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Recommend MANY MORE Movies vrs. 3 or something

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^ Or terrible for all the right reasons.

Did that message get delivered in a very 'serious business', monotone (but bizarrely somewhat very sexy) female accent, btw?

I hope so. Mine used to whenever I got them on thee landline.

I just got it a coupla minutes ago. As noted in Gibberings. Which makes for two posts in two threads that will mean precisely nowt to anybody else :D

Nah. Not a monotone as such. Choppy and robotic. Wasn't the monotone woman - more like Stephen Hawking on tranny night. Which made it all the more entertaining =D<3=D
As I've mentioned once or twice since the original comment, Ali, there was more than a smidgeon of buff-baiting involved. The original Wicker Man is indeed a classic. The remake is indeed terrible. But that's the point of Nick Cage films.


^ Is this a convert to Cageism I see above me? ;)

Just finished watching...


... Agora. Set in late 4th Century Alexandria where Hypatia teaches philosophy and astronomy at the Great Library and beyond the Library the Christians are revolting. Truly revolting. First half of the film deals with the Christians taking over and sacking the Library whilst the second half deals with the fate of Hypatia under the new Christian regime.

Is an interesting film but probably not to all tastes. For those interested in the Golden Age of Antiquity and how it came to be scuppered by religious zealotry it's definitely worth a watch. It could, perhaps, be argued that the portrayal of the early Christian church - both leaders and followers alike - is so negative it borders on pantomime villainy. Whilst this may be somewhat true the fact remains that the early Church really was pretty backwards, ignorant, hateful, hypocritical and destructive. Apparently the film was shown to the Vatican before release so they could raise any issues they may have with historical accuracy and the portrayal of their martrys and saints and, in an act of surprising honesty, they found it to be perfectly acceptable. Other historical aspects may be a tad questionable in places (there's no real evidence that Hypatia really did prove heliocentrism as she does in the film, for example) but snarling, vicious, anti-semitic, misogynistic, rapey, murderous Christians are considerably less controversial.

Trailer here. The film itself is available in the recommended linkies on the right hand side.
GG Allin - Hated: Special Edition

watched it while "in exodus" I love GG tbh, I know he aint to everybodys taste but it's LMAO in my view.
"ooowwww i'll throw poo, beat my fans up, stick stuff up my bum, eat my own crap & raise hell"

God bles GG, a true 1 off person.
Hated is great. Fascinating fella is GG. A one-off indeed. Definitely a bit more to him than fan-bashing and muck-spreading... but the latter is definitely a major part :D
Sorry my fault for perpetuating shambles' irony about nick cage's version! Forget I said anything.
Agora sounds right up my street, will be watching that after wifey has made her nest
Was a mixture of sarcyness and genuine <3 of Nick Cage really so can be taken either way depending one's level of *ahem* admiration for Mr Cage's fine body of work ;)

I enjoyed Agora, Backroll. As I said, probably not to all tastes. Quite talky and not the usual CGI-drenched swords 'n' sandals stuff. Nicely shot though and is an interesting period of history to explore too.
Hated is great. Fascinating fella is GG. A one-off indeed. Definitely a bit more to him than fan-bashing and muck-spreading... but the latter is definitely a major part :D

I am a huge fan & I agree with alot of what he said tbh.
I laugh at his poo throwing, best bit from Hated imo is that stupid woman at the spoken word peice, you see a guy cut himself that badly & say he wants to kill himself, you DON'T go running your mouth to him. No wonder he beat the shit out of her.
I DON*T AGREE with woman bashing at all but she must have been an idiot to run her mouth like that.
His brother "Merl" (sp?) came across as the most balanced imo
Ya. I really enjoyed Hated. There's a lot to hate about GG cos he really could be an utter prick but definitely a fascinating character. Was nice to see the character put in context with the interviews with friends and family.
The original Django films are brilliant. Definitely Tarantinoesque material so can't see how he could go far wrong really. Cast does look good too.
^ Is this a convert to Cageism I see above me? ;)

Just finished watching...


... Agora. Set in late 4th Century Alexandria where Hypatia teaches philosophy and astronomy at the Great Library and beyond the Library the Christians are revolting. Truly revolting. First half of the film deals with the Christians taking over and sacking the Library whilst the second half deals with the fate of Hypatia under the new Christian regime.

