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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy DiPT Thread

I personally don't really think 70 would be a bad first dose... should be pretty fun. The audio effects troubled some people i know at that dose but they weren't very experienced in psychedelics in general.

I tend to be more cautious and start out low, but i'm a big wuss :)

have fun and be safe.. tell us how it goes
morninggloryseed said:
I think you will be fine with 70 mg, but if you are worried then reduce it to 50 mg.

Bad advice on my part! One never know's how they will react. I found DiPT POWERFULLY psychoactive at 70 mg. I don't know if I can say that dose is good for beginers knowing some people are more sensitive to psychoactives than I am. Shulgin, if I recall, lists dosages as being 25 mg to 100 mg. So I'd say start at 25 to 50 mg your first time.

I still haven't taken DiPT since that first exposure. It will be interesting to explore it again.
Personally I was very bored with 50 mgs. The rich auditory effects were novel for the first hour or so, but didn't develop into anything interesting after that. Very mild visuals .Transparent tryptamine body buzz. Thats about it. Should I bother to up the dosage? Did I take too little?

I've read all of these freakin transcendental trip reports, so why is it so boring?

Is this just a dosage issue?

Perhaps partially set and setting influence? I did take it with a sort of random friend: e-tarded suburban gangster poet and whatnot?

Of course none of you fucks can answer these questions. Just a representation of my experiences with the sedate and lull-worthy DIPT. Anyone else interpret the dipped state as frustration?
May as well add my comments; took 70mg or so (long time ago) orally. The auditory was interesting for an hour or 2 then was unpleasant & isolating - making conversation/comprehension difficult. There was a slightly metallic tryptamine stimulation that eventually became annoying too. The worst of it for me was the intense feeling of pressure in the ears; this was a plugged feeling like when one is ill and was distrubing as was the constant high pitched tinnitus that went on all evening. another time tried 50mg - hardly any auditory + the stimulation - it still lasted a good 12hrs - was essentially not very nice & pointless. others had some better luck - but all the experimenters I knew personally considered it just a try once novelty.
I am interested by reports of psychedelic action at the high end of the dosage scale - but I'm not sure I could face taking this stuff again certainly orally. Insufflation sounds more interesting - is this stuff as rough to snort as DPT?
ouch.. don't snort this stuff unless you want to feel INTENSE pain! Trust me i made this mistake once and never will get that shit anywhere near my nasal passages again.

Plus it didn't really seem any different from oral, other than the INTENSE PAIN!
Perhaps I won't bother then - DPT was the worst stuff I ever snorted (& I have snorted tons of alsorts) although the dosage is about x2 that of DIPT so it may not be as bad.

Funny you didn't like it much Bip. Stuff we have in common, well that's what gave me the +4 at 70 mg. And there wasn't any bodyload or anything negative to report on. DiPT is a fantastic indolic psychedelic to me, up there with LSD, iprocin, DPT and 5-MeO-DMT. At the same time, I only tried DiPT the one time so I can not say that it will be quite the same when I revisit that space. 2C-T-2 comes to mind...it was excellent the first time, but the next three were shitty.

I wish time (or rather lack there-of) and current screwed-up body chemistry allowed me to try psychedelics. It will be awhile before I get to do anymore experiments.
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Must say, i like DiPT a very lot. Did PsiloShrooms, LSD, MDMA, Datura and Hashish, Amphetamine, but this is best I've met.

I expected something like the sound effect would be not too big deal, rather expected tryptamine-buzz.
First time, I just started eating DiPT, without any scale, and came at a +4.
I then gave some other interested beings a somewhat litler dose (as people trust me and would eat it at once for sure) One said he didn't hear too much sound difference, only in voices, but had rather visual influences. The other one has to give his report.

For me it works very relaxing, clear thinking (not losing the practical side of thinking too quickly, I like that, Psilo and LSD do fuck that a bit, although at peak moment, my handwriting became nothing, and I wasn't busy anymore with doing something. I had total euforia, and very intresting thinking. Most trip-stuff tends to make you a 'weak' social being, very easy manipulated, wishing for hippypeace and stuff (you wouldn't survive otherwise) Not with DiPT (with me at least)

It's also very suited to get somewhat angry, you tend to relativate the situation, feel the impact of the situation, but still leave you going in what you want to say, no problem. In fact you keep calm and relaxed, but you will definitly not just let you put aside or start feeling bad about yourself.

