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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(5-MeO-DMT / part of 100 mg ) - Inexperienced - Instant White-Out


Nov 5, 2012
('5-MeO-DMT. 100 mg (approx). vaporized. 2/3 inhaled - Instant white out.' - this report is trying to describe the nano-second before it was 'all over.')

This report is about the first time I used 5MEO-DMT and then a description of all the subsequent small hits that followed some time later

(The product looked and seemed pretty pure to me, uniformed crystals and later when I smoked the tiny residue from the first massive hit, it would totally f*ck me up, so I am guessing pure or of high purity)

So about when I did 5meo- DMT (I was told it was DMT but now see it was 5meo-DMT, I have now done both so I can compare ) last night, bare with me, trying to explain this is going to be pointless and will only make myself sound foolish, and totally cheesy, but I'll try anyway, maybe you will find it interesting or a laugh or maybe it will bore you. But the best thing you can do is do it yourself, properly:

I don’t think you can do too much. You just do enough to break your head. It’s either broken or not broken, there is no in between. If there is an in between then it’s just your ‘non-broken head’ being a bit trippy.

One long deep inhalation (vaporized from tin foil, caught in a big tube in my mouth, very little to no smoke wasted, but later found I could have burnt it more, but not much more)

'Control alt delete exit programme', ~ head breaks open. flipped into an ever changingness, slotted in between vibrations/buzzing/pressure that I was aware off a split second after smoking it (a millisecond just after the pipe morphed) and it was like the buzzing and vibrating made me slip down the crack of a maths answer where it just keeps flipping on for ever. The glitch, the ratio that can’t be held. No order or rhythm.

It was complete annihilation, fast and constantly changing so I had no reference points or anything to hold on to. Annihilation, new awareness/thinking, annihilation, new awareness thinking, annihilation, again and again and so fast that it can’t be processed. Flipping into ever modifying novelty. It feels like a glitch in the universe, that can’t be nailed down. Or the place you go to when you truly ‘let go’ and no longer know yourself.

I could be reasoned into believing (the logic fits) that this is what it will be like when you pop your clogs and exit this reality as DMT is just an exit from reality anyway and when you exit, there is no solid reality, it’s a morphing of all possible realities all the time and it wants to show you all these possible realities and combinations. It isn't all nice and mystical and religious, it’s just relentless and it strips you down until there is nothing and it doesn't matter.

If you were to ask: ‘okay you feel like you exited this reality, so where did you go, what the new reality was like? ’I would answer: It wasn’t specifically a new reality, it was every idea of every possible type of realities and combinations, flipping in and out. It’s like when this familiar/stable reality, which we are all used to, is removed, then it has to go into a ‘save mode’ or ‘sleep mode’ or ‘back up mode’, an alternative, which is unstable and is a bubbling of all possible outcomes and combinations.

It feels like there is machinery in the speed of it, it didn’t let my emotions (at the beginning, when I still had them) catch up. It’s like this is just how it is, forget about emotions and concepts, vantage points and references. Existence is everything, all the time, every possible ‘idea’ and nothing, happening all at the same time in different combinations, it’s like this is obvious, this is everything, there can be no other way, there is no answer because there can’t be a question and it is like it shows you this all at the same time. A massive flash, of infinite possibilities, with no structure or order, in infinite combinations. In the end ‘you’ are not even there so you can’t even hold on to a memory of what it was like.

All you have is some visions and feelings that were echoed to you before you disappeared, just as you are returning. But you can’t put them into words.

It was like my head was a TV and someone were flipping the channels over, but the bastard was doing it too quick and I couldn't quite process what was on. Just when I thought, I could recognise something or have something to grasp the fucker would flip the channel over again.

