I hate myself and I want to die

Just take it day by day we are here foe you and we care <3.

To help make a list only three things you can accomplish tomorrow easy things and write whatever you want to accomplish even if its just tellling your self i love you in the mirror or hug your dog :) and closs them off the list each day and your self esteem will slowly build just knowing you can accomish just those simple tasks.

And when your feeling down at worst please do comeback and shar also you can try to turn your thoughts to another and think about someone else who needs prayer. It will help you deal with whats on your mind at that moment.

For me when i feel suicidal or sad i think of someone who needs a hug because they are dying or just lost ther baby or something and it makes me feel blessed. Ya know.

Im glad we were able to help you and we will always be here for you when you need us <3 bugs hugs ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨more magic dust for you to get through just one more day. :)

Add to that list of three to smile in the mirror or me okay :) hugs and love ur way. :)
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I think you should meet some people at Narcotics Anonymous and meet some people in support groups for bipolar/mental illnesses. It may be nice to be able to speak to people on the Internet but I believe that my interactions I have had with people in real life at meetings have truly opened my eyes and helped me feel less alone. There are people who care out there and they are more than pixels on a screen. You've expressed loneliness and that you believe the only people around you can speak to only understand your affliction 10% at most. I'm sure there are resources in your city and a counselor could give you referrals for these support groups/meetings which are either free or a low fee of $25 or so. I also think that you should consider getting off the benzodiazepines (klonopin). Do you take your medications as prescribed or do you abuse them? Do you notice any interactions between those and the opiods? I have OCD, GAD and panic disorder myself so I know what it's like to be on medication, to have been in therapy and to feel that using is the only way to quiet the demons but the benzodiazepines have fucked me up even though they are specific to my illness. I've found myself having rebound anxiety, panicked thoughts and more recently I have had muscle spasms for days when I take my prescription even seldomly to deal with life. It sounds like that withdrawal effect from that class of prescription drugs would have more of a negative effect on the psyche of a bipolar person. Anyway, I hope you feel better. I will send positive thoughts your way and hope that you seek some help in real life, while getting back to us here to know how you are doing.
I'm so relieved to hear that you made it through the worst of it. <3

I think the support group suggestion is a good idea. There's a group called DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) that might be able to help you find a support group in your area, and they also offer an online support group. The groups are led by other people with mood disorders, which makes it feel more authentic than a group moderated by someone who hasn't personally dealt with a mood disorder (or isn't supposed to share that they have).

I'm trying to think of a way to channel all of the vast experience and knowledge that you have about mood disorders and the journey of having gone from being acutely suicidal and making it back. Most people will never have to go through what you've gone through and can't relate to that level of physical and emotional pain. You are a good writer and you say you like to write, so maybe writing down what it's like to go through hell and halfway back could help you and if you chose to share it, help others. I know that the book Darkness Visible by William Styron really made an impact on me. I've recommended it to friends/family to try to help them understand what it's like to be suicidal.

One thing my shrink told me which has helped me make it through some very dark nights is the image of a boat in a storm. If it's a small storm, you put on your rain gear and tie everything down securely and take down the sails so they don't rip. If it's a perfect storm, there's absolutely nothing that you can do (or that anyone can do for you) but hold on to the mast and wait for the storm to pass. Don't try to do anything more than that and sap your energy and risk making bad decisions -- just hold on and wait. Don't let go, either. Just hold on and eventually the worst of it will pass.
Just as an aside Darkness Visible seems to be available here. I've not proof read the scan to see how accurate it is, but will later today.

EDIT: Read (I read insanely fast =D), appears legit, tho formatting was out in some places in the epub version. Good insight into depression, def made an impact.
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...The OCD and bipolar are here to stay...The opiate use appears to be the same...

The opiate use appears to be the same? But you just said that the drugs were taking over your life and ruining it! So why would you want to continue to take drugs? Quitting drugs is going to be the first step for you. It's extremely difficult to tease apart whether or not you hate yourself for doing drugs or do you do drugs because you hate yourself. You won't know until you quit.