I used DiPT in lower doses (20-50 mg), somewhat 2 times a week, for the last month (one time can be 3 doses in one day, I see it as 1 time), still feel great, Had no adverse reactions, and helps a phokking lot with going out where the music is too damn soft. (I listen HarshNoise, Terror, Hardkore, Extreme Gabber and stuff, don't like the mellow shit too much, except when I snorted big deal of amphetamines (Amphetamines make people a bit melancholic, nostalgic in some way, je sais pas...)

using MDMA same day you used DiPT (after it) is rather boring I would say, you can better stay clean after a DiPT trip than taking some MDMA in my opinion. Shulgin mentioned extreme distortion when first taking MDMA, then DiPT, Gonna try that next time, even when i took great dose first time, sound was very noticable (as noticable as aphrodisiac and sense-enhancer, and euforiac) but still, I'd like far more. (I'm Musician)

Very interesting, also, I make video art, was experimenting with, yea, how you call it, mantra-eyeball-geometricpattern alike experiments, and DiPT does not produce any visuals for me, but the images that are there produce more intense effect. I sure gonna try a DiPT dose in cinema!

Also when speaking to someone: I can feel the words, most noticable when speaking about fear: you feel fear (not that you really get into fear), when you speak about lust, you feel the lust, etcetera, you feel other people's words, (or at least your own interpretation of those words)

Also, I read a report of someone suggesting not to drink too much or eat, well, I definitly say the opposite, when not eating, the day after I feel somewhat stiff iin the legs (it's not much at all) but when eating, body load is far less (well, it is not much at all when staying hungry too)
I have to admit it feels specifik in the stomach, maybe some people associate it with a vomit-alike feeling, and 'think' they have to vomit, but it's just some strange stomach feeling (I like the feeling in fact:)
This has been confirmed by One other tester of this compound.
Although his first DiPTtrip wasn't ended when I spoke him yesterday.

I never weighed my doses, first time I took a 'line' of DiPT of a fat decimetre I think, mostly of the time I take between 3 and 5 centimeter.
But that is all very relative, between 5 and 8 centimetre is a good midshot dose for me. (line is as thin as possible, but sometimes, differs from table to table, and from temperature to temperature, this is thinner then othertimes)

It is a rather Safe Chemical, The dose range is big, so you can easily eyeball doses, and the affects are very stable to just go to school or talk some walk. (I'm on university, when I walk away, that's okay, wouldn't do any tryptamine on a place where i cannot leave:)

I hope that won't make it too popular, want to use this more. It's not Heavvy MachoTrip-stuff, but not some onesided bored extacy alike buzz too. Most of the time, it's when the affects fade, that I realize how far I've let my mind go.

Best thing not to do when trying this for first time is looking for the auditory effect I think. You'll notice much better when it's sudden there.
(take it alone, and then after an hour of two, talk for first time to someone:)

When I have the money to pay, I try 4-HO-DiPT. That also look s very intresting (but not that suited for eyeballing:(
a Shame 5-MeO-DiPT has been scheduled (almost?)
want try that too!
Does anyone else find, that, even lower end doses, seem to cause a very strong audio distortion, without much of a psychedelic effect, but the audio distortion lasts over 24 hours? sometimes two days? (gradually fading)

Sometimes it could just be a simple thing, like, your phone ringing, beeps in your car, the microwave beeping, catching your attention because its still a little 'off'.

I did not have fun the one time i eyeballed a dose, it was from a different supplier so that could have had something to do with it, but sound became like others said, so fucked my ears were useless. Also, I have a 'tinnitus' (sp?) effect that lasts well long enough to annoy me, also making everything a little quieter especially closer to the higher audio frequencies.

This last time, I ate the capsule, but ended up taking a nap for a few hours. I woke up, only could hear that ringing sound, i couldnt even hear my loud cell phone ringing when it did. I did see visuals like the floor moving/morphing, but since i was sleepy, I just said ahh I do not want to go into the other parts of the house because I know there's a "sober, closed minded" guest staying, so, i went back to sleep (and i was tired anyway). The damn sound effects left me "deaf" for maybe, 12-18 hours, well maybe even 24, where i wasn't completely deaf but i still could not understand voices.