When I realised there is going to be nothing to hold on to, I remember quickly thinking 'I am scared', (or more like ‘’I am sc…’’) but just before I could end that thought there was no 'I' any more. It was like because I thought of it (the 'I', the ‘self’ the ‘ego’ or whatever you want to call it) it was wiped away, as the new channel that was flipped into had no concept of the 'I' and emotion. ~and that goes for everything. All concepts ended, but not at the same time, some would flip back on, (I think), it was like it needed to experience all possible combinations, at all possible times. Nothing could be nailed down.

Remember this all happened in a flash ~ if a ‘thought’ or anything with which I could focus on 'happened' it was instantly wiped away, because ‘it’ changed so that that ‘thought’ or reference point didn't exit or have any relevance any more, in this new way of looking/thinking (for that moment, in relation to all the other concepts/realities/aesthetics/reference points that where flipping on and off, in that single moment of the many, brief moments), rendering any references and concepts meaningless and description impossible/pointless.

The goal posts kept changing. It flipped and changed so fast, as fast as you could click your fingers, 'click, click, click, click, click, click...' drowning/falling/flipping with nothing to hold on to.

Visually: Pipe morphed, everything vibrated and folded in on itself, reality broke down or swallowed itself, then visions happened (that were only a split second long but getting faster and faster) like a Mandelbrot pattern, zooming into it while pulling out at the same time, then almost just before I got my head round that vision, it flipped into binary, then just as I saw that it flipped into a texture, then just as I saw that, it flipped into something else, then something strange happened, for a split second I think I saw something, it felt alien, it startled me even more than the rest (maybe it was me being briefly aware of the room again, which looked unreal), then it just flipped into a feeling or something less concrete, then I zoomed through that and the concept of ‘vision’ didn’t exist anymore and everything was happening to fast and I stopped being journalistic, it went abstract and then I stopped being ‘I’.

- all in half a second. I had been hit on the back of the head with a shovel and briefly saw 'stars' before blacking (whiting) out. The loony Tunes cartoons were on to something. ''That's all folks''

So first it went totally weird, then alien then nothing could be nailed down, then there was no ‘I’ to nail it down to anyway. It wasn’t really visual but there was a sense on synthesis of senses. I lost myself; I went to the end point. Maybe I did too much or let myself zoom to the ‘end’ (the end being the ego dissolving into nothing) too quickly, without checking the journey out in between, if that is at all possible. I don’t know.

No emotions or enlightenment or feeling of love etc like if I had taken a drug, nothing like that, no, this isn't a drug, it’s just a 'exit program button'.

When it suddenly ended, I thought – and the room can back into view - ‘oh, hold on a reference point, I suppose that’s nice, but it doesn’t matter, but wasn’t I searching for one of them (reference points) before? Hold on there is an ‘I’, hold on I can feel, hold on what the fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck just happened?!’’

There is no way to prepare for this.

the only ‘fun’ part was the millisecond just before destruction where I looked at the pipe and it changed in front of my eyes with a sound of cellophane wrapping crunching in an alien tinny, echo way (like machinery starting up) ‘’crack, crunch, crunch’ and a thought flashed in me ‘oh its changed, no wait its doesn't stop changing, every things changing, oh my …!'' (just as reality folds in on itself), there’s a vibration visually, a moment of zero time, a cellular texture to vision, then all reference points, language is lost or render useless, ~ fear and a wish to hold on to something, ~ then a feeling of returning, going back to the beginning ~ then a total ego death (sleep mode/running with/in/are it) ~ then an echo of that previous wish for something to hold on to and my body jerked ~ and I became aware of it ~ and then I was back. Eyes opened. It took a few moments for this concept of reality to sink in (or maybe I was waiting for it to flip again and I had long given up on trying to process all this information or maybe I had just given up and wasn’t ready to ‘start up’ again), then click! I was back as I realised where I was, brain had kicked back in, I was/I had an ego/existed again, system rebooted or whatever... Did something just happen? Too fast to process.