I think that it's pretty brave for you to share here your feelings about about your niece, but in addition, you need to share that with someone who can actually help you, like your therapist or psychiatrist, rather than anonymously to people you really don't know. Only they can help put together a plan to deal with those feelings. Have you disclosed these thoughts to your therapist (if you have one)?
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Man...this post reminds me a lot about me as far as the intrusive thoughts

I recommend you read a book called "the imp of the mind". It explains that there are probably a couple million people going through this same thing in the u.s. but most people never talk about it. When it's bad, it is fucking hell on earth. The book also states that these thoughts will naturally work their way out of the brain eventually. Maybe you can find a really good shrink who is experienced with this and they will be able to do some behavioral therapy to help you. The ficked up thing is that my dad has the same problem. And he somehow managed to have a very successful career, long marriage and 3 kids. I think it's just worse for some than others. Mine comes in waves and will be bad for a few months and then calm for a few months or longer. But I live everyday in fear of the next obsessive thought that will take priority over everything else in my life.

I don't have other symptoms of OCD really except for counting syllables and touching my face and little things like that. But I am worried about the future and I have a fear they when I go off opiates things will get worse for me, although I have before in the past and things have been ok.

What are the side effects of that fluvox like?

Good luck and report back. You just have to realize that these thoughts are created by your mind and your brain will cause you to think of the most gross disturbing thing possible just because it knows you hate it. I can't believe such a vile, pointless condition even exists and I am so jealous of all my friends who (presumably) don't have to deal with this.
Does the way you feel change up and down throughout the day? Like I was curious, do you sometimes wake up in the morn and feel like it's not worth getting out if bed, but other times you wake up and have some thoughts that it might just be a good day? I wondered if in your depression, you have noticeable ups and downs...if there are any good days for you?
I have a lot of catching up to do. Sorry, I nodded off at some point and just woke back up. Ill try to answer as many of you as I can but want to first thank all of you for staying up with me last night (yeah, i realize its a world wide audience and New Orleans time doesnt really apply to the situation but still....) helping me through this.

Why not quit the opiates as I acknowledge they are ruining my life? Well, the greater of the two demons are the intrusive thoughts. A few of you on here know about them and know what they actually are. I have no intrusive thoughts about sunshine and lollipops. The only real intrusive thoughts OCD wise are of the most vile disgusting heinous things you can imagine. Think about the worst scene in any movie youve ever saw where you had to turn your head because you couldnt physically witness the entire scene yet it still haunted you all the way home and into the next day. THAT would be an intrusive thought type image only looking away isnt an option. In fact quite the opposite. Until you fully give in to the image your anxiety grows exponentially until there is no other option but to give in to try and "reset" the anxiety. Sadly, that just brings the same damn image back again ten seconds later with the accomanying anxiety of not giving in being 10x stronger. So you give in and repeat until something finally makes it go away. What makes it go away? I have no more clue about that answer than i do why it comes in the first place. :Edit:to be more clear, imagine the person on the recieving end of whatever vile shit in the movie scene is your mother, daughter, brother etc. and that the purpotrator of the violence is YOU. I did a poor job on conveying that properly. Its always personal....

The bitch of it is that the thoughts are never random. Theyre tailored specifically for you. If I didnt find rape in general disgusting and love my niece completely that intrusive thought would never have occured. If I werent religious the Jesus blow job intrusive thought would never have occured. It not images of disturbing shit in general...its images of the most disturbing shit for me personally. I dont know how to better explain it than that. Where the opiates come in is that when Im nodding out on opana or heroin I have zero intrusive thoughts. The rest of the time i deal with them to a certain degree daily. Getting high in and of itself wont do it but getting high to the point Im in and out of consciousness a la nodding DOES stop the thoughts.

The opiate problem is that it takes enormous amounts of them to nod and only two will do the job anymore. I may have done a poor job distinguishing between the two problems. My opiate problem comes from the fact that its my only escape from a hell I cant control but CAN close the door on when high enough....but now in order to get high enough to shut the door I have to do what are in essence doses of opiates that would kill even normally opiate tolerant users which is creating a myriad of health, money and work issues not simply due to the opiates themselves, but due to the amount of opiates. Cutting back on the opiates seems the obvious answer but then I can no longer shut the door on the intrusive thoughts which, in my case at least, is a terrifying thought. Until you've spent 18 hours with the worst image possible (geared specifically for you and you alone) you'll never really understand what Im trying to convey here. And Im happy about that because I wouldnt wish this on anyone. Im perfectly happy to be misunderstood because to understand means to have been here too and that isnt anything Id wish on anyone.