I might have some sensitivity to dipt, or, whatever-dipt or anything with a dipt in it. 5-meo-dipt had a major sound effect that I also could hear a little into the next day, but not too bad. I've never heard of anyone reporting sound distortion with 4-HO-DIPT, but I could notice it, definitely made things lower pitched, but not enough to bother me at all. It made music sound real good, but I could hear that wierd distortion 'slightly' :)
Has anyone else IM'ed DiPT? I'm aware of one other person, but hopefully someone else can come forward.
No, never had,
only sound come stronger on foreground in my world of perception, and sudden sounds, sound very sudden and hard day(s) after.
I like it a lot, I am longer addicted to sound stimulation as I know DiPT, psychedelics or drugs in fact :p

Maybe you're marked for DiPT HPPD? who knows....

There are subtle changes who last some litl time, but nothing like that, small doses don't fuck my sound too much either.
And never had the feeling anything was fokked in fact. Also never had problems coming to sober people who didn't know I had taken it, sometimes it even seemed I was an enormous amusing person to some while under influence for those sober people, communicative senses stay, or maybe get, s very sharpened rather then destroyed. (Although maybe you can be perceived a bit manic too maybe, I don't know, too amusing isn't too natural too:)
I find DiPT very empathic, not like mdma at all, rather natural, you are not forcing yourself and others in interaction, but interaction goes very well.
And doesn't stay limited to plain friendliness/loviness, rather true feelings get expressed, then drug-induced feelings. (I say rather, their is drug in game so...)

I would be carefull, no-one I know has had that kind of effects...

I know of people who had visual experiences, sometimes more profound then auditory.
yaesutom said:
Does anyone else find, that, even lower end doses, seem to cause a very strong audio distortion, without much of a psychedelic effect, but the audio distortion lasts over 24 hours? sometimes two days? (gradually fading)

I had intense auditory distortions the one time I tried DiPT, and also when I took 11 mg of 5-MeO-DiPT. Neither lasted into the next day though. I've tried 5-MeO-DiPT 3 times and only noticed the auditory effect with 5-MeO-DiPT at 11 mg. At 6 mg, and 8 mg it wasn't there. And that 8 mg trip was at a concert.

Never noticed any auditory distortions with 4-Ho-DiPT. I've tried that one 5 times now.

Taking 50 mg DIPT, 16 mg 2C-I, and 50 mg Booster of DIPT 2 hrs later

Many people seem to have had unfavorable reactions to this chemical. Perhaps this is because it requires that you learn how to trip all over again. The large auditory component has the disconcerting effect of altering our chief means of communication. Unlike many visual hallucinogens, which tend to produce strong, if inconsistent visuals (i.e. you aren't seeing OEV throughout the entire trip), DiPT alters your sense of hearing for all hours of the trip. When you are unable to identify a good friend's voice, let alone your own -- even as you are staring at them -- it can be quite strange. For instance, a friend of mine, with a very deep voice, spent several hours (4+) sounding as if his speech were being processed through a synthesizer. The intense auditory hallucinogens became particularly strong following smoking a bowl after the booster. Two people who were tripping remarked that they felt was like "moving underwater" because of the strong sense of disorientation and disconnectedness (without nausea, however). For another, listening to music took on a playful characteristic. Voices took on strange melodies, which diverged into dischordant (yet beautiful and pleasing) harmonies.

2C-I is a good chemical to mix in because it is such a gentle hallucinogen. We like to think of it as candy flipping for nerds. It makes you much more responsive to the new sensations you are feeling and adds a layer of color and highly enjoyable body high.

The 'pick up the phone' comment is in reference to the experience of picking up the phone and listening to the dial tone when having ingested a fair amount of DiPT. The strange, foreign quality of the normally ordinary and pedestrian sound will most certainly alert you to having finally 'come up'.
MagicGrowZebra said:
Taking 50 mg DIPT...Many people seem to have had unfavorable reactions to this chemical.

Is that based on your friend's reactions, or based on the psychedelic community's reaction in general?

I've never really heard anything negative about DiPT other than some experiencing nausea or other intestinal issues. Many people seem to find it to be an audio distorter, and nothing more. Others (like me) find DiPT to be an incredible, and very unique, true psychedelic. But again, never heard of any negative reports as I do with, say, 5-MeO-DiPT where even the inventor admited it is a "mixed bag" and that many folks find it useless for entheogenic purposes, and to possess a high body-load.

I'd love to know of any negative reactions to DiPT that you may personally know about. Please include the dosage if possible.