At the start it didn't quite feel like I was leaving my body, more like I was totally destroyed and moving at an increasing speed. A piano had been dropped on to my head. However when I came back it did feel like I bumped back into my body, like when an air-plane touches down, with a quick jerky, bad-dump dump! Sudden! Crazy!

All this happened in 5 minutes or longer, or less, I’m not sure, I really don’t know. A flash, where in that flash, time ended.

I did this while quite drunk (I didn’t plan on getting that drunk but I was nervous). I will try this again and maybe I will be able to nail some of it down, but I will only be able to nail ‘things’ down in the transitional period ie just before the beginning and just as it ends. There’s no language for the rest as it is completely alien and therefore nothing to us.

But seeing that pipe change was the maddest thing that has ever happened to me and the rest that followed was really just unmentionable.

It was all too fast, what a ride!

I tried it again 20 minutes later, (they say don’t as it doesn't work ~ you have to wait an hour) it didn't work. All that happened was my vision started vibrating like it was really trying to flip out - not unlike that shit movie the butterfly effect, where when he concentrates and changes the future and it vibrates until it’s all a blur, it was doing that but not quite making it all the way. That was fun, because I felt like I had some control there, but that was nothing, like looking over the edge but not jumping.

It's now a week after the first time I did 5meo-dmt and I just smoked the residue of the 'bowl' (sober), so it is nowhere near the amount of the first time I did it where I quickly lost all consciousness, where my brain desperately tried to cling onto reality. I'll type and try to describe it, in between, trippy moments/hits, whatever

~ yeah this is something else. It’s just that moment between heart beats, the moment between moments. That is all.....that is enough.

I now see I did a hell of a lot the first time (100-150mg inhaling 80-90% of it) as just the residue here is enough to make me kind of touch a small zero time, multiple times. The massive amount I did the first time was too much, like a tonne of bricks. Now slowly falling over the edge, with these non-heroic-doses, is fun...nice...I still don't regret, that huge first time though.

inhalation ~ everything comes into sharp focus, then too sharp so it looks alien, the same but not, like the effect mushrooms can have (foil looks strange), then freeze frame, then you’re gone, lost in between the moment, zero time, simple as......

...the only way, to come close to a way, of describing it would be like a looping nitrous hit on a peak of an acid trip, everything is an echo of the previous...but that's just a part of it, and not quite it, maybe the beginning and it’s not the same, its clear and sharper and not ''waa waa waa yy'' like nitrous, but when I spoke (as later experience on small nn,DMT doses also) my voice sounded tinny/ metallic in sound ~ then, just gone....its not scary, [just do it] (I lamented the physical/normal, in a good way, in a milli-second, with that first heroic dose, these smaller doses are fun. I am getting slight 'moments' of 'zero-time') ~ if there were such a thing as crack LSD this would be it...this is great.

...yeah, when you push yourself to the edge, whiteness creeps into the corners of your vision [like it wants to 'white-out], then you feel the need to close your eyes and curl up, swirly colours - not spectacular, same as the inside of your eye lids, but a little shaper and more domed and textured - then that echo-y, nitrous-y, tinny, peak on acid-y timeless - ness - zero-time - revelation-y- moment thing-y happens... fun....all accompanied with that body buzzy that peaks when you hit that trippy zero-time - moment, when you feel nothing...this is fun...coming down was like peaking on acid/mushrooms, when everything looks the same but isn't... The dynamics and dimensions of the room and the angles of the objects in it looked, ermmm, not quite right and my hands looked ancient and my skin crawled. Lots of traces when I move my arms and it feels like there is no air in the room, as my arms moved through it a lot more freely, with what feels like less restriction. Tracing my name in the air, from my cigarette, like a sparkler fire -work thing...great fun.

..little emotion at the time, but when you come out of it you become more journalistic and then can attach emotion to it ~ which is easy to do as it’s a trippy 'come down,' (and we all know trippy drugs can help you spout sentimental bullshit - take this trip report for example).