Is an interesting film but probably not to all tastes. For those interested in the Golden Age of Antiquity and how it came to be scuppered by religious zealotry it's definitely worth a watch. It could, perhaps, be argued that the portrayal of the early Christian church - both leaders and followers alike - is so negative it borders on pantomime villainy. Whilst this may be somewhat true the fact remains that the early Church really was pretty backwards, ignorant, hateful, hypocritical and destructive. Apparently the film was shown to the Vatican before release so they could raise any issues they may have with historical accuracy and the portrayal of their martrys and saints and, in an act of surprising honesty, they found it to be perfectly acceptable. Other historical aspects may be a tad questionable in places (there's no real evidence that Hypatia really did prove heliocentrism as she does in the film, for example) but snarling, vicious, anti-semitic, misogynistic, rapey, murderous Christians are considerably less controversial.

Trailer here. The film itself is available in the recommended linkies on the right hand side.[/QUOTE

Shambles, it was Plotinus, Hypatia, Dionysius the Areopagite, and the desert fathers that led me to study Theology. The Eastern Orthodox church is still my main area of interest in the subject.
Since the RC church split from the Roman Catholic church in the Great Schism and it would have been the Orthodox awful christians that she was dealing with why would the films researchers approach Rome? I'm certain there would have been materialistic zealot, academics queuing up to offer their services to anti zealotry by exposing those hypocritical Christian zealots.

Sure its an interesting pic though, if not quite as accurate as you claim and Rachael looks lovely on the cover doesn't she?
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The director probably approached the Vatican cos he's Spanish so likely to be Catholic and several of the characters in the film are Catholic saints and martyrs so maybe just covering his eternal soul or whatever, Yella. Tis an historical drama so not necessarily suggesting that all Xtians before and since have been equally as scumbaggy... although I'd suspect that by making the film at all he was also levelling criticism at the modern (probably Catholic) church and/or Christianity in general. Particularly the anti-science streak that runs deep amongst many Christians of all stripes. And is prominent in other religions too, for sure.
The director probably approached the Vatican cos he's Spanish so likely to be Catholic and several of the characters in the film are Catholic saints and martyrs so maybe just covering his eternal soul or whatever, Yella. Tis an historical drama so not necessarily suggesting that all Xtians before and since have been equally as scumbaggy... although I'd suspect that by making the film at all he was also levelling criticism at the modern (probably Catholic) church and/or Christianity in general. Particularly the anti-science streak that runs deep amongst many Christians of all stripes. And is prominent in other religions too, for sure.

I'm not sure how levelling criticism, that is at best ignorance and at worst propaganda, is going to help to absolve his eternal soul Shambles.

There are extremists that are anti science and probably see it as devilish but most see science* and the universe as created. I've got no agenda in saying I believe in God as the creator.. no points to score anywhere ( quite the opposite) or status to chase. I just believe something different to you here Shambles about Life Truth and the universe.

As an aside i've wanted to answer a few of your Anti church/anti Christian posts but sometimes cannot be arsed with the shit storm it creates.. lol

*Science being the rules of physics, maths, engineering any cause n effect stuff. Matter basically! Perfect patterns and connections... if God wasn't so humble he would have blummin well signed it. :)
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Can't be arsed, Yella? Doesn't it say somewhere in that book of yours that Christians should be prepared to give answers and reasons for their faith whenever opportunity presents itself? Summat like that anyway. To be fair, it says so many different things it must be kinda hard to know which bits to try to go along with sometimes ;)

The "eternal soul" comment was somewhat tongue in cheek. I have no idea why the director made this film or why he decided to seek opinion from the Vatican about it before releasing it. The Catholic church is still mighty powerful in Spain though so I presume it has something to do with that... perhaps. And in what sense is the film ignorant or propagandising? It's simply a film about certain specific historical events. Events that are not in dispute. Christians did trash the Library at Alexandria, they did oppress and persecute other religions, they did oppress and persecute women and they were hypocritical, vicious and bigoted. At least the particular Christians involved at the time did which is what the film portrays. As you noted yourseld - it's a very interesting period in history so why not make a film about it?
Before I reply I just did an edit to second para

I'm not really a rules based kind of christian SHambles. I've tried to explain that to a few people before and the shit storm emerges again... Therefore the ' you smoke ( not at mo:) ) youre a crap christian, dont go to church enough, swear, take drugs blah blah.

I think PTCH came across a 6ft brick shit house of a gay Catholic in the week who was about to launch some chap off a balcony for making that same old remark.

I really hope that the chap, like me ( especially in the light of decisions that the c of e made this week) has seen da light lol in that book.
Its not about what you do. Its about who you believe. Goodness emerges from that relationship as does knowing when to speak to someone about what I believe and when not to.
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I just read that the directer dressed Rachael Weiss in Purda for one shot Shambles when there were no such articles of clothings worn by early Christians or Greeks and I dont even think Mohammed had heard from Gabriel at that point.

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