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Bluelight names in the real world?


Sep 11, 2000
I just thought I'd propose a survey that I don't think has been done before...

When you're out somewhere and you meet other bluelighters, what do you prefer they called you? Do you mind people using your bluelight name in real life, or does it seem a little bit too weird when you hear it spoken out loud? Obviously you need to use your bluelight name to introduce yourself, but how many of you follow up that introduction with "but my real name's ....., what's your real name"?
Personally I have to admit that it's still a little weird hearing "Pleonastic" out loud. "Pleo" works a bit better, but when it comes down to it I'd probably prefer people to use my real name. Maybe it's because my name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue too easily.
Anyway, this thread is for you all to state your preference. Real name, or Bluelight name?
I prefer my real name myself, but being called Haste doesn't bother me either - I've had Haste as a nickname since my teenage years, and believe me that is a while back - now where's that walking stick of mine
Kewl thread...
Hmmm, when I'm out with BLers I find myself alternating between their real and BL names....usually the more trashed I get, the more chance I'll only be able to remember their BL name *LOL* (that's for people I don't know very well)
As for my personal preference....I don't mind.....I'm lucky cos my BL name is easy to shorten to BMW - and that's what most BLers call me when we're out.....I just hope everyone round us doesn't think we're talkin bout cars *LOL*
when i meet bl's, they tell me their screen name, and 4 some reason, i introduce myself with my real name.
then they just look at me like i'm a freak...
Um well I don't mind people using my BL name either off chops or not. But saying that most people are starting to get to know me well and use my real name as a result.
Plus it can be fun to go by your BL name for a whole night as then you get to act out some sort of rave fantasy. Its all part of escapism.
"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?"
"Well I have actually and it turns out that the devil is a real top bloke."
Hmmm good thread.. I seem to alternate between real and BL names when i talk to or about BL's ... Which ever springs to mind first, and depends on the context im talking in.. I couln't hack been called my full B/L name the whole time but i don't mind the odd "Chem" here and there..
my real name is so much easier to use than my bluelight name... but i don't really mind one way or the other... and i must admit that my memory aint what it used to be, so me remembering anyones name is a success story for the night... well not really... but hey...

drugs are not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer... (aka confusered... just to confuse everybodies)
Bluelighters call me "AB", "apples", or "Shaun" heh Though it'z mostly AB.
"applesbliss" is one of those "weird sounding handles" you speak of.
"When the world ends
Collect your things
You’re coming with me"
,.,.yeah kewl thread
ummm,,,,, must admit i'm much the same,,
shmeghead's been a nickname for many years so I answer to it...
haven't met any bl's in 'real life' yet so i don't know how I'm gunna be,,,, but going off past history, it depends on the person whether I use their nickname or real name.
I've got a mate who doesn't at all look like a 'Leon', but he does look like a 'Schnoz' (name self explanatory really).....
Peace All
I don't mind which I'm called by, I like Mirage and I like Chris
It's all good

[This message has been edited by Mirage (edited 04 July 2001).]
Yeah good thread. I notice a lot of people haven't given their real names though

People I don't well still call me Trouble. Everyone else calls me Emma. Not sure why, because my name's Marie.
I was kidding about that last bit.
(with a pop-o-matic bubble)
Herrrrre kitty kitty kitty
I like kitty, its cute, it has spunk. I actually told a *close friend* off, when he started to use my real name again =0)
Either way dun bother me.
Depends who you are, situation, wotnot.
Kitty tends to be the go, tho. =0)
~meow~ =^**^=
Yeah nice one Pleo

I don't really mind people using my BL alias... Mark is a pretty common name, and there's a few BLers with that name, so it doesn't bother me at all if people call me Tars or Tarsy...
I'm kinda used to it now, so a lot of the time I don't even realise that someone has called me something other than Mark, my brain just goes "oi, they're talking to you dude, talk back already!"
well..I don't mind nezo, nez, nez baby...whatever people can remember. Besides, I've been called nezo for a while now so I'm not fussed...the funny thing is - my real name is even shorter than nezo but no one on BL remembers it...
Ok, so here's the deal.. My BL screen name is fine, I'm not used to ppl calling me by it tho.. I'm most likely to introduce myself as Mez, and then someone will pipe in with the "mirabii from bluelight" line! Mez has been my nickname since highschool, and my whole family calls me by it, so that suits me best. My real name I try to keep in obscurity - not cos I don't like it, but cos it always feels like I'm in trouble when ppl call me Maryanne...
- Mez
if you found out you were dreaming, would you want to wake up?
Please don't interrupt me. That last sentence took a lot of effort to think of and now I have to think of another one.
Mine takes too long to say.
I usually get called BB. quick, easy.
*What is real, how do you define real?*
Either name -- it doesn't make any difference to me...
"I'm a software engineer... she was a chemical enginerr. I said: ``Hey baby, let's go home and try genetic engineering...''"
ful_sik_trippa he he he it must be the mood I'm in but I misread your preferred name as fist
errr, right bye then