This is so fast, its over in a matter of minutes. FAST_FOOD_LSD, not quite filling. great for these times, where everybody wants everything quick and now. Crack-acid - ''IN STORES NOW, DO IT IN YOUR LUNCH BREAK, SHARE IT WITH A LOVED ONE OR DO TO UNWIND AFTER A LONG DAY ~ BECAUSE YOUR WORTH IT''

Another hit

~it’s a total pull down/into......, no, it feels like an accident, like, i didn’t mean to go this far, and it’s like, toought shiiiit.... starts with a massive body buzz, then is like when you have too many good Extacy pills and your vision vibrates, then it pulls you and everything into itself/yourself............internal, but not HD visual.

than was a big one, however I am not losing consciousness these times, just pushing it to the edge (but there is a brief moment where I let go, awesome feeling, almost orgasmic, pulling in deeps breaths when peeking, after that long first inhalation breath that just puts you over - wow, nice).

.. You experience it - then like trippy - then gone.....was that moment real? Well it wasn’t, it was between this and words, ticks of a clock.....

Sorry this maybe will not make sense....funny how things you didn’t expect to be trippy are trippy..i.e. this keyboard

(My only tips being: Begin with a massive heroic dose, then work down, its more fun and rewarding that way. I have zero fear of this substance now after my first dose of around 100mg (this was way too high, don't try this high as it could be dangerous). Also do this straight, on an empty stomach and bladder, just simply for the fact you want little connection to the physical as possible - when doing smaller, non-break-through-white -out hits. )

This is gibberish. Maybe it was a bad idea to post straight on here/ while doing...

God speed space cadets

Good luck

(Just to add, when I smoked 100+mg of nn-DMT, reality became sharper, then a switch was flipped and I entered into a reality that was hyper defined, full of movement and pattern I think and the whole thing was tainted with the feeling of deja vu? I can't hold on to it, it slips through my fingers, but I get flash backs (when doing small amounts), and the pure terror of going 'somewhere else' is something I can't describe, but it's on the tip of my tongue, like a secret I have forgotten. So infuriating!
To compare, 5MEO-DMT is more white-out become one with the universe, become a vibration, the void. NN-DMT, complete idiosyncratic oddness, but 'visual'. I will bite the bullet and do a break through dose again of NN-DMT soon (I have 4 grams of the stuff) - wish me luck)

Try both 5MEO-DMT and NN-DMT if you can, but I recommend NN-DMT (break through dose) and then come back and tell me what the fuck that was all about because I can't put it into words!

Here is a good smoking method if anyone is interested, the bottle method:


Tagged by HeadphonesandLSD
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does sound like you had 5-meo-dmt, how would you not know the difference though? one comes from the internet, the other, someone did an extract on it. One you smoke doses of 5-20mg, the other 50-150mg.

i've done both a number of times and they are much different drugs. DMT is very very visual and 5-meo-dmt is the most intense thing i've ever inhaled i think. Mostly just some sort of strange mental trip. Felt like i had been loaded into a cannon and then shot into the center of the universe, where i experienced the void. DMT is definitely more fun, while 5-meo-dmt consistently scares the living shit out of me. I only like to smoke dmt/5-meo-dmt/salvia after taking a psychedelic otherwise i get too nervous about the whole thing.
^ Thanks, yeah it was 5MEO-DMT. I have now done NN-DMT (and made enthused leaf out of it too) and personally find that more 'scary' than 5meo-DMT, as it is just more bizarre.

' I only like to smoke dmt/5-meo-dmt/salvia after taking a psychedelic otherwise i get too nervous about the whole thing' - RobotRipping

^ nice comment, maybe I should follow suit, as I am having trouble finding the balls to do it again. Do you think small amounts of alcohol (though I don't like to drink anymore) will help with the nerves too?

