• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Scariest Moments

-The Wednesday that my mom died..I was 8 years old...I threw up when my dad told me.
-The Friday that my dad was killed...I was 17.
I had to ID him at the morgue...I threw up all over myself.
Noticing that one of your very best friends can't look you in the eye when you are discussing the size of your husband's penis.
Waking up to a newborn baby not breathing, feeling helpless and hysterical watching him get CPR
*Receiving a phone call that my mother had been found dead in her apartment nearly three days after she actually died.
*My senior year of high school, I was rear ended at 30+ mph in my tiny convertible while stopped at a red light by a drunk driver in a Ford F-150 with one of those big front grille things. My best friend and I walked away with slight whiplash and I believe my mom was watching out for us that time.
*When my ex-boyfriend's mother had to have a kidney transplant and my ex was coerced by the entire family into being the donor despite the fact that the problem might be genetic. I stayed at the hospital with them for a week and when the surgeon came out to tell me that they were both fine, I had never felt so relieved.
*When a friend with a history of depression, addiction and suicide attempts e-mailed me while I was at work to inform me he had just swallowed 60 Klonopin. (He did survive)
{{{hugs all in thread}}}
posted 08 February 2003 17:38 (ip) ()
Noticing that one of your very best friends can't look you in the eye when you are discussing the size of your husband's penis.
so did she bang ur husband or wha?
Just the other night actually, my friend, who was drunk and driving me and 2 other friends, we hit a jump doing about 70 on a residential street went over a hill to see a car sitting in our lane, him slamming on the breaks and we slid in to the car doing id say around 50 and bouncing over a hill and hitting a tree, which conveniantly kept us from flipping over a wall. We were all fine, me and the 2 other friends dipped before the cops came because we were already on probation.
No seat belts by the way....luck pure luck
- The few moments before i got jumped by 5 guys, knowing it was coming, and knowing i could do nothing to stop it.
- When my bestfriend overdosed on GHB and died in the ambulance, getting brought back after about a minute.
- When a crashed my sisters car: Not the crash, but the fear of my my dad finding out. (punched me so hard in the chest that i fell through our front door. Cracked 2 of my ribs)
- Lastly, Getting a call from the police that my brother had rolled his car down the wrong side of the highway
*hugs to all*
1.) Being in a car accident and not remembering it.
2.) Friend having alcohol poisioning (she did not go to the hospital because she is a minor and would get in huge trouble because of other stuff)
3.) The Ring
not getting to help you guys or be helped by you guys, and not getting to hug you, and try and help you with anything you need help with.

I love you.

everyone is beautiful, our experiences define us. For better or for worse, i wanna hug all of you.
For the first time this year.. I've gone on vacation. And let alone never leaving the country before.

I call this the perfect strangers.

Well, my best friend and I have been friends since we were like 6.. (now25)
and we went to cancun mexico. Well, two days before leaving.. we were laying on the beach reading and bathing in the sun.. and we decide to go into the water. (and to let you know now, we didn't even have any drinks yet.)

We were jumping the waves holding hands, giggling, laughing. Having a grad 'ol time. Then the waves were taking me so far out that I lost my best friends' hand. I started going under. I could not catch my breath in just enough time before another wave knocked me down. And the further and further I was getting pushed out shore. I was choking on the water. And knowing that I couldn't save myself..there was no way in hell I could save my best friend. So, as I was swallow alot of water and was swimming hard as hell, my friend was calling my name saying "oh my god, what are we going to do?"

I started to cry.. I started screaming for help and she as well..
And two different men came running in the water.. I didn't even see him coming .. I just felt his arms around me.. and he was telling me to swim when he commanded.. and I just kept saying.. what about my friend, we got to help my friend.

Well, as you can see I made it out of the ocean that day.. and so did my best friend. I was never so damn scared in my whole life. I don't know if I was more afraid of losing myself or my best friend.. but we held each other and cried for hours.

I will never go in the ocean again.. even though people say I will.. but until the nightmares stop.. I can't even see the ocean. And I use to think it was the most beautiful place in the world.

I owe a thanks to a man that I didn't know.. he had children and a wife.. and he risk his life to save my dumb ass... but I thank god everyday.
-Being told by my mum that she couldnt wake dad up (we all knew what she meant).
-Being told 6 months later, that our best friend who helped out so much after dad died, was dead.
-Tripping out on not acid, not shrooms, but OTC Decongestant Tablets (Psuedoephadrine. Took the recommended dose, and it was actually for sinus relief... Needless to say, I am never touching meth.)
damn sounds like u guys have had a tougher time than me.
definetly many moments on the road,
a-l-m-o-s-t being hit head-on by a 4X4 with a bullbar. with combined speed of 150+, when i was on my motorbike!
losing the tail at 110+ in the wet with traffic coming the other way on a 2 lane road.
crashing and thought i really hurt someone, was his fault says the law but i feel guilty.
sliding through a T junction and luckily no-one was coming
+ to many more.....
By far being on the road is more dangerous than anything i know.
Hearing one almight scream above the music in a club, instinctively rushing into the crowd only to find my close friend holding her throat, her hand covered in blood. I put my hand to her neck and felt the blood ooze through my fingers, she looked at me and said "Kelle, I'm so scared, I'm going to die" and passed out.

I sat outside the operating theatre and then outside the intensive care unit for what felt like an eternity. The priest came to bless her and I screamed blue murder until I was taken to another part of the hospital by security to 'calm down'.

She pulled through.... but that was, without a shaddow of a doubt, the scariest night of my life.

- |{elle
wow Kel thats pretty full on!

Scariest momment I've had is having a severe asthma attack and thinking to myself this is the end - I panicked so much that it made things worse. I was all alone which scared me aswell, no-one around to help me focus on my breathing.
I would say, by far.. coming to after losing consciousness from a seizure, and seeing Joe telling me, "Lori I thought you were dead", not knowing where I was, what day it was, what month it was, or even how to talk, and later, finding out that I had turned blue.

Then, in the ride to the hospital, seeing my pulse race up to 144, when it's normally around 70.

Oh, and I didn't even care. I didn't have the capacity. That was scary but not at the time..
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
Dear god, Kelle, what happened - was she stabbed?

Her ex-boyfriend's new missus smashed a bottle and slit her throat with it... we knew she was in the club, she'd been watching us all night. She waited until I had walked away from my friend, and then made her move.

I am glad she didn't succeed in killing her, because I was at a stage in my life where, had she of killed my friend, I would have killed her, or at least tried my hardest to.

My friend already had a restraining order against the girl who slit her throat, and all she got as punishment was 50 hours community service - for breaching an AVO and attempting to KILL someone.

It's so very wrong.