trafficking and brought crack cocaine to our culture in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Albeit I am creating my own theory here, I would say MDMA rose in popularity due to market forces that made it more competitive than LSD in the marketplace, not the least of which of these forces is a supply problem (very difficult to make). You have your stimulants, your psychedelics, and your depressants. If something is going to compete with MDMA in the psychedelic marketplace, it will have to have an advantage over it. I see no challengers that offer anything new, in fact 2c-i appears to be an inferior psychedelic. Unless the DEA actually manages to start confiscating 10% or more of the MDMA being moved, or they can suppress an important ingredient, dealers will go on as they are, writing off the 10% as an expected loss while getting filthy rich.

So, I am just free associating on the topic of 5-meo-dmt as a popular drug...
I am sure I have made a number of factual errors, I apologize. I like to kick back once in a while and not have to double check my facts. At Erowid, there was a good discussion paper about oral experiments with 5-meo-dmt and a MAOI inhibitor... a group of scholars meeting in South America to discuss ayahuasca, I believe... anyways, I suppose a skeptic might ask me why I think ayahuasca has not had the negative outcomes that I think a 5-meo-dmt/harmine pill might have. It is the difference between chewing coca leaves/making coca tea, and smoking crack. The more concentrated the drug, the more potent and pure it is, the harder on you it is going to be. And, the more troubling a relationship with it you might have.

*** Blowmonkey: "After many, many 5-MeO-DMT experiences, I can say that I really am able to enjoy the lower dosages, it's like you can "tune in" to that state of cosmic bliss, Ecstacy like, though don't quote me on that.."

I completely agree, I have read of people stating the body load is high with low doses but that it lessens as you approach the perfect dose for you... not for me. More drug equals more load, I am perfectly happy tossing 8 mg. up my nostrils, and sometimes I cap a cigarette with 5 to 10 mg. and smoke it an hour later for a small bumb and a tasty smoke. The moment I start smoking it in any way shape or form like marijuana, or if I just start to cap my marijuana hits with it, well then I know I am risking entering the void.
I suppose one might say I cherish the powerful +3 psychedelic experience the most. I just cannot do that with 5-meo-dmt. A weak +3 is as far as I will or even can go with this drug. My new habits basically give me a weak +3 that quickly fades to a +2 in half an hour.

There was a short time where I was not sure if there was any good reason for me to continue with 5-meo-dmt, but with extreme moderation and caution I have found a comfort spot. I think you and I would share much in common with our experiences, I have noted many of your comments as I study this one. I tell you, I am still amazed by the guy who could toss 20 mg. in a bowl and feel no effects whatsoever... it is hard to believe I could not apply some good consumption techniques and knock him flat on his ass.

Have a good one.
But, with 5-meo-dmt, what, I think I read the DEA once confiscated some pills of it just over a year ago, and I think the statement said each pill (or was it LSD like paper tabs/blotter...) contained 2 mg. of 5-meo-dmt.

Me thinks that might have been 5-meo-amt not 5-meo-dmt and it was gel tabs :)
On 5-MeO-DMT, most people report a +4 and experience of "the void" and a death-rebirth process... this man claims on higher doses to visit a sort of hyperspace similar to N,N-DMT: http://members.cox.net/toadvenom/wallace.htm

Most people claim that one goes unconscious at these levels... so, is there any truth that much higher doses can lead to realms similar to DMT?
^^ That's very interesting. Who here is going to go out and try 50mg of smoked 5-MeO-DMT freebase and report back?? ;)

I've been thinking of trying a higher dose (like, more than 15mg) lately, but holy headfuck, Batman, 50mg of 5-MeO-DMT? (I love how Bob Wallace just calls it "5", that's pretty hip, dude).

I just can't quite imagine.
Saw a question about snorting it. I've found that putting a measured amount under my tongue, only for about 5-7-10 mins til its gone (you can tell when its gone) and it seems about the same as snorting, only tried that once though and I hate burns.. This way wasn't unpleasant at all, i mean its got a wierd taste, but not bad, i would just put it there and let it dissolve and usually be doing something at the same time.