By the way, that's a really good read Dee. Not cheesy at all. You use words in a creative way to get your experience across.
In these kinds of mental experiences, the usual clear boundaries and structures of language and category become fractured or overlapped. But you've captured the excitement and wonder for sure.
It's tricky to help you determine which of the materials you had. I tried 5MeO-DMT first and had an inkling that the physical/mental sensations would be quite a surprise for my first time. I imagine that if it had been DMT I'd tried first I would have been stunned by it's effects too, but in a comparatively different form only notable through hindsight.
Duration of the experience is hard to gain. A lot cab 'happen' in a short space of time! But DMT lasts longer in realtime.
Take care and have fun. Look forward to another report sometime.
Peace Pipp
What was the initial dose and the appearance of the drug? :)
Was it 100 mg of which an unknown about was successfully inhaled? That would make it virtually impossible to learn the dose, it seems to me like that.

And can you provide a title so that this can be forwarded to the Trip Reports forum?

And yes it does sound more like 5-MeO-DMT which IME is more of a core experience of pure mystical meaning rather than its conveyence by grander forms (I associate that with N,N).
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i think alcohol would calm the nerves a bit, there's always going to be a bit of anxiety before blasting off, they are intense drugs to say the least. On psychedelics for some reason i don't mind getting as high as possible, so it helps, i feel like it's a better baseline to jump from. Other than that a low dose of a benzo may help but usually i just take it impulsively. I don't think about it and just inhale it and see what happens.

i don't find nn-dmt scary, just extremely strange. With 5-meo-dmt i'd often feel myself not breathing anymore, completely disconnected from my body, i assume i was still breathing just not aware of it, which is what scares the shit out of me about it. with nn-dmt this isn't an issue for me but that feeling of losing complete control can be scary but i usually have entities that tell me it's going to be okay and that i will be fine, which is reassuring lol.
I would avoid alcohol with something like 5-MeO-DMT. Not because of any danger but because 5-MeO-DMT is such illumination that the deeply intoxicating nature of alcohol just seems disagreeable by definition. Metaphorically, I'd say that it would be irresponsible to let a drunk pilot behind the wheel of a rocket, wouldn't it?

Calming your breathing with some meditation and exercizes, that is where it is at. IME the outcome of taking DMT (whatever kind) can be strongly influenced by taking 30-60 minutes of preparation time on forehand. During that time, stop interacting with any distractions and start considering what you are about to do. Actual meditation would be ideal. Rituals may usually seem like sentimental traditions from cultures past, but I recommend everyone to investigate the purpose of rituals in general (basically pre-programming yourself with symbolic actions).
Chances are you will get pretty anxious as soon as you start thinking about what is coming. Take a generous amount of time to embrace your plan and to get rid of doubts. When doubts dissipate it should be able to align yourself more and more. Get centered and you can calm yourself even with the prospect of taking the drug. Rituals, no matter what they are, can help you align you to integrate yourself as a whole because the carried out actions are concrete. Consolidations that get rid of division and doubt.
Be prepared for insane acceleration of experience... if you are internally divided about what you are doing or still partially worrying about other things happening in your life, then there is a split inside you and you are not centered. If you take DMT in such a state there is a big chance there will be confusion and trouble. It's like they say: taking the DMT is like blasting off. Not being centered is the same as the rocket you are blasting off on not having 1 straight sharp point but multiple ones.
In this analogy don't worry about ripping or exploding, but still it typically causes a lot of mentally or spiritually 'flailing about'. Trust my advice that extensive preparation that puts away any obstacles of 'split priorities' before you begin, can be crucial and allow you to navigate hyperspace being entirely on the same page with the rest of yourself. :)
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^ excellent advice and description, love the analogy of a rocket not having a straight sharp point but multiple ones when you are not centred. You have helped dispense some of my anxiety and I will defiantly take up your advice. I am curious what kind of rituals do you do to calm yourself?

I kind of agree with you in regards to the alcohol, but I was thinking maybe one beer for dutch courage maybe?

I also like the other comment about taking other psychedelics before hand, to give you courage as I guess it kind of gets you in the mind set.

