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MDMA (Anxiety - 2 Months Later)


Apr 18, 2014
Posting this as a way to get advice feedback about my situation, as well as a resource for others who may experience the same (or nearly the same things). Will you please read and give some advice? This post will tell about panic / anxiety I have experienced, which I believe was due to the use of MDMA. There are other factors involved, which is where I am seeking opinions and good advice. I am very anxious to recover.

About mid Feb 2014 friends of mine and I went to a club party. I was presented with the opportunity to do a pill of MDMA. Stupidly, I took it without knowing anything about the source, and nothing about the amount it contained (although, I have such little knowledge about these things, I would have believed anything anyone told me -- I wanted to have a fun time).
The roll was a blast! It hit hard. We sat for a while until the STRONG come-up faded and then had a really good time the rest of the night. Drank lots of water to be safe.

Note about Myself Pre This Experience:
  • I have been an active, social, upbeat person! Do I have worry, some negative self talk, and am I very hard on myself? Yes! However, anxiety has NEVER before felt so present and out of control.

    I have never been a drug user, aside from drinking alcohol with some frequency (2-3 times a week in social situations). I dabbled over the past 2 years so minimally. Very little cocaine twice. I had taken MDMA two other times about 5 months apart. The come-ups were always intense and a little scary for me. When everything would settle in, though, I had really fun experiences. Trouble sleeping for a few days - sure! Otherwise, never had any problems except a few moody days afterward, which I know is normal.

Note about My Situation Around the Time of the Feb 2014 Experience:
  • For about the last year, I have been taking small doses regularly of generic adderall (10-15mg). This was prescribed by my doctor as a way to be more effective at my work. I enjoyed taking it as it made me so good at work and very social (I believe I have some slightly social anxiety - this helped so much). I did, however, notice moodiness while on adderall, and if I ever stopped taking it at points in time.
  • Doctor also perscribed me a super small dose of Xanex last year. I took it very infrequently (hardly ever) just to wind down at night and to sleep. But, again, hardly ever took it.
  • A friend of mine and I were involved in a small car accident Jan 22 2014. Minor, but was my first accident experience. I was a bit shaken and slightly nervous of driving afrer. Nothing too bad.
  • Due to car accident, I had multiple trips to a chiropractic office. They would give me 3-4 shots of Lidocaine in my back muscles at each visit.
  • I used to drink coffee a whole lot! 4-5 cups a day was regular.

After the Feb 2014 Roll
Two days that followed -- it was the weekend. I was tired but trucked through. Drank the next few days socially (as I normally like to do on weekends). Took a pill of adderall on Sunday to loosen up socially. No major partying. Went to a few bars/clubs and out to brunch.
I had nervous feelings these few days after, but thought they would pass. The only way I can really describe it was feeling strung and stressed out. Sleep wasn't good. I kept asking friends when they thought this would pass. One friend suggested I take 5-HTP. I decided I'd give it a try (this was about 3-4 days after the roll). Not knowing anything about 5-HTP I just got the highest dose the CVS sold (200MG), thinking a high amount would help my system get back to feeling normal quickly. I took a pill and then got nervous about it. An hour after taking the supplement I felt groggy in the mind. It felt like I was floating/high. Hard concentrating on anything.
I let a day pass in between, but then took another pill (same dose as before) of 5-HTP. Again, felt numb in the mind and high. Got shaky and really nervous at work and ended up having to leave. Had never felt this way before. Eventually, the 5-HTP faded and I was just left feeling rattled and unsure what was happening with me.

The Panic Attack
It was a Friday morning (about a week after my roll and about 2 days since having any 5-HTP) and I had went to a chiropractic appointment. Got those shots of Lidocaine that I mentioned above, worked out my back, and then went to Starbucks for a large coffee. Hit the highway to go to work.
Half way to work ----- something happened. I began to have euphoria out of nowhere and got very hyper. I knew this was not normal and began getting scared. Suddenly, my extreme good feelings stopped, my hands began going numb, I started to tremble, and began feeling very dizzy. Never had I experienced this. Things were so bad in that moment, I almost had to pull over on the interstate. I plunged through, though and made it to a Walmart Pharmacy. I tested my blood pressure. It was through the roof!! I have never in my life had high blood pressure. My heart was palpitating. I nearly fainted.
Called someone from my office and asked them to come take me to the ER. Skipping ahead....I was totally honest with the ER. Noone seemed to care about the MDMA. Noone seemed phased at all, in fact. They ran blood work and an EKG and found nothing. They basically just gave me fluids and sent me home.