Do I feel different throughout the day re ups and downs? Not really but thats more the bipolar than the OCD. Bipolar works in cycles lasting weeks or months at a time. Generally Im depressed and have to fight to get out of bed every morning and have to fight through the day just to get back to my bed where I feel i belong. when bipolar swings the other direction I go days on end with no sleep and am so mad I snap at any little anything for no reason. I have atypical bipolar in that i have mixed states where instead of being happy go lucky, full of energy, seeking out sex and making silly purchases on big ticket items Im more likely to spend 6 days/nights unable to sleep pacing my living room ready to kill anyone or anything that trys to say hello. Its just anger and rage mixed with lack of ability to sleep. As you can imagine opiates are useful here too. In my personal case Im depressed 70% of the time, morbidly depressed like the recliner story 5% of the time, hypo-manic 10% of the time and "normal" 15% of the time. I call it normal since i cant see any of the other few options present but Id hardly call it normal if you know what I mean. Im not normal in the sense that regular people are normal....just not depressed to the point of cant get out of bed, not raging and unable to sleep and not morbidly depressed where getting out of bed isnt an option.

I am an avid reader and I apologize for not giving credit to whom it belongs but Ill click that link here as soon as I finish this post and take my dogs out and read the suggested material. Thank you for the title and thanks even more for the link making it accessible today.

I know I havent done enough justice to acknowledge all that gave support for me and Im sorry for that. I felt the need to address the few things I just did to clarify what I may have done a poor job of conveying before I fell asleep last night but today its sunny and cold which is a rarity down here and its mardi gras season so I think my best bet to get my head in a better place would be to hook up the dogs and go wandering around and clear my head.

Ill look into the support groups mentioned above...specifically the ones led by mood disorder sufferers as I do feel very much alone.

i take my meds as prescribed to include the klonopin. Have asked to be taken off Klonopin repeatedly as i cant see it doing anything at all but I do have mild tourettes that to a casual observer would appear as if I stretch my neck/arms a lot but nothing more. Thats why he gives it to me and I cant comment on why he wont take me off it even when i ask him to. I notice zero effects from it and the last time i did abuse it I took ten and didnt even feel relaxed but that was during a hypomanic state and probably my brain chemistry was so far gone that ten wouldnt dent it. After that i havent bothered to take more than prescribed as it seems pointless. I dont drink either. I smoke pot and abuse opiates which i guess is pretty obvious by this point in the thread.

Again, thank all of you for your support. Im going to comb through all your replies again later this afternoon and look into the suggested reading link as well. For now I feel I need to grab my dogs and get some fresh air to clear my head. My apologies if I did a poor job of recognizing anyone for their contributions. The important thing is I am alive this morning once again and even though I know Ill be right back where i was last night at some point in the near future I feel I at least have some support and options for "real world" support that all of you were gracious enough to share with me.

Bless you all.
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Sure, NOLA, and I used morphine to deal with what tortured me but that's simply not a good enough reason and it's not an authentic existence. You're going to have to come up with a better plan than anesthetizing yourself to deal with what ails you, something that allows you to participate in your life. Otherwise, you're going nowhere. It's a dead end, always has been, always will be. And the worst thing you can do is to romanticize your drug use.
I feel shitty for not answering some of your gracious offers of advice so before me and the dogs head out a few more things.

Yes, Ive shared the neice story, the Jesus blow job story and many many others with my shrink who seems to be personally bothered by them. Hes a good guy who trys to help but until youve been there you'll never really understand.

I hate myself because any logical person would hate themselves if the problems I have were part of themselves...not because of teh opiates. The opiates are a survival mechanism. I mentioned this in another post but it seems relevant. Imagine drowning in an ocean and doing all you can to keep your head above water for that life sustaining oxygen. For me life is the ocean and opiates are the oxygen. I dont hate my opiate addiction as to do so would be akin to hating insulin for diabetes. If i didnt have the option of opiating myself beyond the grasp of the intrusive thoughts I wouldnt have made it this far.
Miss, I dont know how to convey this to you accurately. Im not romanticizing anything. If by authentic existence you mean living in hell then I have no desire for an "authentic existence". I was born this way. I chose to use opiates to quell the demons that are beyond my control otherwise. Id give all this up in a heartbeat if that were an option. Theres nothing romantic about my life period. this is my lot in life and opiates or not Im stuck with the intrusive thoughts and bipolar. IME opiates, up until recently, were a viable solution. Now are still a solution but carry with them a problem of their own. Stopping opiates will certainly stop the opiate based problems but will enhance the other issues that I sought out opiates to quell in the first place.