DiPT is one of the few psychedelics I've tried that has made it into the "good material, useful; this is stuff I would love to share with my inner circle" list. But having only tried it once myself, I do not know much about it beyond my personal experience and what little literature is available, as well as the trip reports on Lycaeum and Erowid. And I want to know of any serious side-effects if I were to ever share DiPT.
i took dipt one night, much to my suprise the next morning, when my dad came to wake me up the next day for work, his voice dipt-ified! i thought to myself, this should be an interesting day... effects slowly faded into the afternoon and evening... got used to it
I played around with DiPT for a month or two, in various dosages, and have no side effects, except some intestinal discomfort sometimes when I took it.
apparently you missed my DiPT trip report on Erowid in "Health Effects"

After using DiPT and 5-MeO-DiPT, I experience an explosion of small red dots on my skin that can only be described as lesions. I also experience a huge increase in spider veins on my feet that started when I first tried foxy.

The Blind Fox: A DiPT report

I had posted some pictures on the Third Plateau, but my Angelfire account was TOSed and I have no backups. Next time I tryp, I will certainly post some pictures of this bizarre side effect.
it seems to me that dipt and 5-meo-dipt are not the same substance!

Inever had 5-meo-dipt, and never will, because I avoid things with known body load.

You're report talks about not drinking and eating, well I just say the opposite, drink as much as you want/need (normally) eat if you are hungry (although the altered sound perception degrades very quick by eating)

I read this before trying dipt for first time, and felt uncomfortable with my empty stomach and went eating pita. (shoarma)

no problems at all

be aware that it is not because they are both dipt at the end, they are the same in toxicity.
maybe the not psychedelic active 67-fluorobromoethylpropyl-DiPT kills you at once at a dose of 7mg? (I just say a name, it doesn't exist)

I only did dipt (and very litl bit, small amount, occasional on party: amphetamine and mdma) also almost no alcohol, and a period of no coffee (although I'm back now there) and lot of cigarettes and hashish

no 5-meo, no other RC's, no anything

(I don't have spiders yet... 'except one litl I have since I know my own existence)

and maybe you're lesions have something to do with your food. (be aware with drugs and food, as your healthy lusts can be disturbed, getting out of the right balance in body provisions, etc...)

tryptamines are normally carefully synthesized in your body out of food. Be aware of that when you just take em.

I do not use dipt daily, just weekly, or two-times-a-weekly.

Cigarettes are doing my body much harm......
Most of all I know (except being drunk maybe...or 7 strong coffees)
oh, and the stomach discomfort on DiPT is nothing more than tryptamines flowing in the body, it's not your stomach but your solar-plexus, it's an important energy path in the body, allowing you to dance, breath deeply, and have great sexual experiences (and so much more that involves letting the body go into it's own creativity)

you only get ill of it if you think it is you're stomach, while it is just tryptamine body-sensation
mdma & dipt

I tried combining Dipt with mdma in two ways.

one time I first did dipt (around 20mg 2 times), and after a few hours a little dose (around 30mg) of mdma.

effect were sudden all egal and pretty boring, distant.
definitly not worthful in fact, they messed up the pleasure of it. (not feeling bad or something, but not dynamic at all)

then I did 20 mg mdma, followed by 20 mg dipt two hours later.
effects where rather strong, strong solar-plexus-stimulation, audio affects lasted untill the other day (around 16-18 hours after swallowing the dipt)
stimulation was too strong too concentrate on making or listening music

Everytime I take dipt it is very different, with the audio effect and the body buzz as a constant through the times.

I suspect (in a hypothetical way) that maybe this substance interacts strongly with possibly serotonin, or maybe adrenalin neurotransmitters.

I think this because small doses (5-10mg) can be boosted in some way even with caffeine (although too much can higher caffein load too) which interacts with serotonin and adrenalin, so does mdma.

maybe it's dopamine it interacts with, also possible, sometimes smoking a cigarette makes me very aware that i took dipt, just as coffee and tea do.

I can't know. But I strongly suspect that it it's way of action interacts with some major neurotransmitter.

it's difficult to guess where you come, same amount can give a neutral feeling, (like not much effect at all), they can be strongly euphoric, very dry too, mood can be elevated, but not necessarily.. audio effects are not always the same strength.

Other possibilty is ofcourse that it depends on the condition of your stomach for big part. maybe it is not the easiest substance to get to your brain and thus it depends very much what state your insides are.

Has anyone tried DiPT with MOAI's? (Be CareFull if...!!!)