After the Panic Attack
The entire weekend after the panic on the road was just not good. Severe anxiety. Tried to take a road trip....so unpleasant. My vision was somewhat blurred while driving. Focus was off. Nerves were absolutely shot. Constant moments of heart racing. Just a constant and unending feeling of unwell. I cried myself to sleep each night.

Finally, I got myself to my regular doctor. I explained everything to him about the panic/anxiety (but left out the MDMA story). I had read so many forums by then, I knew that people had, had experiences somewhat similar after rolling. I had read many suggestions of starting on an SSRI.
Well, my doctor seems to love to write prescriptions without doing any tests or research (I hate this and will soon change doctors) ---- so he gave me a prescription of Lexapro 10MG, Bisprolol (blood pressure med) and a script for Klonopin 0.5.
Please also note that while I still attended the chiropractor, I refused any additional shots of Lidocaine. I read online that Lidocaine could potentially cause blood pressure increases. No more for me.

About a two weeks into taking these medicines, I was feeling so tired and lost. Emotionally numb. My mind was always high in the sky. I had moments where I felt good and grounded. However, there were more moments where I felt totally off and wanting to do nothing but lay in bed. I knew I couldn't lay around! I tried staying active and social. It was a double hit, though, because I suddenly was not able to drink alcohol socially. I would go out and have water -- everyone would ask what was wrong with me. I tried drinking a few times, but then felt horrible the next day and very anxiety ridden. I have basically stopped drinking.

Finally, on week three of Lexapro, I told my doctor I had to stop these medicines. I basically had become scared of EVERYTHING. All pills of any sort began to make me nervous. I wanted off everything. Doctor didn't really seem to care, an told me to slowly decrease my dose and then to just stop (I thought it was prick"ish" of him). I researched online and read about the need to wean off and the possibility of SSRI Discontinuation withdrawal issues. Again, these things made me scared and uneasy, but I read many forums where people described how crappy their life had become after becoming dependent on SSRI's. I did not want this to be me.

Here we are now!!
We are about two months out from that Feb. molly experience. I have stopped all medications. Today will be my 8th day without Lexapro. I have taken half a Klonopin at bed time every once in a while...but it is rare. I want nothing controlling my mind/body.

I've read advice online that tells that supplements (B12, B6, Multi-V, Fish Oil w/ Omega 3, B Complex, Magnesium) could assist in getting free from SSRI's withdrawal. I had taken all of those supplements, but had another worriesome experience at work. I took the supplements at lunch the other day. About an hour later I had horrid dizziness and anxiety which lasted about 3 hours.
I have stopped taking these supplements, but *might* resume taking them at bed time. Opinions?
I drink no coffee and I miss it! Tried having some...nerves start acting up!

I eat brain healthy foods and try to have things that are said to decrease anxiety. These things include: Milk, foods with lots of protein, turkey, blueberries and mixed nuts.
Also trying to get to the gym more to get my body to release its normal, good endorphins.
Trying to get in the sun, as well, so to get the fresh air and the benefits of sunlight.

Writing this post gave me a bit of anxiety. Its funny, the mere act of talking about MDMA or my past roll experience really unnerves me. I was at a club last weekend (being boring and drinking my damn water) and ran into someone I knew who was super high on a roll. I was glad they were having fun, but for me personally, I had to get away from them. I became so nervous by just being around them. It's crazy to write, but its almost like I have a little bit of PTSD or something over all of this. I've noticed myself reading so much and agonizing over whats going on with me. I feeling like I've become obsessive over what my body feels.

How Readers Might Help
I know this has been a lot!! Thank you for reading - truly!! If you have thoughts, experiences, or any advice, I'd love for you to share. While I am feeling better daily, I am not better. My nerves are still on edge, my head feelings loopy at times. I do not feel like my normal self. What can I do to feel more healthy? How can I get myself back to my normal state? Can I do something better? Many thanks in advance.

