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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(MXE/70mg) - Intermediate - I was wrong


May 13, 2012
MDMA a good few times, 6-APB, N-Ethyl-Ketamine, Etizolam.

I had tested N-Ethyl-NorKetamine the night before, 100mg, to see if it could be the next MXE and also to try and check for any cross-tolerance to MXE. I haven't given my verdict yet on N-E-K as until I've trialled a larger dose I can't tell.

I'm writing this TR from memory as no notes were taken during the experience. 70mg was weighed out and taken sublingually at midnight then got into bed and put on the Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike full Tomorrowland set on, approx 1 1/2 hrs. I was using this also to try and use as a time-scale reference but well, my mind started producing it's own soundtrack once it finished in the end so I have no idea.

This is my recollection of feeling my mind being stripped apart into layers, and travelling to different realities.

Trip Report

I'd taken the dose sublingually and held it there until the taste was making me gag then swallowed it through with water, laid back and put my music on. Laid there for a good 20 minutes with no effects, then came the come up. I kept my phone in my right hand on the bed at all times to use as an anchor in-case I holed.

Started off with very very mild CEVs, bit like Windows Media Player light-wave things then, well I cannot remember much of the come up but it was similar to previous experiences but then boom, that feeling when you know you're about to hole, and it's going to be a wild ride.

I wish I was able to write notes down as it happened because it is a struggle to remember all of the experience, as I only remember the main section of the hole (there were quite a few different parts for me during this time) but it was the most profound. Anyway back to what I can remember.

I was forced upon a tube train, and when I got off I'd rise from my bed. Each time I got off, I had this overwhelming sense of change...like I was in a different reality and I would keep waking up feeling and thinking everything was different. I'd look out my window and things were different, the colours of other houses etc which added onto the feeling of travelling to different realities. Soon as I worked this out I was forced back on the train and off to the next stop. Next, I started panicking. I physically felt my brain and mind be stripped apart, each reality was forced upon me being transported faster and faster and it was like my mind couldn't cope with processing different realities even existed. It was a physical pain, and I considered taking a few benzos the calm everything down but that required getting out of bed...something I couldn't do. Then the final train stop. A derelict, destroyed London. All the buildings reduced to rubble with just Big Ben standing, and a note in my hand "To return, you must find the exit to the reality". I was getting worried; "How can I tell which is my reality" "What if I go back to the wrong one, how will I get used to it". I spent what seemed hours searching for this reality, eventually it was found as was hit with a blast of euphoria like no other. How I found this? My phone. My phone to me saved my sanity last night. For I knew I had it in my hand as a trip-anchor, I saw my phone in my hand in only one of the 'reality portals', in all the others my hands were empty. Getting into the portal was another matter though.

Remember those nightmares, trying to run away from a demon or a murderer, running with all your might but that godly force holding you back to a walking pace while they catch up to you? I felt this. But while trying to run I was getting flashes of friends, family..worried that I would not make it back to them. I was realising that my ideas on reality were wrong, how ours wasn't the only one. I feel small and unintelligent, how could I be so naive? Finally getting into the portal, the trip ended. My head clasped by my hands, feeling like it was on fire from the pain felt earlier. Sleep came almost instantly, and I woke up remembering what had happened and nothing feels the same.

Everything is as it is, and I'm unbelievably happy seeing just everyday things in the right place knowing I made it back home. I've looked into war-torn realities, technologically advanced realities, and post-apocalyptic realities and it's true, there really is no place like home. This report may make users think, fuck ever doing MXE it sounds horrible but this was probably the best drug experience of my life. Albeit scary and worrying, I know there were many fun parts of the trip (which I cannot remember the details enough to explain in this TR but I know they did happen) but also the after effects change your outlook on life, even though temporarily, for the better. Unfortunately since the UK ban, MXE is near-on impossible to obtain. I have enough for one last massive m-hole, and I'm going to hold onto that and this experience for that one last go for me, and I cannot wait. These effects may seem different to others, and I'm curious to know if this might me a cross-mix due to my use of N-E-K in the morning of that day.

Sorry for this lengthy TR but after MXE I always feel the need to share my experience and get it off my chest, it really is an amazing substance.

Tagged by devilsgospel
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congrats. i recently had a dxm experience that largely paralled some of your imagery. the construction deconstronstruction of tech-level civilizations.