I have been curious about oral 5-meo-dmt, since I have a lot of moclobemide (mao-a reversable inhibitor), try a low dose first maybe, and if i'm afraid of some bad side effects i read about with the maoi thing, maybe if i think its a threat/danger i'll take some benzo with it something to help anyway. I was also thinking about trying oral DPT with the mocl. , not sure what dose but thats off topic.. I noticed by accident, moclobemide does potentiate the 2C-x's quite a bit :)

Yeah I haven't used 5-meo-dmt in a while, i'm thinking about bringing it down when I go to florida for a 'vacation' soon. If i can hit it on a good day out on the beach...ahh love the stuff.

There must be a certain dose level I end up getting, where i'm not totally gone, but quite high, and walking around immediately after feels kinda floaty, wonderful, peaceful, and i'm just in that 'groove' to do what i normally don't do, dance. I don't need to re-dose after either, if i do start dancing, or.. anything else like just swinging some glow sticks around, i get going and once i'm going it sticks...has stuck for hours, until i just get bored. It really feels like temporarily shutting down a lot of my 'left brain' thinking, and letting more of the right side come out. I love hitting that dose just where language deteriorates into sounds, gibberish yet you can see fine, think without words but clearly, read people without language, words on shirts/tv/whatever just look like some designs like looking at a totally foreign language. After those uh, 'groovy' type dose hits, i really do feel better than any mdxx, in a different way.
Interesting report. I have never smoked even close to forty milligrams, but it is hard to believe that 5-meo-dmt could do that at higher levels. I have seen people overdose on the stuff at around 20 or so milligrams only to return from the trip feeling like something incredibly profound had taken place but without any memory of it. In my experience 5-meo does not become like DMT at higher doses, but only like more 5-meo-dmt,--ie one is even more leveled.

I am curious though and perhaps I will try to replicate the experiment, even though all I have experienced hitherto gives me good reason to suspect that there is something fishy about the report.
I've experimented with extremely high doses of 5-MeO-DMT, and like Dean Luna, I also find that higher doses of 5-MeO-DMT don't resemble DMT, sure they're both highly visual (at those doses).. But 5-MeO-DMT simply stays 5-MeO-DMT. I don't think there really is a 5+ experience, just a hard to integrate 4+ experience..

I learned nothing from this experience, and from reading other reports, and from reading other reports, it seems that the 'void' is as far as the vast majority of 5meo users get.

I do agree with this however..
I tried 25mg of 5-MeO recently. I too am skeptical that dude was lucid enough to have had entity contact at twice this dose. There wasn't anywhere near enough of "me" left to bring back anything that clear from the 25mg experience. It was more than just "the void" for sure, but what is beyond the void is way beyond words, images or comprehensible notions of God.

Yup: "something incredibly profound taking place" but no ability to remember the essence of what it was. I think states that altered from normal are just impossible to describe because they take us so far outside our frame of reference, language, imagery, etc.

I agree with Blowmonkey: a hard to integrate ++++ experience is all I can really imagine getting from any amount of 5-MeO-DMT.

But of course, I haven't tried 50mg personally. Maybe it really does change character if you go high enough. But that sounds pretty far fetched right now.
questions about 5-meo-dmt use


has anyone had inconsistent results with the exact same dose?
ex : good experience one time with 8mg, and bad experience another time from the same dose

it seems that often, people get good experiences from "low" doses and bad experiences from high doses.
are there people here who had a bad time on a low but still breakthrough dose, or who had a good experience on a dose that was supposedly too high?

and are there people here who have used 5-meo-dmt often over a short period of time? (ex : everyday for a week or 2-3 times a week for one month)
did it affects the experience in any way?
has anyone used it many times without ever having a bad experience?

I have had somewhat varying results from the same dose, yes. Nothing that couldn't be attributed to set and setting, though, and possibly variances in body chemistry from day to day or week to week depending on diet, other drugs done recently, etc.

You say that often people get better experiences from low doses, that is actually opposite my personal experience and a lot of what I have read. My best experiences have been with higher doses. They are, of course, much more intense, but this drug at low doses just makes me feel sick. At high doses, it blows my mind completely into another dimension (then leaves me feeling a bit sick).