Be safe out there! I know these things can be a lot of fun. I've learned, though, that some people can digest and experience all of much easier than others. I want this post to educate others on a negative experience and bring them to question how much "feeling good" is worth to them. As I've come to realize, "feeling good", means a lot to me. Our bodies and minds can go loopy on us just as easily as someone can snap a stick. Healing is a process afterward.
Hi bud

The way you describe your anxiety sounds exactly like how I felt the first couple of months after my roll. I remember becoming intensely anxious the second one of my friends mentioned MDMA when I wasn't prepared for it. I don't know how much you've read on this forum, but basically there is a pretty big bunch of guys here suffering from MDMA induced problems right now. What you are describing sounds very typical for such a reaction, and if anxiety is indeed the only problem you have, I can assure you that the probability of you returning to absolute 100% is very high.

I have only done MDMA once in my life, almost 5 months ago now. My anxiety, though it's still fluctuating a bit, has nearly left me completely. From reading a shitload of reports on this site and elsewhere, it seems that the issues with anxiety and depression almost always sort themselves out in time (mostly 5-12 months).

You should be careful with using too many supplements. Some of them can be "triggering" for anxiety and other symptoms. Take a multivitamin, maybe some extra vit c, fish oil and stay away from other stuff. Eating clean is probably important though, as high GI foods can spike anxiety pretty bad. Google "anti inflamatory diet" or "high tryptophan diet" or something if you want to get some inspiration.

You should stay away from alcohol, caffeine and any other drugs 100%. I would stay off the adderall also if that is possible for you.

So you can calm down, try to eat clean, get through work and focus on yourself these months. Another important thing, that might actually rid you of most of your anxiety right fucking now, is starting a meditation routine. I would advice you to read "The power of now" by Eckhart Tolle. Leave your preconceptions at the door.

Stay strong buddy
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Hey I suffer from an anxiety disorder/panic disorder that I'm pretty sure was caused my amphtetimines/mdma. It does get better and it's not permenant! You should really try talking with a psychiatrist because that's what helped me.. before my anxiety I was a social butterfly and had no worries and was having a lot of fun but not it's completely different! But it has gotten better, I was at one point not even wanting to leave my house in scares I would have a panic attack. But the best advice I can give is see a doctor, counsler, therapist, and they will help you get better. I'm sorry your medication experience wasn't too good but it will get better and you have to find the kind that fits for you. I remember I was prescribed Zoloft and I felt crazy for 2 days. haha never again with that stuff! But try to see someone to talk about it and be honest and they will help you! oh and some more words, DO NOT LET THE ANXIETY TRICK YOU! anxiety will make you a worried mess. Just always remind yourself it's just the anxiety. It's not harmful it's just anxiety.. the more you get relaxed with having anxiety and accepting it, it will go away quicker! Don't let anxiety scare you :)
hi there! as Bogglesali said, don't worry: it's definetely not permanent.
the advice I can give you is: stay healthy! eat healthy food, lay off drugs for a while (coffee included), and lots of exercise.
also, make breathing exercises. you can find lots of useful info on the interwebz. if you're interested you can start practicing meditation/mindfullness or yoga aswell, very helpful stuff
yes I definitely agree with comfortnumb! I didn't even think to mention that.. but yoga will really help with anxiety! Yoga helps with really any personal stresses!
ah yes, panic attacks. welcome to the club :)

they run in my family. and in your case i wouldn't even blame mdma. i've seen 5-htp precipitating panic attacks in people who have never taken mdma (and 200mg is not a small dose). SSRIs too, btw. especially in the beginning they can induce panic attacks worse than anything else i've witnessed.
it's a good thing you stopped those meds imho. my advice would be to stay away from all stimulants (mdma, adderall, coffee!) for a longer amount of time. try to relax and not to worry too much (that really helps a lot). you will be fine.
if you feel comfortable about it, taking klonopin or xanax occasionally for a few days (not daily for a longer peroid of time!) can be a great help.
Thanks for the good feedback. I am really starting to believe you all are correct. Today is day 10 without any Lexapro. I've also had no supplements except for multi-V. Today I feel very good! Mind you, I've also been doing a lot of cardio exercise over the past week. My nerves get a bit strung out at points in the day, but its very mild and goes away.

More than anything, I wanted this to be up on the web as a resource for other people. This experience scared me so, so badly. I went from being a normal, high-functioning, pretty happy guy to being a anxiety ridden zombie in nothing flat.

