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Bluelight names in the real world?

is it cos you have a 486 computer...or do you sell abortion pills??
I ain't never been to a BL meet... but anyways... my real name is aisha (i swear i'm going to change it to felix)... i fucking hate it cuz i'm a guy and it sounds so dodgy... so if any of you meet me... call me E-u or felix... whichever u want...

"Try combining a childlike wonder at the beauty of the world with cynicism at the state it's in, and stay sane... it isn't easy" - Me
You can call me anything you want, baby.
Dig and be dug in return.
haha, its Besy!! u cant even spell your own name bedle.
as for me, i don't mind being called KompleX,
many poeple alternate betwen KompleX and my real name anyway (Greg,) and the skilled people even call me Grzegorz.
and then thers niknames too..
geeeez mr486 u sure are posting a lot these days! must be getting awefully bored at work eh? *gigggle*
uummm im soom bad wif names i generally call ppl by their bl names until ive been out with them quite a number of times!!! ppl tend to call me either by my bl name/real name/or sometimes cammy if they know me via icq or other net places
Most people from the party scene call me mort. And thats what I usually introduce myself as. Helps me work out where I know people from, and it's alot easier to remember than another Chris.
But I don't mind people using either name, I respond to both (and to other names I won't mention!)
well... Oli is what all my friends call me...only my mum calls me Oliver so Oli is fine with me =P
oh and everyone pay attention to Pekkie's threat..ive felt the repurcussions of saying her name =P
but ill tell everyone here just so they know what it is.. its Alex.......(OUCH!)
*Oli* you idiot~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes as I've said before my name is Alex, yes that's right people Alex!!!
Also as *Oli* just said if anyone calls me by my full name I will not hesitate to hit you hard!!!!!
Thankyou and have a nice day
Well my real name is MARTHA
Just in case people didnt know
I dont really mind i guess, though i would like to know people knew my real name aswell. I honestly dont think half of the Bl's ive met know it, everyone calls me Taliana or Talz or whatnot.
Quote by i cant remember who after i ssaid "you know my real names not taliana its martha" and they said "yES, but dont you think taliana sounds so much more exotic." hehe...

....NEways hehe
I really like my bluelight name. A few of my (non bl) friends now call me Finn too. I even answer to it!
Hmmmm good post - I tend to think of Stompr as my alter ego. Therefore I'll refer to myself in third person as Stompr in e-mails, Sms' etc. Stompr can get away with things I can't *giggles* or Stompr can ask things that I'm too shy to ask etc etc etc....
If I've just met a BL'er then I'll refer to them by their BL'er name, as usually I am incapable of remembering their real name... but then if a BL'er becomes a good friend then I'll call them by their real name, or make a new one up... or just personalise the BL name.
However - I sometimes call BL'ers by other BL'ers names.... eh DiSKoCHiK ?? *giggles*
I think it mainly depends on how well you know them and the context in which you are talking. I don't mind people calling me Stompr - it helps me keep the balance between *hardcore suitwoman* and *hardcore ravechik*.....
well it must be hard to figure out my name,
but in public i prefer not to be called madmick, but then again as the canberra BL's
know i have a alter ego who's name is SHULTZ
so i guess each is as bad as the next with my nicks
picture the scene.....
*dimly lit dodgy club somewhere in Melb*
BL person: Hi! *noticing fluffly brown pants with tail sewn on* You must be Mad Monkey...
Me: Yeah.....hi how you doing....
*chat, chat, chat*
BL Person: Uh.......so whats your real name?
Me: *blank stare* ............Mad Monkey...
BL Person: No...not your BL name.....your REAL name.......?
Me: *blink*..........Mad Monkey.......
BL Person: Your REAL name is Mad Monkey? I don't think so!
Me: *SMACK*.........it's Mad Monkey.......okay?
*walks off*
......nuff said!

NOTE: Plastic bananas are for eating, not throwing!
Hmmmm... havent really thought about this... but Munchee is fine, I quite like it actually, at least I know who is talking to me that way, but you can call me by my real name if you want... if only my parents hadn't been so mean to call me Alfred Hitchcock... and their last name isn't even Hitchcock...
English lesson to self by Munchee;
they're is used in reference to 'they are'
their is used to describe something which is of someone (bah it makes sense to me)
there is over there
tare is the unloaded weight of a vehicle
Thank you Munchee you are a dumbfuck.
That should be dumb fuck Munchee.
Get fucked Munchee.
*end edit*
[This message has been edited by Munchee (edited 06 July 2001).]
i can handle either real name or BL name, but "De Quincey" sounds pretty shite when it's said out loud, so "DQ" is better. the good thing about remembering ppl by BL names is you have a face to match up with posts. makes BL a much nicer place to be when you know the people involved.
so yeah, DQ. or whatever.
PS lyn i remembered your name
i just think your BL name suits you so well, so i like using it...
I often introduce myself as VooDoo Gurl but very few people call me that. I guess it's too many syllables for chopped people to cope with.
So most people call me by some variant of my real name which is "Angela" or for short "Ange". Or my personal favourites, "Dr. Ange" or "Pillow"

I'm 90% sane.
"I am Sancho"
But who needs a car, when you've got a pogo stick
I generally introduce myself to everyone with a different name. That way I can get away with anything!!
"Man that Alfred guy is a bastard!!"
"Don't know him, but Bruno is a bit that way"

Most people use my name, lots of people call me pope tho
It's all good
One of my lecturers calls me Alphonso, cos I told him to
(Two guys with the same name in a small class... so I 'changed' mine
) babble...
"Excuse me sir, but can you direct me to the location of where I can locate some eggs, for I would like to purchase them so that I can take them home with me and I can eat them today. And maybe tommorrow" - Mojo Jojo
I'm slowly starting to forget my real name. Its more of a case now of getting used to being called Peter (which basically only my mum uses - hi mum
Been pundi since I was 13, don't really see it changing. Funny thing is watching people try and remember my real name when they think they should know it.
I'm useless with names, so if I somehow manage to call you either by your BL name or real name then it was only by mere chance.

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