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Heroin Using Seroquel to Potentiate Heroin/Opiates?


Oct 18, 2005
Before i ask my question i'll state that using benzo's, alcohol or anti-histamines to potentiate opiates/heroin or combining them in any way is very dangerous. I have a tolerance to all of those drugs except alcohol and I would never mix these drugs in high doses. I am a very experienced user and have been doing this for many years so dont mix any drugs or alcohol without first researching the combo. I wouldnt advise anyone to mix these drugs without first having a decent tolerance and a lot of experience.

Now to the question. I usually use Promethazine(Phenergan) to potentiate heroin/opiates and have been doing so for awhile and its gotten to the point where the Phenergan is not doing much at all. Now I am prescribed 100mg of Seroquel at night to aid in sleep and I am aware that in lower doses Seroquel is just an Anti-Histamine and mood-stabilizer(up til 400mg, after this it becomes an Anti-Psychotic).

Now I often use Seroquel to help me comedown from Stimulants and Psychedelics but im a little worried that if I take 100mg of Seroquel it might dampen some of the euphoria from the H as it makes me comedown from most other drugs pretty uickly.

So im curious to know firstly will Seroquel lessen some of the desirable effects that I get from heroin?

And secondly do many people use Seroquel as an opiate potentiator, are there any contradictions I should be aware of?

Thanks BL %)
Quetiapine would completely ruin any high IMO it's such a dirty drug it would contaminate the high with it's filth.

It's no more effective than diphenhydramine or promethazine.
I would think only the antihistaminic and highly sedative effects would be of any use during WITHDRAWAL. And only low doses at that, that "dirty drug" which I will just call shit isn't good for the heart so if you are prone to tachycardia during w/d, don't take more than 25-50mg.
yeah quetiapine will definitely ruin any recreational effect from any drug you take it with. the only use i can think of this incredibly shitty drug aside from combatting psychosis is to bring you down from a bad trip, for which i haven't tried it, but for which it is reputed to be good. alas, i've been prescribed it once, and found aside from a sleep aid, quetiapine is absolutely shitty in every which way.
Quetiapine would completely ruin any high IMO it's such a dirty drug it would contaminate the high with it's filth.

It's no more effective than diphenhydramine or promethazine.

but DPH is supposedly a great opiate potentiator, as is promethazine. i've never used either for this purpose, though, so i can't speak with much certainty.
wouldn't reccomend on taking seroquel at all though, regardless of opiate potentiation.
and i agree, it's too dirty feeling to take with an opiate, especially pharmaceutical opiates rather than heroin, as they are pure, so to mix a pure substance with something that feels dirty is never a good feeling. also, seroquel tends to knock me the fuck out, no matter how hard i try to stay up, making it ideal for amphetamine crashes, but not good if you're trying to enjoy an opiate high, you might just fall asleep and waste your drugs, which you don't want.
but DPH is supposedly a great opiate potentiator, as is promethazine. i've never used either for this purpose, though, so i can't speak with much certainty.
wouldn't reccomend on taking seroquel at all though, regardless of opiate potentiation.
and i agree, it's too dirty feeling to take with an opiate, especially pharmaceutical opiates rather than heroin, as they are pure, so to mix a pure substance with something that feels dirty is never a good feeling. also, seroquel tends to knock me the fuck out, no matter how hard i try to stay up, making it ideal for amphetamine crashes, but not good if you're trying to enjoy an opiate high, you might just fall asleep and waste your drugs, which you don't want.

Yeah that was my point, that DPH and promethazine work much better so there's no reason you'd ever want to take quetiapine.
I take opiates for pain (mostly morphine but i use hydromorphone for the rush) as well as for pleasure of course and i take 300-400mg's of quetiapine a day for bipolar disorder. I don't find it to ruin the high but i am pretty tolerant to the sedating effects of quetiapine after being on and off it since about 2007. It is definitely not good at all for potentiating opiates though despite the strong anti-histamine effects. It just seems to increase the dry mouth caused by opiates and if you are not tolerant to either seroquel or opiates this mix can cause a good bit of respiratory depression i think. Quetiapine is great for the insomnia, head fuck and anxiety caused by opiate withdrawals but it doesn't potentiate opiates any.

The only anti-psychotic Ive found good for potentiating opiates is chlorpromazine (largactil/Thorazine) which feels like more of a very sedating anti-histamine to me then anything else really. Ive taken morphine and Thorazine together for the nausea i get from the intense neuropathic pain i get and i found the mix to be great for that. But i would not tell anyone to take chlorpromazine for potentiation as since it is the oldest typical anti-psychotic in the book it also has very nasty and sometimes fatal side effects. So unless you get it from a doctor don't go messing with any anti-psychotic because it's just not worth it especially with the typicals. Not to mention the first time i had to take this combo i was knocked out for 12 hours straight which could have been from the Thorazine or because i had previously been throwing up for 24 hours and hadn't slept at all. Probably abit of both.
Yeah I've mixed opioids with Thorazine quite a bit and it zaps any nausea, but so does compazine.

tl;dr dont mix APs and opioids to "potentiate".
I agree
Maybe a generic 15 mgs at most but i would " Never "piss on an opioid with an antipsychotic
Ha, yeah while Diphenhydramine and promethazine may potentiate smack, I would never use it personally. I like the energy and kick that opiates give me me, I don't like to just pass out. If I were to use an antihistamine however, it would definately not be seroquel....ughh! The idea sends shivers down my spine.