Im not trying to be rude but I dont think you fully understand where I am or how I got here. I never intended to romanticize opiate use and if I did it was on accident. Ill NEVER have a normal life. The best I can hope for is to make the best of the shitty one I have.

Going to walk dogs now. Im not feeling the urge to defend myself right now....
may i ask if these are long term damges you are suffering from or just not beung able ti stop ?
Glad to see your still with us my new friend!!! Keep on keep'n on!!! <3

edit: kayla - empty your pm's grrrl!
NOLA you say your parents know about this right? Well at your point their is no way you will be able to quit just by your self becasue of all the harcore depresions you have if i were you i would try it and go to rehab... give it a try come on I really hate to get in your life but i feel i have to i want to help you and this is the only way i could help you the way by telling you just to go to rehab... I will pray for you tonight before going to bed! If you dont find the stanght to get up and ask for rehab i have a nother option ut i dont think youll like it....
Miss, I dont know how to convey this to you accurately. Im not romanticizing anything. If by authentic existence you mean living in hell then I have no desire for an "authentic existence". I was born this way. I chose to use opiates to quell the demons that are beyond my control otherwise. Id give all this up in a heartbeat if that were an option. Theres nothing romantic about my life period. this is my lot in life and opiates or not Im stuck with the intrusive thoughts and bipolar. IME opiates, up until recently, were a viable solution. Now are still a solution but carry with them a problem of their own. Stopping opiates will certainly stop the opiate based problems but will enhance the other issues that I sought out opiates to quell in the first place.

Im not trying to be rude but I dont think you fully understand where I am or how I got here. I never intended to romanticize opiate use and if I did it was on accident. Ill NEVER have a normal life. The best I can hope for is to make the best of the shitty one I have.

Going to walk dogs now. Im not feeling the urge to defend myself right now....

You come here for people to be honest with you, so I'm going to be honest with you and you may not like it. I've never heard such bullshit in my entire life, or at least since l was in rehab in 2006, when the newcomers gave their "life story" on their first day in treatment.
Miss: From the bottom of my heart GO FUCK YOURSELF

Do you have intrusive thoughts of raping your neice? Do you have thoughts about stabbing your father in the stomach just to watch him die? Do you have 12 hour sessions of watching yourself hang your mother from hooks through her abdomen and collar bone? Do you contemplate suicide on a daily basis?

No? Well this all occured for me BEFORE my first opiate use.

I came here for a reason not to blow my fucking head off last night...not for you to tell me Im a whiney bitch who spews bullshit you havent heard since your rehab experience.

Get off your high horse for a minute and realize opiates are NOT the driving force in my wanting to die. Its whats kept me from killing myself up to this point.

Fuck all. Thank God you arent a counselor and if you are holy shit I feel for those you "counsel"
Lars, my parents know in that they are aware there is a condition such as OCD and bipolar and they know I have it. They have no comprehension of what it really means let alone what kind of shit is in my head. My dad is a pastor and his answer to everything is to pray about it. I dont dispute that but at the same time telling him "hey dad, last night I spent 7 hours with the image of me hanging fishooks in your mouth then stringing you up and raping you" doesnt seem like it would really help them or me much but would rather instill terror in them.

Ive been in the methadone clinic twice and both times the intrusive thoughs got worse while the opiate addiction got better. I made a conscious decision to return to opiates as IN MY CASE AND MY CASE ONLY it seemed the better of the two options.
Miss: From the bottom of my heart GO FUCK YOURSELF

Do you have intrusive thoughts of raping your neice? Do you have thoughts about stabbing your father in the stomach just to watch him die? Do you have 12 hour sessions of watching yourself hang your mother from hooks through her abdomen and collar bone? Do you contemplate suicide on a daily basis?

