Vent/Rant Thread vs I'll tell you how I really feel (Triggering Content)

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Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Welcome to the 4th Vent/Rant thread. So this is the place to get all that off your chest.. to tell the world about what is going down.. so blow of that tension and vent that anger. Please support others and we will try and support you. The rules are more lenient for this thread but triggering content is not allowed. Remember, just because the rules are lighter in here, it still does not give anybody the right to direct aggressive & abuse comments at each other.

Lets here how you really feel. :!


3rd Vent rant thread can be found >here<​
I should probably get medicated for my PTSD.


My stomach hurts
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Ugh!!! I wanted to sleep but can't havin a mild anxiety from time of the month oops :D
Thnx babes I'm actually feelin ok now I think I should be able to sleep soon I hope. It sucks bein a chick sometimes.
Smoking cannabis leaf (not flower) to block out the negatives. It's a shame I've only got a day or two left till it runs out.
Try meditation hun its much better I'm goin to do it n a few minutes
Really have had enough of all the anti sub stuff lately. I've been made to feel guilty for being on bupernorphine n like I am some sort of wimp for not being able to cope with a codeine addiction. Really have had enough n I'm tired of crying over this n feeling. Just because I was not addicted to H doesn't mean I was a wimp n I'm not a bad person because I didn't do a fast a fast taper off suboxone. Just had enough of it I really have :(
It's all about going at your own pace and doing what works for you, Evey. Others may have opinions but what you feel and think is what really matters. It's your life and your choice on how to overcome the obstacle of your own addiction. Don't let others opinions bring you down or question what feels right to you. Downplaying any addiction isn't right. I don't care what the substance was, it was ailing you and you found something that has made your life easier and more manageable in a positive manner.

Be confident in yourself and your own plan. Others may have opinions, and we can't stop them from having their own opinion on the matter. If you can, try to ignore them if they are interfering with your recovery plan. Just remember that you can't change what other people think, it doesn't even matter, what matters is what you think and feel and what you know is right for you. You don't need to defend yourself for something that is working and affecting your life in a positive manner. <3
I feel cold,maybe weed withdrawal.
I'm used to kicking OC's and dope so I SHOULD be fine.
but the weed,man…I love it.but I have to let go for now.
Stick with it bro ^

I need to go to the toilet but I'm laying down.. First world problems 8(
It's all about going at your own pace and doing what works for you, Evey. Others may have opinions but what you feel and think is what really matters. It's your life and your choice on how to overcome the obstacle of your own addiction. Don't let others opinions bring you down or question what feels right to you. Downplaying any addiction isn't right. I don't care what the substance was, it was ailing you and you found something that has made your life easier and more manageable in a positive manner.

Be confident in yourself and your own plan. Others may have opinions, and we can't stop them from having their own opinion on the matter. If you can, try to ignore them if they are interfering with your recovery plan. Just remember that you can't change what other people think, it doesn't even matter, what matters is what you think and feel and what you know is right for you. You don't need to defend yourself for something that is working and affecting your life in a positive manner. <3

Thanks, stardust. That means a lot, it really does xxxx
Just try and remember that when you get that snide comment about how they took x substance and it was more hardcore than your y substance and therefore you should feel weird about taking the medication that is helping you overcome your addiction. ;) <3.
It is hurtful though, really hurtful. It's like they're saying cause i was addicted to a substance that was "weak" I'm not allowed treatment like them. They forget that a lot of codeine has paracetamol in it n even though people do cwe not all of it comes out so codeine addicts die of liver / kiney failure which can be extremely painful. I was taking up to two boxes of nurofin plus a day which each pill contained 200 iboprofen. Because I was addicted i stopped doing cwe because I was not in my right mind n desperate to get as much codeine in me as possible plus had thoughts of getting stronger opiates (thankfully I never knew how ). If it weren't for suboxone I could be dead by now but when these people make me feel a wimp n "not kewl / likeable" because I've chosen to stay on on a high dose of medication n slowly taper off - well that HURTS. A lot. So just avoiding certain places / people from now on for the sake of my own recovery.
Thanks SH you've never ever judged me or based liking me on the medication I take / don't n it means a lot n is appreciated xxxx
Ah I seriously have no patience today for anyone!! Ugh
I want to smoke green!now!I'm stressed!can't you fucking see?

so far it's 10:42am and I haven't smoked today because i don't have any and because I have no money.

So tired it's unreal. I did 10 mins on the epi thingy earlier n was torture just doing that. WHAT THE FUCKS WRONG WITH ME? I do a few days' exercise then I spend the next few days feeling exhausted. I used to exercise 6 days a week. Why can't I now? Maybe I need to force myself to do it instead of being so lazy. And then I won't feel exhausted n tired. ARRRRGGGG.
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