''And can you provide a title so that this can be forwarded to the Trip Reports forum?''

sorry I am new to this site, how do I do that?

and thanks PippUK
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Well indeed you cannot, but I can. So just pass the title on to me if you would. :)

edit: TR mods, when this is moved, please check the thread title if the dose description of 100 mg is misleading or not... considering it seems that a random unknown portion of it was inhaled. Change if need be.
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Moved PD >> TR.

Experience level is not confirmed, no reaction was received to my PM question and I was impatient to finally move this. If there is an update I'm sure me or the TS will be in touch.

*edit: oh the OP has been moderated: it was the first time actually: so please change the TT again...
5meo-dmt has a pretty significant cardiovascular push. No one else should attempt a dose this high.

I never found 5-meo-DMT to be a difficult experience at all. Actually, I would smoke it somewhat recreationally. It gave me an instant state of pure bliss. A total psychedelic without the psychedelic mess. The afterglow alone was worth it. I also did not find that 5-meo-DMT was either "break through or nothing"... I could easily titrate my dose by smoking it slowly if I wanted to.

In fact I have doubts as to whether I have really ever truly "broken through" on 5-meo-DMT like some people describe, except possibly combined with n,n-DMT in high mutual doses.

DMT however I would usually only smoke in lower doses unless I was on Ketamine (when I'd smoke a 200mg bowl of DMT in one hit with no fear... lol) because it gave me some anxiety.

Too bad 5-meo-DMT is scheduled because that's the kind of drug that is real medicine for those crazy enough to seek it.
Too bad 5-meo-DMT is scheduled because that's the kind of drug that is real medicine for those crazy enough to seek it.
DMT however I would usually only smoke in lower doses unless I was on Ketamine (when I'd smoke a 200mg bowl of DMT in one hit with no fear... lol) because it gave me some anxiety.
holy shit I wish I could read more experience reports like this
If you had 5-MeO-DMT, I am utterly amazed you can remember any of that. I've used a lot of 5-MeO-DMT (as well my fair share of n,n-DMT) and I agree...it either breaks open the head or it doesn't. But for me, any amount above 10mg is white out/amnesia land. 6mg is never enough, and 7-9mg is where the magic is at. I enjoyed how detailed you could describe the experience, it sounds to me like a 5-MeO-DMT trip....just amazed you survived 100mg. I can't even fathom.
In fact I have doubts as to whether I have really ever truly "broken through" on 5-meo-DMT like some people describe, except possibly combined with n,n-DMT in high mutual doses.

DMT however I would usually only smoke in lower doses unless I was on Ketamine (when I'd smoke a 200mg bowl of DMT in one hit with no fear... lol) because it gave me some anxiety.

Too bad 5-meo-DMT is scheduled because that's the kind of drug that is real medicine for those crazy enough to seek it.

If you have doubts to where you have broken through on 5MEO-DMT then you probably haven't, it's just a white -out ego death really anyway, (with a flash of madness before) maybe 'break through' is the wrong words to describe it.

I might be wrong but 200mgs of DMT sounds like a waste, I found you just need enough (100mg eyeballed and a good smoking method http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtckVptu4I4) and then it's like a switch is pulled and you're there! idiosyncracy without an object, it can't be anymore by having higher doses, just as long as you have had enough to 'throw the switch' to 'trip the alarm' to 'start the ride' - could it get anymore intense and bizarre?...Though I might be wrong.

I like the idea, to use other drugs to take way the anxiety before take off (it scares the living daylights out of me, I've only broke through once), but I also like the idea of taking off 100% sober that way when you touch down back into this reality you at least have a fighting chance to cling on to what just happen or even just a sharper idea of what just happened as you have a solid base level (when back) to hang ideas on - but in the end who can speak the unspeakable?

Yeah, scheduling sucks.

Thank you for your post bluedolphin - take care

Oh, and please indulge us :)
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