So yes, I have had a good experience or two on doses that I thought might be "too high".

I have never used it frequently, and I would say my fair-to-bad experiences with it about equal my good experiences. I have a great deal of respect for 5-MeO-DMT, but I would not say I love it.
All of the unpleasant experiences with 5meoDMT I've heard of were on low dose trips. Doing a low dose brings you close to threshold, but then abruptly stops at an uncomfotable point and it feels like your skin is being poked by thousands of tiny needles. 5meoDMT is only good when you blast off.
i wrote "low but still breakthrough dose"
by that i meant for instance 8-10mg if your breakthrough dose is 8mg
the idea i wanted to verify was that maybe by staying close to your breakthrough dose you could be assured not to have a bad experience

my concern is that i had tried to breakthrough a good 10-12 times; slowly increasing the dose, repeating it when i saw there was some residue left in the lightbulb to be sure to smoke exactly the dose.

then this week, i finally broke through at 12mg
and there are no words to describe how blissfull it was.

but i didn't bring much back from the experience
either because i don't remember, or because i didn't feel anything else than what i remember.
so i tried again, with the same wonderful, but identical result
so now i really want to try again with a slightly higher dose
and almost want to try again right away
but i want to make sure it's not a stupid idea to try it too many times over a short period
Acidfiend said:
All of the unpleasant experiences with 5meoDMT I've heard of were on low dose trips. Doing a low dose brings you close to threshold, but then abruptly stops at an uncomfotable point and it feels like your skin is being poked by thousands of tiny needles. 5meoDMT is only good when you blast off.

I recently decided to try it for the second time at a low dose...probably somewhere between 2 and 5mg. Prior to this, I had an amazing breakthrough experience on my first attempt.

2-5mg was great. There was the slightest bit of nausea. Visually, it was very mild...slight morphing and shifting of objects. I didn't get any uncomfortable physical sensations aside from the slight nausea. The nausea started after the peak and faded about 2 minutes later. For the next 15 minutes I was in a very mild state of subtle psychedelia... I wouldn't mind revisiting this dosage in the future. It's interesting to hear that others have had bad experiences from threshhold doses...
i can now give some anecdotal info about my question about repeated use over a short period

last week, on tuesday i tried 2 10mg doses
on wednesday i tried 1 10mg dose
all were strong but non-breakthrough experiences

on thursday i tried a 12mg dose
on saturday i had another 12mg dose
both were wonderful breakthroughs

this week, on thursday i tried 14mg, some was left in the lightbulb
tonight sunday i had another 14mg dose and finally felt i had reached the point i was looking for, even though it's hard to remember anything else than a state of total and utter bliss

the repeated use didn't seem to affect in anyway the experience
the 4 breakthroughs were almost identical with the last one stronger
they felt like an orgasm of the soul in heaven (x1000)
I had an interesting effect from 5-MeO-DMT. It was with a fairly low dose (~5mg I guess, I didn't get it all). After the peak I noticed muscles in my legs were twitching (mainly around the knees). It felt like I was releasing massive amounts energy. This culminated in waves of full-body shivers that lasted for a few minutes.

I felt a little cold afterwards, which may have contributed to the shivering, but it distinctly felt like the shivers traveled in processions of waves from my head to my feet.
i tried it the other night...all i can say is wow!
after a few mis-steps vaporizing it with threshold effects...
next try, then boom!
it wasn't like being launched out of a rocket.
it was this sudden qualitative shift in being.
my surroundings were warping and the music in the background stirred in as well....
what can i say...like, thought was somehow different and moving into a singular quality...I saw it as death and birth like all at once. the borders of my body and mind and their surroundings became quite fuzzy and indistinct.
and after 1 subjective minute (5 real minutes), it ended. I had a burst of cosmic pleasure at that point, my mouth shooting wide open and saying wow. it was mdma like, but not quite.
blown, i tired to explain this to my friend (who's also done it)...but to no avail. so...wow. I would call this a strong +3...was it an under-shoot? :)

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