Mental Health Anhedonia MEGA Thread

Only opiates get rid of the anhedonia, but then its worse when they wear off Had it way before opiates though.
Unless its really high grade weed then I feel nothing except mild sedation and hunger, weed used to cure it all before tolerance.
Im also terribly anxious and with anhedonia is a nightmare I too want to end it all
HezzaD were you born with anhedonia or did some sort of drug use or mental health condition cause it? Also,that's horrible to have anxiety on top of anhedonia. Right now I'm just fully emotionally numb after quitting a drug. The thing about anhedonia is for most people it last a long time but it does go away, one day you may wake up and just not have it anymore. Anhedonia is annoying but I think it can go away with time. From some peoples reports I see it can take up to 4-5 years.
Does anyone here have emotional numbness along with anhedonia after getting off a drug?
My anhedonia started about 2 years ago while i was on suboxone. I first noticed something was wrong because at the time i had a very attractive girlfriend and i completely lost all interest in having sex with her.
I figured it was probably the medication killing my libido, So i weened myself off of it. Its been almost 2 years since i have been off suboxone/opiates and my anhedonia has not improved. It has actually slowly gotten worse.
I am completely incapable of feeling any sort of joy, Sadness, Anger, Pleasure or any emotion. Anhedonia is something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I just started taking wellbutrin for almost a week now, And i have not felt any improvements.
I understand that these medications need a few weeks to start working so i will stick with it for now.
I don't have high hopes that it will actually work though, because i am pretty sure suboxone has completely destroyed my dopamine receptors, And since wellbutrin binds to those receptors it will probably be ineffective.
I am afraid of this medication possibly damaging my brain even further, But i already made a promise to myself at the being of this year, that if i am still feeling this way by the end of the year, i am committing suicide before 2017 is over. So i guess i literally have nothing to lose, so i might as well try wellbutrin. Has anyone had a similar experience like this, But their feelings actually returned? either naturally, Or with the help of medication?
I am at my wits end. Any helpful advice will be greatly appreciated. case studies of people with anhedonia, their lives basically shrink over time ..

well when it comes to drug addicts and long term dopamine damage, ive read enough and talked to enough addicts to realize there is a loss of pleasure after using drugs for long does var from person to person, some may great recoveries..l some neuro-scientists like James Fallon believe that the dopamine or hedonic system was malfunctioning in addicts long before drugs were ever taken, hence the reason people started taking drugs in the first place..what he said makes sense..

I felt what I eventually realized was anhedonia at about the time I went through puberty. I always felt that something was "missing," something that other people "got." None of the drugs I did as a teenager did anything for me--I got high, of course, but nothing changed the way I felt at a fundamental level. Then, at 18, I discovered both heroin and IV drug user simultaneously, and everything changed. I truly felt like I had finally discovered the magic of the universe, so I chased that feeling from 1971 to 1993. I actually continued to chase it off and on up to the present time. Eventually I saw a very good psychiatrist in a dual-diagnosis treatment center who diagnosed me with dysthymia, which I may have spelled wrong. It's a lifelong form of unipolar depression that tends to begin in childhood or puberty and remains throughout a person's life, and its primary symptom is anhedonia. Eventually treating myself with IV heroin created consequences in my life that were greater than remaining somewhat flat, even with medication. Currently I'm on Suboxone maintenance, and have been for about 10 years. I'm also on Effexxor, and have been 'stable' on that for about 15. Since I've been sober (I consider being on maintenance not to affect my sobriety, since without either it or methadone I would never remain sober at all) for about 10 years and have tapered my Sub down from a start of 8-16 mg to less than 1 mg daily for the past three. I can tell the anhedonia has come back, but I'm not sure if I'm just going to accept it rather than change meds. I also have a lot of other health problems that limit my quality of life, and other than increase my Sub somewhat, if my doctor will go for it, or alternately get off it and see what that does, I'm just not sure what to do. The only things that I've found in recovery work that has been helpful is like herbavore talked about, going deep inside, which is something I'm doing with deep meditation, but it takes a long, long time to reap real benefits, and exercise. Anyone who has been on stimulants, or other drugs that alter your brain chemistry--which is all of them--is going to have altered brain chemistry for at least 5 years. The experts do say, that if you were normal when you started using stimulants, you should be able to get some decent increase in mood in about 6 months with exercise. When nothing feels good, the last thing anyone wants to do is exercise, but it does help. Can I do it every day? Hell no! But I know it helps when I get up and go at it. Some days, all I can do is lay in bed and and try not to think about killing myself, and hope that I feel better tomorrow. And today is one of those days for me...
This thread is for anyone who is currently suffering from anhedonia and would like some support, to share experiences, tips, etc. Please adhere to the Bluelight User Agreement (BLUA) and the Mental Health Forum Guidelines. Thank you.

What is Anhedonia?

Anhedonia is one of the main symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder. It is the lost of interest in activities that were once pleasurable and enjoyable. These activities can include, but are not limited to: sex, hobbies, friends, work, etc. source

Anhedonia is usually treated with the following methods:

  • antidepressant medications, usually Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor's (SSRI's)
  • cognitive behavioral therapy
  • psychotherapy
  • group therapy

More "natural" approaches can be taken to anhedonia treatment. These include, but are not limited to:

  • exercise
  • yoga
  • healthy eating
  • journaling
  • positive
  • This thread is for anyone who is currently suffering from anhedonia and would like some support, to share experiences, tips, etc. Please adhere to the Bluelight User Agreement (BLUA) and the Mental Health Forum Guidelines. Thank you.

    What is Anhedonia?

    Anhedonia is one of the main symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder. It is the lost of interest in activities that were once pleasurable and enjoyable. These activities can include, but are not limited to: sex, hobbies, friends, work, etc. source

    Anhedonia is usually treated with the following methods:

    • antidepressant medications, usually Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor's (SSRI's)
    • cognitive behavioral therapy
    • psychotherapy
    • group therapy

    More "natural" approaches can be taken to anhedonia treatment. These include, but are not limited to:

    • exercise
    • yoga
    • healthy eating
    • journaling
    • positive thinking
Which medication (if any) has helped your Anhedonia ~ just don’t think anything’s going to work for this…in fact could just make it worse?!