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RCs Possible MDPV replacement: 3,4-dimethoxy-α-PVP (DMPV, DMPVP)


Jun 16, 2013
3,4-dimethoxy-α-PVP, 3,4-dimethoxy-α-Pyrrolidinovalerophenone, 3,4-dimethoxy-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-Valerophenone, 1-​(3,​4-​dimethoxyphenyl)-​2-​(1-​pyrrolidinyl)-​1-​pentanone,​ monohydrochloride, DMPV, DMPVP, DM-a-PVP

So recently some reputable vendors have released a new product called 3,4-dimethoxy-α-PVP.


It differs from MDPV only by an opening of the ring structure on the phenyl group

IUPAC1-​(3,​4-​dimethoxyphenyl)-​2-​(1-​pyrrolidinyl)-​1-​pentanone,​ monohydrochloride
Molecular FormulaC17H25NO3 • HCl
Molecular Weight327.9
FormulationA crystalline solid
λmax235, 285, 317 nm
Stability2 years

Are images of powders allowed? It looks yellowish, quite clumpy powder.

Could anybody analyze the chemical structure compared to MDPV?
How would it affect its legal status?
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Would the dosage be as small as MDPV (the difference between a bad and good time on it can be minuscule vis a vis dosage)? Is it an analog? Answering if it's an analog may have major bearing on its legal status (see Federal Analog Act http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_act)
It is an analog of MDPV and a-PVP, but analog act applies to US only. Some countries have similar regulation, but apart from the fact that it is an analog, any other concerns about its confusingly similar structure to MDPV?
God this sounds terrible. Both a-PVP and MDPV are horribly dirty stimulants. I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole.
God this sounds terrible. Both a-PVP and MDPV are horribly dirty stimulants. I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole.

Your opinion which has nothing to do with the topic. On the other hand, I would find this particular substance especially interesting.
I would imagine this to be is similar in dosage and effects to both MDPV and APVP. Start low and work your way up.

I can't imagine anything good will come from this. If you like MDPV get MDPV. It is still available online forms vendors unlike mephedrone which has been driven completely underground.

MDPV, APVP and this dimethoxy shite aren't very nice stimluants IMO.
MDPV is illegal where I live, but we do not have an analog act here. I find a-PVP to be quite suitable for my needs, but I was hoping for something better in regard to its cardiac issues (and definitely would not mind higher euphoria :D).
It's illegal where I live. But it is easily available through legitimate sites online. I think MDPV would be safer on the heart than a completely unknown analogue.
DMMA (3,4-dimethoxymethamphetamine) is significantly less potent than MDMA. Could not find any other information really.
3,4-DMA (3,4-dimethoxyamphetamine) has unknown dosage and duration but supposedly gives mescaline-esque visuals and i believe is in PiHKAL.

From the information of MD -> DM, I'd suggest it's going to be shorter lasting, less potent and considered worse than mdpv. But this is all just speculation until somebody tries it.
DMMA (3,4-dimethoxymethamphetamine) is significantly less potent than MDMA. Could not find any other information really.
3,4-DMA (3,4-dimethoxyamphetamine) has unknown dosage and duration but supposedly gives mescaline-esque visuals and i believe is in PiHKAL.

From the information of MD -> DM, I'd suggest it's going to be shorter lasting, less potent and considered worse than mdpv. But this is all just speculation until somebody tries it.

Some trimethoxyamphetamines are known to be psychoactive as hallucinogens. Dimethoxyamphet might also be psychedelic in the same fashion.

Pyrovalerones and amphetamines are quite different though chemically.
Your opinion which has nothing to do with the topic. On the other hand, I would find this particular substance especially interesting.

Sure it does, still harm reduction advice. a-PVP has resulted in my worst panic attack ever.

These are stimulants for tweakers, but with unknown side effects and I'm sure highly neurotoxic.

I'm trying to warn people with some common sense to stay away from these pipes.
Nobody has any ideas about it? I am very much interested in its possible serotonergic activity and whether it could be straight stimulant like a-PVP and MDPV, despite the fact that 3,4-dimethoxy amphetamines bind to serotonin receptors as alluded to previously.

Well, maybe "do not touch" really is somewhat effective if drug is especially bad. In my opinion, however, harm reduction should be about how to reduce negative side effects of a drug for the reason that if it is highly enjoyable, one is very unlikely to resist the drug and with negative experience reports I do not think anybody would want to touch this untold. Warnings are very essential whenever a drug in question is particularly dangerous among its type due to some of it very harmful properties. Nothing directed to you, my view on that. Maybe I would simply paraphrase you: "To anybody unfamiliar with MDPV and a-PVP, beware that this may share the same negative side effects which, for me, included the worst panic attack I've ever had.", then you warn about what made your opinion ;)
hatrix said:
I'm sure highly neurotoxic.

Why would you expect this?
Why would we want ever closer analogues of a shitty stimulant like MDPV? Sure, people dose on it compulsively, but it has a pretty shitty effect-profile.

Yea I don't understand all these MDPV analogues but I'm sure someone is getting something out of them. Personally all they ever gave me was an almost instant comedown as if I had been doing meth for a week, and that was after only one dose.
I don't know, wouldn't say all these MDPV analogues are worthless. MDPPP was easily the most euphoric stimulant I've ever tried...
I have had plenty of euphoria from a-PVP. The problem in most cases, as I think, is, that people use too low dosages and as these drugs are very compulsive they keep binging for days in a row, get no euphoria, but still panic attack or even worse could be psychosis. I did it in larger dosages for about 10-12h and then after 2-3h went to sleep. By the way, it can make your heart faster at 10-15mg, but 30-35mg killed the anxiety and my heart rate was within safe range. At the end of the day my heart rate was about 100-110. I still would not recommend trying 30-35mg as the first dosage. I could have had different reaction from other people and maybe this is why I like it. (well it really was my first dosage after allergy, which was 5mg, maybe some more)
^I had similar experiences with a-PVP.

Almost, ridiculously paradoxically, taking bigger hits left me good and satisfied for a while with minimal after-effects, compared to vaping small amounts semi-regularly which would send me into a frenzy of compulsive re-dosing feeling that I was somehow doing it wrong and thus had to repeat and repeat until I got it right.

EDIT: Having said that, I do NOT recommend that anyone who has had a bad experience with a PV try upping their dose, and better yet I suggest that if you haven't tried this family of drugs yet - don't. Just don't.
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Yea sorry, my a-PVP experience is the complete opposite.

SINGLE dosage of about 25mg. Crazy panic attack, thought I was going to die, measured BPM of 186. Yes, 186.

No thank you.
Any updates on this ? My vendor offers it only in 10g+ packages, no reviews yet.
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^ I fucking hate it when vendors only sell ultra potent stims in minimums of 10 grams, when all you want is ONE gram, or just a sample.

it's dangerous for the potential user both in terms of them overusing, and in terms of being caught with an amount of something which could qualify in some places as a commercial quantity...