No? Well this all occured for me BEFORE my first opiate use.

I came here for a reason not to blow my fucking head off last night...not for you to tell me Im a whiney bitch who spews bullshit you havent heard since your rehab experience.

Get off your high horse for a minute and realize opiates are NOT the driving force in my wanting to die. Its whats kept me from killing myself up to this point.

Fuck all. Thank God you arent a counselor and if you are holy shit I feel for those you "counsel"

You've romanticized your addiction. Like other addicts, you just like getting high. If opiates are keeping you alive, then you need to provide me with your working definition of "life."
lars, I can and have stopped in the past. The intrusive thoughts started when I was 8 years old and have persisted to this very day (as in earlier today). I didnt do any drugs at all until I was in my 20s and didnt abuse opiates until i was 25. The two issues arent related except that I use opiates to quiet the demons in my head that I lived wiht and continue to live wiht to this day. Around age 28 I was diagnosed with bipolar which has compounded the issue. I dont want to stop opiates not because Im a junkie who wants to get high. I dont want to stop opiates because intrusive thoughts are terrifying and cause more pain than I can ever describe in words. Quitting the opiates would get me right back where i was at age 24 before i ever abused them in the first place...suicidal from intrusive thoughts. I made it years wiith opiates closing the door on the intrusive thoughts before the opiates themselves became an issue. Now Im scared shitless because the best possible outcome from rehab (having done two methadone stints to verify my belief) is that Ill no longer have opiate dependence issues but the intrusive thoughts will come back with a vengance. Thats where the no way out feeling comes from. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.

To be clear, yes, i like getting high. Who doesnt. But the fact I went to methadone maintenence should be an indication that I recognized i had a substance abuse problem and took corrective actions against it. But the farther toward sobriety I got the worse the intrusive thoughts became.

I can, or have at least, function as an opiate addict. I make 6 figures (though I live on much less due to a gram a day heroin habit plus the opanas) which should be an indication of how Im able to function with an opiate addiction. Conversely, I cannot function at all with intrusive thoughts the way they were prior to opiates. I was a Cavalry officer in the Army. When I told the base shrink I had intrusive thoughts that prevented me from effectively leading troops into battle he told me "quit making excuses and man up". I threw a chair through his window and told him several choice words. Needless to say my resignation was accepted the next day and I was urged to leave base immediately.

It was only afterward that i began abusing opiates recreationally and noticed there was a line that, once crossed, quieted the noise in my head. That was at age 25. Ten years later and two methadone clinics later Im able to see the same pattern....opiates stop intrusive thoughts when used to a heavy degree. Intrusive thoughts make me want to blow my head off and keep me from leading anything like a normal life. opiate use, while harmful in its own right, stops the insanity in my head and does not prevent me from leading a life where a job and a home are an option.

I hope I answered your question but i doubt i did. I can and have quit opiates twice albeit using methadone. Both times the intrusive thoughts came back with a vengence. Im not suicidal over opiate use. Im suicidal over the hopelessness that comes from knowing this shit will be here until my last breath as a dozen or so shrinks, neurologists etc. have told me. If the opiates can no longer close that door then I have no desire to use opiates. Conversely, if nothing can shut that door, and nothing else has, I have no desire to live either.

Hope that makes some sense. Im running out of ways to explain teh unexplainable
Missy, Im done addressing you. Its obvious you havent a clue what any of my issues are about. You are a hypocritical self rigious fuck who thinks YOUR addiction fits neatly in a box with others. I like getting high...who doesnt. Never claimed the opposite. But this isnt about getting high, its about blocking the shit that makes me want to kill myself. Opiates dont make me want to kill myself...intrusive thoughts do and opiates are the only thing that stop them.

And no, I dont need to provide you with shit let alone my working definition of life. I will provide you with this though: Fuck off, I dont need your help as you obviously are hell bent on blaming all this on my wanting to get high and making excuses to do so. That shows you have paid zero attention to what Ive been saying all along. I WANT TO NOT HAVE HEINOUS SHIT IN MY HEAD 24.7. Me going to rehab will make YOU feel better but ME worse.

The issue is the mental illness which you completely seem to gloss over as you have no comprehension about what Im going through.