I'll go on the record as saying that not everyone needs a daily SSRI (like Lexapro). Seems, though, when you go to some doctors for anxiety help, they want to but you on pills for a long cycle. These anxiety and depression pills, even in what may seem like small dosages, are quite strong. Your systems gets attached to them quickly and begins to rely on the chemicals. I do agree that I needed something after my panic attack to mellow me and get me back to a livable mental state. But I am really ashamed that the doctor gave me no information on how long I was expected to be on these, and no information on how to properly stop taking them so to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Please, if you are thinking of taking an SSRI....read up on them!! Read up on SSRI discontinuation!! Read up on "surviving SSRIs". Some people *DO* need them and are helped by their effect on the body. Others do not need them, or only need them for a very short time period.

The thing that has helped me most with anxiety and the idea of "panic" is knowing that NOTHING IS WRONG WITH ME. I was in such fear that I did damage to my brain. Medical professionals told me that was highly unlikely. I began listening to a book on CD that spoke about batteling anxiety and depression. Again, the message that most hit home was "NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU". Anxiety will not kill or harm you. It goes away. The only thing that makes it worse is *you*, by feeding it with negative thoughts and by allowing it to scare you. Talk positive to yourself and get involved with happy things, or a funny movie. Breathe and tell yourself that you accept your anxious moments, but that overall you know you are ok and that they will pass.
Hey dude! Your story is all too familiar to me, I pretty much had all the symptoms you describe. It definitely does get better I promise you that, I had 2 months with little to no symptoms at the end of last year/start of this year, and now I seem to be completely grounded again.

http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk - Go to this website, read through the blog entries etc. It's a great tool for recovering from anxiety/depression and helped me a great deal! The guy who made this website (he also has a book) had anxiety issues that started from MDMA and speed. He is now fully recovered. I suggest you check it out!

Other than that, all I can suggest is the obvious stuff - healthy eating, exercise, meditation etc.
Really appreciate the comments. It's been another week off of the anxiety meds (off everything!!), and I'm feeling like me again. Last night I went out to a bar and actually stood having 3 drinks. No scary or bad feelings. When I was having my problems I never believed posts I would read that said things would get better. After any trauma like what I went through you need brain rest. This was truly one of the scariest times in my life. I hope this post will HELP others who are unnerved or going through hard times.
Just thought I would reply again with an update. It has been nearly a month since I discontinued all medicines to help with the anxiety I was having. I can now drink alcohol and little bit of coffee again and feel about 99.9% normal. If you are someone that is scared of what's happened to you, or you know someone who has become scared because of drug induced panic/anxiety, please be assured, it'll all get better. Be safe please!!
Just thought I would reply again with an update. It has been nearly a month since I discontinued all medicines to help with the anxiety I was having. I can now drink alcohol and little bit of coffee again and feel about 99.9% normal. If you are someone that is scared of what's happened to you, or you know someone who has become scared because of drug induced panic/anxiety, please be assured, it'll all get better. Be safe please!!
Great to hear mate. What's keeping the 0.01%? Just over two months in, slowly but surely getting better (and i've stopped all supplements too!).
Years later...

Hi everyone. This was such a long time ago, but I thought I would come back and let you all know how my life and anxiety/panic have been since.

I was wrong about SSRI’s. I did need medicine. I did need help.
I am back on a daily medicine routine and have been on it for about a year. I take Prozac and also time release Xanax every night at bedtime (low doses of both).

After a while I just began have panic attacks again. I had health scares and anxiety. Paranoia. I blamed myself very much for taking the drugs (MDMA) that I did. I ended up taking myself to a psychiatrist and getting very good help. I explained everything and explained how I held myself accountable and was ashamed of it. He said, “your panic attacks were likely going to become part of your life anyway....but the MDMA probably just broke down the barrier and helped them get started”.
Knowing that this anxiety/panic stuff was hereditary and part of who I was....it made me feel slightly better.

Prozac and Xanax have been excellent. I very seldom have panic issues. I won’t say never, but they are very under control. There is life beyond panic and anxiety! There is! Some people, though, simply need good daily mediciation.

I have an awesome job. I can be social. I can have a few glasses of wine or maybe a cocktail here and there. I do not ever do any type of illicit drugs. Never.

My huge learning experience was that you have one mind, one body, one life....and no amount of substance controlled fun is worth risking all of that.

Take care and please be smart.
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