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Does Everyone Like Opiates?

Not everyone loves opiates ime. I for one am not a huge fan of opiates. Opiates do have a place though as with any drug. My love is for benzos instead, opiates make me puke/feel hot to much and the high is always a little on the boring side compared to what i am shooting for. That doesn't mean i dont enjoy oopiates though, i still like to have me a little opiate adventure every now and then or use some on a psychedelic comedown which is nice.

I actually enjoy most of the drugs quite a few people tend to stay away from nitrous, cannabis, tryptamines and dissociatives.
hell i love opiates, but i know multiple people who would much rather have some stimulants(adderall, ritalin, etc.). personally i HATE stimulants with a passion. when im coming down on them i seem to get dysphoria just like coming down on salvia. i hate the feeling of stimulants, but yes i know many people that love them. i've also noticed girls tend to like the uppers and stimulants a lot more than males. but hey, i might just be crazy.
I enjoy everything you listed in the original post. I love opiates though. I'd probably love stims just as much, if only they didn't royally fuck up my mind and my thought process.
13 years ago I couldnt stand opiates, I would get nauseated/headaches by just taking half of a 5mg Vicodin or Perc......fast forward to 2010 & some reason, I enjoyed taking Vicodin that my doctor prescribed for back pain. Maybe something chemically changed in my brain, I dont know, but everything is okay now.

I use to like uppers but absolutely hate them now..........just dont like my heart beating so fast & about to jump out of my chest anymore.

I have friends that love opiates & only take them when they need them for pain but also have some that completely hate them. Have a friend that received Morphine in the hospital for birth pain as she was having her child & the 2nd time she was having her 2nd child, she refused to take any opiates because she doesnt like the way they made her feel............so no, everyone doesnt love opiates.

She gave birth by c-section, so im assuming they gave her the Morphine afterwards?
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my dads getting knee replacement surgery and I'm jealous of the impending cocktail he will receive. probably morphine, hydromorphone, or fentanyl. I'd prefer the morphine as I like the rush intensity and its duration plus it resembles heroin moreso than the others.
Yeah they definitely don't appeal to everyone.. as surprising as it is to me since I have a passionate love affair with the opiate high... some people really just don't like it. But it works that way for all drugs. A lot of people love weed.. they can smoke it everyday and enjoy every second of it. I on the other hand hate the way it makes me feel... I don't like the high at all. It def shocks a lot of people because so many do smoke weed and love it.
Yeah i think most people actually dont like the opiate high feeling. Most people i would assume like cocaine and MDMA way more. People generally like to have fun more often than the like to go to sleep.

Most people don't enjoy opiates? Lol wat? SOME people don't but come on 90% of my friends are obsessed with opiates. MDMA is more widely accepted and like i'll agree with that but cocaine?? I mean if you get decent coke (which is rare as fuck to get) then it's a fun party drug but the side-effects suck and the shit is moreish even tho only the first few lines get you really high. I agree that more people do cocaine out in the open then opiates but i'm fairly sure the vast majority of drug people would take high quality heroin over cocaine any day of the week. Opiates only put you to sleep if your inexperienced and take too much then you'll just get sick or pass out.
I most certainly do not like opiates or opioids. It's not just the sedation, they give me a crappy feeling. Just not pleasant. Idk maybe they just don't go well with my brain chemistry.
I LOVE opiates. Mostly Oxycodone and hydrocodone. They tend to be a more of an energetic type as opposed to heroin .
I spent the bulk of my life avoiding opiates because they just seemed to make me sleep... not so fun, right?? Recently, my dealer gave me a dab of H about the size of a dot on paper with a sharpie marker. The smaller dose made it work, though it has already increased slightly for me at this point. Strong psychedelics aren't my thing - a bit too intense for me, along the line of dissociatives. But it took about twenty years before I was a regular H user.
On BL? Fuck yeah just go look in OD it may as well be HD.

Where I live? It's 50/50. If you go north, towards the city its opi land. If you go south, you're a damn junkie who deserves death (or meth in some areas lol). I live right on that border.

I personally like opiates. The side effects suck but I dont get euphoria and pain relief any way else, natural or otherwise. Being addicted to them rightly sucks wang too but I mean I still enjoy getting opiated.
Fuck yes. Opiates are the perfect class of drugs IMO.

You get the best of both worlds, Sedation AND Stimulation. Not to mention the Euphoria and obviously the pain killing properties.

You can do anything on Opiates, Eat, sleep, etc.

Stimulants, can't eat or sleep.
Benzos just cause sedation with no euphoria whatsoever.
Opiates are KING.
Most people are probably biologically wired to like them since they alleviate all kinds of pain but, at least in my case, I had to try them a couple of times to actually appreciate the high. To be honest I'm not a huge fan of morphine and actually prefer opioids (kratom, oxycodone and tramadol).
I never got interested in them because they just made me sleepy. And not in a way that was anything special. And plenty of things can make you sleepy so it wasn't worth the effort when I had my own benzo scripts or could have a few drinks.
I did snort oxy a few times when it was first a big deal and enjoyed it but just never really clicked with me enough.
I hate opiates. They just make me itchy and puke. I've never gotten much of the euphoria that people talk about with them, except with oxymorphone a few times.

They are the least appealing class of drugs imo.
Most people are probably biologically wired to like them since they alleviate all kinds of pain but, at least in my case, I had to try them a couple of times to actually appreciate the high. To be honest I'm not a huge fan of morphine and actually prefer opioids (kratom, oxycodone and tramadol).
Me too, my favorite Opioids are the 'done brothers,


Although I do like Heroin.
I also appreciate Buprenorphine TBH, esp snorted or IV'd.
It's hard to understand but I know a few people who just don't enjoy them. Most because they make them puke their guts out and others who just don't like em in general. Some people can't do weed or psychedelics because of anxiety but even tho I have severe anxiety it actually seems to disappear when I use those. Some people just don't like certain drugs because of deep rooted prejudices they have against them due to DEA scare tactics and stuff they've seen personally. I have a prejudice against meth, PCP + bath salts and refuse to ever try em because with meth I saw a lot of good people turned into monsters and very few ever changed back. PCP because of the media (which I understand largely exaggerates this type of stuff ) but I also saw people who unknowingly got weed laced with it and it was like a lot of them temporarily lost their souls or something and went batshit, another ended up in a coma for something like 14-16hrs and several KIDS he sold that shit to ended up in the ER, I know a lot of people think embalming fluid is just slang for PCP but this guy actually used embalming fluid (the one that starts with a f but I'm to lazy to figure out how to spell it) which is how I knew not to take it because I remembered that distinctive smell from a taxidermist shop I'd visited, that asshole learned his lesson and hasn't dealt anywhere near this area since but that's another story. I don't trust bath salts because I personally think it's dumb to use something with no records of its effects on humans and the possible violent psychosis which I've seen first hand, that being said i think some of the RCs out there are good I think it's the cathinones and other dangerous paranoia inducing stims. I know I'll probably get shit for this post but that's just my personal opinion and everyonce has a right to their own.
No I know many people who feel like shit on them.

Most people are probably biologically wired to like them since they alleviate all kinds of pain but, at least in my case, I had to try them a couple of times to actually appreciate the high. To be honest I'm not a huge fan of morphine and actually prefer opioids (kratom, oxycodone and tramadol).

I read tha people with anti-social personality disorder are more prone to opiodi addiction, there is something to invest.